Collection of 46 items relating to the visit to Canada and the USA in 1930 of Lord Dawson of Penn, physician-in-ordinary to King George V, including typed and manuscript letters, invitations and telegrams to him, and copies of his replies
The 46 items are in good condition, on aged paper, with 33 items (dating from December 1929 to July 1930) in one bundle; and 13 items (dating from between November 1929 and July 1930) in another; the second bundle described in a typed covering note as containing 'INVITATIONS TO STAY'. An interesting collection, showing the connections between American and British medicine during the period, as well as the network of North American medical faculties. The material in the first bundle (Items One to Eight below) shows Dawson accepting an honorary degree from the University of Manitoba, and declining one from the University of Toronto; he also declines to address the Calgary Canadian Club and an international meeting at Minneapolis. ONE. American College of Surgeons: Franklin H. Martin, Director-General,: TLS inviting Dawson 'to attend the twentieth annual Clinical Congress' in Philadelphia in October 1930; with copy of typed reply by Dawson ('Alas, I find that I must be back in England by about October 14th'). TWO. Calgary Canadian Club: 2 TLsS by J. W. Crawford, President, regarding an invitation for Dawson 'to come on west, at least as far as Calgary, where we would like to have you as our luncheon guest and have you deliver an address'; with copy of typed reply by Dawson ('I would have enjoyed it very much, my present arrangements however are that when the meeting at Winnipeg is well over I am making my way to some relations at Victoria and from Victoria I am hoping to move on to more relations in California'). THREE. The Canadian Club, Ottawa: 5 TLsS by W. F. Wilson (3) and W. F. Macklaier (2), Hon. Secretaries, and three telegrams from Macklaier, regarding an invitation for Dawson 'to be the guest of honour at one of our Club luncheons during your approaching visit to the Dominion of Canada'; with copies of six typed replies by Dawson. (On 9 July 1930 he writes to Macklaier: 'Privately between you and me I have lately been on the sick list and have only just returned to health and work and I have hitherto been unable to decide on my going to Canada or no'.) FOUR. Academy of Medicine of Cleveland: TLS from Howard Dittrick, Chairman, Committee of Programs, asking Dawson to 'consider an invitation to come to Cleveland as the guest of our Academy'; with copy of typed reply by Dawson ('I remember Cleveland well for I not only visited Dr George Crile's Clinic but had the pleasure of staying at his beautiful house and that is why it was such a grief to me when the Clic was burnt down. | On this occasion I feel I cannot get as far as Cleveland because as soon as the Winnipeg meeting is over I am going to visit some relations in Victoria and then on to some more relations in California'. FIVE. University of Manitoba: TLS from W. J. Spence, Registrar, 24 April 1930: he has been instructed to 'tender to you, on behalf of the University, the offer of the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, to be conferred at a special Convocation to be held, by arrangement with the local committee of the British Medical Association, at some time during the programme of the Winnipeg meeting'; with copy of Dawson's typed letter of acceptance ('I should greatly value this high mark of distinction and accept the generous offer with grateful appreciation'). SIX. W. B. Peck: cable inviting him to address an international meeting at Minneapolis; with typed copy of Dawson's cable refusing the inviation. SEVEN. University of Toronto: TLsS from Dr A. Primrose and A. B. Fennell, Acting Registrar, the first inviting Dawson to attend the opening by Lord Moynihan, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, of the Bunting Institute, and the second offering him 'the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws'; with two copies of typed replies by Dawson, the first, to Primrose's letter explaining that 'by that date I shall be far removed in distance though not in sympathy from Toronto', and the second declining the degree, 'as it is the rule of the University - a rule if I may say so with which I agree - not to confer honorary degrees in absentia'. EIGHT. Victoria Medical Association: ALS from Dr James Leeder, inviting Dawson to Victoria; with copies of typed letter of refusal and typed cable by Dawson. NINE. Bundle of thirteen items under title 'Invitations to Stay', including two TLsS from Government House, Winnipeg, regarding an invitation for Dawson to be a guest there 'during the meeting of the British Medical Association being held in Winnipeg', with copy of Dawson's typed reply to Lieutenant-Governor ('I hesitate to accept your kindness because my wife and daughter are accompanying me to Canada, and I think we would be too large a party for your hospitality'); also TLS to Dawson from Dr Herbert A. Bruce of Toronto, with copies of two typed replies; ALsS to Lady Dawson from Anne C. M. Starr and Mabel M. Ross, Government House, Toronto; TLS to Lady Dawson from Humphrey Snow, Office of the Comptroller of the Household, Ottawa; TLS to Dawson from M. P. Johnson, Government House, Toronto.