Large 1915 Admiralty chart of 'The Bosporus surveyed by Messrs. Ch. Ploix and Manen 1854.'

Admiral Sir Arthur Mostyn Field (1855-1950), R.N., hydrographer [Admiralty chart of the Bosphorus, Turkey, surveyed by Ploix and Manen, under Admiral Hamelin; and by Captain W. J. L. Wharton, R.N.]
Publication details: 
'London. Published at the Admiralty 4th. March 1905, under the Superintendence of Captain A. Mostyn Field, R.N., Hydrographer. New Edition 19th. Novr. 1915.' [Numbered 1198.]
SKU: 11000

Printed in black and red on piece of thick paper, 88 cm x 103 cm. In fair condition, lightly-aged. Insert map of the Golden Horn, and three sections (one of 'Mark for clearing Stefano Bank'), together with a table of conversion from 'British Units - Metres'. Printed beneath the title are six 'Cautions', with no. 2, relating to 'landing places of cables', printed in red. The title continues '[...] | under the direction of Admiral Hamelin of the French Imperial Navy. Chibuldi Bay to Dikili Rock by the Officers of H.M.S. "Spitfire" 1853. | South Entrance and additional topography by Captain W. J. L. Wharton, R.N., 1880.' Although not featuring Gallipoli, the map was clearly produced with the Dardanelles Campaign, which had begun the previous April, in view. Not listed on COPAC or WorldCat