Manuscript letter, on engraved and illustrated letterhead, from Robert Hall & Co., The Highland Sportsman, Shooting & Estate Agency, London, acting for a client requiring 'a good shooting to yield not less than 1000 brace of grouse'.

[Messrs. Robert Hall & Co., The Highland Sportsman, Shooting & Estate Agency, 43 Old Bond Street, London [hunting; shooting; field sports]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Messrs. Robert Hall & Co., The Highland Sportsman, Shooting & Estate Agency, 43 Old Bond Street, London. [Added in manuscript: Messrs. Russell & Dunlop. W.S., 20 Castle Street, Edinburgh.] 22 January 1895.
SKU: 13454

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with vertical closed tear at head neatly repaired with archival tape. Ornate letterhead, including an engraving of a sportsman looking through a telescope, while standing beside a dead stag, with a gamekeeper beside him, both men in kilts. The letter is signed 'Robert Hall & Co.', with the rest of the text in another hand. It begins: 'Dear Sirs | A client of ours has instructed us to endeavour to find him a good shooting to yield not less than 1000 brace of grouse and a good bag of other kinds of game, together with a large and commodious residence.'