Typed Letter Signed on behalf of 'John Broadwood & Sons' to the pianist Willibald Richter.

John Broadwood & Sons, piano makers, 33 Great Pulteney Street [Professor Willibald Richter (1860-1929), Anglo-German pianist and teacher]
Publication details: 
7 April 1899; on letterhead of 33 Great Pulteney Street.
SKU: 9781

4to, 2 pp. On the firm's letterhead. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. The firm is happy to have received Richter's letter: 'The satisfaction of supplying the pianist with the pianoforte that enables him to communicate his ideas and display his skill to an appreciative audience, is the reward sought for by our House from the earliest days of the introduction of the instrument, and we are proud always to deserve it.' Inviting Richter to call next time he is in London, he makes a clumsy attempt at industrial espionage: 'You have been using another makers; you would perhaps not mind teling us, so far as no confidence is broken, what understanding there has been; or you might prefer to lay before us you own views as to the future?' The other firm may well be Grotrian Steinweg, later Steinway.