Autograph Letter Signed from the Lancashire antiquary Charles Hardwick, Grand Master of the Manchester Unity Order of Odd-Fellows, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, regarding his history of 'The Provident Institutions of the Working Classes'.

Charles Hardwick (1817-1889) of Preston, Lancashire, antiquary, Grand Master of the Manchester Unity Order of Odd-Fellows, and Vice-President of the Manchester Literary Club
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'The Odd-Fellows' Quarterly Magazine, the Organ of the "I.O.O.F. Manchester Unity Friendly Society'. 7 March 1882.
SKU: 11688

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In original stamped and postmarked envelope, initialed by Hardwick. In the letter Hardwick informs Baron that his 'History' (published in 1851) is out of print: 'The few remainders were sold about four years ago.' He recently saw a copy 'in one of hte Manchester second hand booksellers' catalogues on sale for 17/6'. He gives the names of two booksellers to approach ('Gray, 25, Cathedral Yard, or Sutton, Portland-st. Oxford st.') and is forwarding 'a circular respecting my forthcoming work' (not present).