autograph letters signed (x 2 ) to Miss [?] Cole,
American-born actress (1842-1917). Both 2 pp, on 12mo mourning paper. The first, 19 January 1898, with the letterhead 48 Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court Square. She apologises for not writing sooner. "I am rather frightened at yr. proposal - for I have never addressed a meeting in my life - & have shrunk from so responsible a position - & fear I shd. do the work very badly - tho' I feel with all my heart for your good cause. / I have neither the time, nor the ability to prepare a paper - & make them give. / May I go to you - to ask you just what wd. be expected of me? Will you be at home to-morrow afternoon, at 4? & may I call then?" Traces of paper and glue to second page, and loss to second leaf, from previous mounting. The second, 25 January 1900. "Please do not think me ungrateful - but I must give up going to the Albert Hall tonight. I have had such a very long days work, that I am quite exhausted - I feel I must be quiet. Dear has one of her "patent" headaches - & must keep very quiet. / So we are sending the <?> with our friend Miss Cooper - who is more than happy to go - & perhaps, Miss Wyllie - a musical friend - who will be more than grateful for the lovely treat." Traces of paper and glue from previous mounting to head of second page. Two items,?>