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Author, Title, Summary | Price | |
Jules Benedict. Autograph note signed to Mrs Maddy. German-English Musical Composer (1804-1885). One page, 8vo, good condition. "Should Miss Maddy be well enough to be able to take her lesson to-morrow Thursday at four o'clock it would afford me great pleasure to give her an hour's instruction then in lieu of to-day." |
£50.00 | |
Robert Peel. Autograph note signed to an unknown correspondent (name removed). Prime Minister (1788-1850). One page, 8vo, name of correspondent removed, rest of text apparently complete. "Should you be disengaged on Saturday next, will you give me the pleasure of your Company at 1/2 before twelve to shoot here in the morning and dress and dine here afterwards." |
£40.00 | |
Margaret Oliphant. Autograph letter signed to "Mrs Fitzgerald". Scottish novelist (1828-1897). Two pages, 12mo. She is discussing a puppy which her correspondent is getting for her to pass on to a firnd a "Miss Fitzmaurice". "The puppy is destined to a sort of heaven upon earth for puppies". Some further hasty news. With: a part of an ALS, mainly the... |
£40.00 | |
Anna Maria Hall (Mrs S.C. Hall). Autograph letter signed to unnamed correspondent. Miscellaneous writer (1800-1881). 3pp., 12mo, good condition. She thanks him for some verses which she thought "amonst the sweetest, the most touching I ever had." Then she tries to enlist his help for a bazaar to be held to contribute to a fund for the erection of an Asylum for Aged... |
£40.00 | |
Georgiana Fullerton. Autograph letter signed to "Miss Hewitt". Novelist and philanthropist (1812-1885). Two pages, 12mo, good condition. She has heard that some children in the village have "Hooping [sic] cough". "Edmund and the Baley" have not had it, but she thinks there would be no danger in their coming to Slindon. |
£35.00 | |
Ruthven Deane. Autograph letter signed to Clement Shorter, editor and author. Editor of Audubon (1851-1934). Two pages, cr. 8vo. He talks about his beginning to collect bookplates when Shorter was 2good enough to sedn me four or five prints of your Plates {?} for different subjects in your library". He asks for a recent one Shorter has acquired to put in books on Cornish... |
£50.00 | |
W.B. Maxwell. Autograph letter signed to Douglas Sladen with drawing. Novelist. Two pages, 4to. He can't make a game of golf. He looks forward to reading "the novel, & think the title is most taking - "Weeds that incumber the Earth [& entrance the Heavnes]." He discusses weather, his swimming in a thunderstorm. "The "Weeds" lie about on the Bexhill sands,... |
£80.00 | |
Samuel Warren. Autograph note signed to the Duke of Newcastle. Novelist and lawyer (1807-1877). One page, v.g. "I cannot deny myself the satisfaction of thanking your Grace for the very courteous kindness of your note of the 18th. inst. relating to Canon Trevor . . ." |
£35.00 |