Autograph Note Signed "The Blacksmith of Gretna Green" to unnamed correspondent.

"The Blacksmith of Gretna Green".
Publication details: 
"Gretna Hall | April 10th 1852".
SKU: 10123

Two pages, 12mo, some creasing and staining, and a few wards faded, but text readable and complete. A letter or spoof letter from (or purportedly from) "The Blacksmith of Gretna Green", with newspaper clipping attached giving the text of this letter and commenting on it. "Your communication to me imparting that loved design of yours to make two people happy shall certainly be attended to by me - Please to ask for and obtain a ticket At Carlisle by the South Western R[ailwa]y which will bring you direct to the Station at Gretna Green beside the Kirk from thence you can easily find your way up to Gretna Hall - not above a hundred yards from the Station. If you were to get a ticket by the Caledonian R[ailwa]y you would be left at Gretna Hall - I shall be happy to meet you and your Lady on the 21st inst. |Yours in Haste | The Blacksmith | of Gretna Green". The handwriting reflects haste.