Autograph letter signed to [Bohte].

G. Williams (George Williams)
Publication details: 
Oxford, 1 April (no year).
SKU: 1683

Radcliffe Librarian. See #s2051-2.Two pages, 8vo, grubby but text clear and complete. "By the copy of Griffith sent by Mr. Bohte, Dr. Williams finds he has only the 1st. part, comprising the - All the other parts of the 2d. vol. are wanting - But Dr. W. thinks it best to send the whole back, as he wants a portion only, & is fearful he might distress Mr. Bohte, by breaking his set -- The Bibl. is received - & Dr. Williams will send it round as Mr. Bohte desires- He will mark for himself any articles he may find suitable - But the Nat. Hist. portion is not very extensive, & it is not likely that it will be found to contain many articles not already in the Radcliffe collection -/ Dr. W- will send a list of any other desiderata which may occur to him, before Mr. Bohtes[sic] journey to the Continent -/ The 2d. part of Panzers[sic] Index was certainly not sent in the parcel -"