Five Autograph Letters Signed "Charles Monck", landowner and architect, to William Dickson, Clerk of the Peace of the County of Northumberland, containing extensive discussion of legal matters., showing great awareness of legal history

Charles Monck [Sir Charles Miles Lambert Monck], landowner and architect
Publication details: 
Belsay, 1850-1856.
SKU: 9419

Total 22 (twenty-two) pages, 12mo, good condition. Subjects: [Oct. 1850] receipt of Tynemouth Commission of the Peace; to continue the Tynemouth House of Correction; usefulneess of what he had been sent (Commission); all the Commissions should be in "Burns' justice books"; function of the Tynemouth Commission; doesn't extend to mentioning the use of the Sheriff or Jury; someone instructed to sink a well; building of a "Pauper Lunatic A[sylum]"; [Nov. 1850] case of Mr Wiley "argued on point of law in the Exchequer chamber"; case of Lord Audley who "helped another man to commit a rape on his wife (Lady Audley) - eg is she a witness against her husband?"; House of Lords ruling; "the decision in Exchequer Chamber by the 12 judges 2 to 1 is rather a setting aside . . ."; legal ramifications; the "first creation of a peer" (the history); [1854] Thanks for "remembrance of me in my antiquarian pursuits"; "precept out of Chancery for election of a Coroner for North Noth[umberland] is a very acceptable addiiton to my stock of records"; the history of this precept ("ancient times"); in the "court of the Kings"; memorandum written in Dickson's honour; [1855] indictment on which Socrates was tried "it is extant"; extensive discussion including Greek quotation; conclusions; [1856] thanks forthe "print of ceremonial enacted in the Common Pleas, on the occasion of the creation of Mr. Watson Q.C. to be Serjeant"; awareness and discussion of the historical background eg. "the highly priviledged Town of Newcastle holds its Gaol delivery perhaps by its ancient priviledges, but requires the presence of a Kings Serjeant . . ." ;