Autograph Letter Signed Alexr Nasmyth, Surgeon-Dentist to an unnamed correspondent about his being accused of plagiarism.

Alexander Nasmyth, Surgeon-Dentist to Prince Albert.
Publication details: 
13 A George St, Han[over] Sq[uar]e, [London], 20 Aug. 184[5?].
SKU: 10616

Two pages, 4to, in paper frame, faintly stained but good condition. I suppose you have perused by this time [Richard] Owen's remarks about what he calls my plagiarism of [Schwann?]. I really will take it very kind of you and Mr Irvine can continue to free me from participation in the [?] of the mistake which has given such a handle to him, and of which you know I had nothing to do. I do not like to make any statement without your acquiescence as I should be sorry to run the risk of giving you any [?], but as I had nothing to do in making the alterations of the pronouns in the manuscripts, and had no opportunity of [?] it till it was in the hands of the public, I feel the hardship of sitting quietly down under the unfounded aspersion. Will you be so good as favour me with an interview on the subject, and give me your advice and assistance. I can meet you ... Nasmyth's pamphlet, A reply to a letter of Mr. Owen; being a defence of the originality of my discoveries in dental development was published in 1840. See for an account of the controversy. From the date of the letter, it appears the controversy had legs.