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Author, Title, Summary Price
Jules Benedict.

Autograph note signed to Mrs Maddy.

German-English Musical Composer (1804-1885). One page, 8vo, good condition. "Should Miss Maddy be well enough to be able to take her lesson to-morrow Thursday at four o'clock it would afford me great pleasure to give her an hour's instruction then in lieu of to-day."

Robert Peel.

Autograph note signed to an unknown correspondent (name removed).

Prime Minister (1788-1850). One page, 8vo, name of correspondent removed, rest of text apparently complete. "Should you be disengaged on Saturday next, will you give me the pleasure of your Company at 1/2 before twelve to shoot here in the morning and dress and dine here afterwards."

Margaret Oliphant.

Autograph letter signed to "Mrs Fitzgerald".

Scottish novelist (1828-1897). Two pages, 12mo. She is discussing a puppy which her correspondent is getting for her to pass on to a firnd a "Miss Fitzmaurice". "The puppy is destined to a sort of heaven upon earth for puppies". Some further hasty news. With: a part of an ALS, mainly the...

Anna Maria Hall (Mrs S.C. Hall).

Autograph letter signed to unnamed correspondent.

Miscellaneous writer (1800-1881). 3pp., 12mo, good condition. She thanks him for some verses which she thought "amonst the sweetest, the most touching I ever had." Then she tries to enlist his help for a bazaar to be held to contribute to a fund for the erection of an Asylum for Aged...

Georgiana Fullerton.

Autograph letter signed to "Miss Hewitt".

Novelist and philanthropist (1812-1885). Two pages, 12mo, good condition. She has heard that some children in the village have "Hooping [sic] cough". "Edmund and the Baley" have not had it, but she thinks there would be no danger in their coming to Slindon.

Ruthven Deane.

Autograph letter signed to Clement Shorter, editor and author.

Editor of Audubon (1851-1934). Two pages, cr. 8vo. He talks about his beginning to collect bookplates when Shorter was 2good enough to sedn me four or five prints of your Plates {?} for different subjects in your library". He asks for a recent one Shorter has acquired to put in books on Cornish...

W.B. Maxwell.

Autograph letter signed to Douglas Sladen with drawing.

Novelist. Two pages, 4to. He can't make a game of golf. He looks forward to reading "the novel, & think the title is most taking - "Weeds that incumber the Earth [& entrance the Heavnes]." He discusses weather, his swimming in a thunderstorm. "The "Weeds" lie about on the Bexhill sands,...

Samuel Warren.

Autograph note signed to the Duke of Newcastle.

Novelist and lawyer (1807-1877). One page, v.g. "I cannot deny myself the satisfaction of thanking your Grace for the very courteous kindness of your note of the 18th. inst. relating to Canon Trevor . . ."

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