Autograph Letter Signed, [Naylor?] to T.F.D. [Thomas Francis Dillon] Croker, with another item.
Two pages, 8vo, sl. stained but mainly good. "I have just purchased a curious and unique lot of Dickens consisting of 3 short a.l.s.s to his binder concerning some false book-backs that he wanted to fill up some spaces in his room. Along with these is a list containing several that are witty and characteristic. He seems from one of the notes to have been much pleased with the way in which they were done. / Should you like to see thembefore I catalogue, I shall be glad to exhibit. [subscription; postscript overleaf] P.S. Perhaps you had better, if convenient, make an early call, as it is just the sort of thing likely to be caught up if seen by a Dickens collector. As relics they are very interesting." WITH; the list referred to in the above letter. Croker obviously bought the letters and list and also kept the letter from Naylor. The Dickens letters have not yet surfaced (see Storey and House's edition of the "Letters of Dickens"). The list of witty titles, 3 pages, 4to, stained and with other minor defects, text clear and complete,comprises 36 titles inc. "The wisdom of our Abcestors (Vol. 1 Ignorance, etc), History of a short Chancery suit. 20 vols, Cockatoo on Perch, Shelleys Oysters, Cats Lives 9 vols, Drouet's Farming, Butchers' Suetonius, etc. etc. The false backs are still a feature of the Library at Gads Hill. I have not been able to identify the writer (not in Dickens hand ) but it is marked up presumably by the binder, with ticks, letters of the alphabet, lines through text, and notes. This suggests originality. An unusual survivor.