Typed Letter Signed to "Sydney Gutman. The Bermondsey Book[shop]".
Frank Harris, author
Publication details:
C/o The American Express Company, 2 rue du Congres, Nice. A.M. December 15, 1925.
SKU: 9071
One page, 4to, punchholes, edges discoloured, mainly good condition. Two small additons in his hand. He thanks Gutman for his cheque and order for "three sets of Oscar Wilde" of which he can immediately supply two, the other to come from storage. One copy sent is the "Brentano's edition of New York" and he wonders if Gutman would prefer "my German editon. He has written to "Heath" [bookseller, partner of Gutman's] about copies of James Thomson's poems on his hands. He wanted to send him one but finds Heath has already read them "and agrees with me that he is a greater poet than Tennyson, and a far greater man." He recommends Gutman read "City of Dreadful Night". He comments on the frost in Eng;and, contrasting with Nice weather.