Autograph letter signed to Michael Nugent,

James Sheridan Knowles
Publication details: 
5 January 1834, Maidstone.
SKU: 1172

Irish-born playwright (1784-1862). 3 pp, on a folio sheet folded to make two leaves, with red wax seal bearing the stamp "J. S. K." In very bad condition, with the address cut away resulting in loss of text, and with a hole in the first leaf causing damage to the signature. The greater part of the letter is taken up with an apology in fittingly melodramatic tones for the oversight of an engagement. "I am truly overwhelmed with confusion at my unfortunate forgetfulness with regard to New Year's day. Will you ever forgive me? It is true I forgot the engagement myself - I forgot to mention it to Mrs. Knowles! - Indeed, Nugent, I cannot tell you how much I prize your friendship - oblivious as I know myself to be, it puzzles me to account for my present Sin! I am very uncomfortable! I can only say that nothing could be farther from my wish than any thing that could give umbrage to you, and that let you be ever so much displeased with me, I am still more displeased with myself / If your kind nature construes this, as my heart writes it - the true confession of one who respects and esteems you - hand it to your daughter, and tell her that I hope she will follow her fathers example and forgive the unconscious trespass of her and your attached Servant / James San Knowles". A postscript continues in similar vein.