[First issue of a printed periodical.] The Law Clerk.

[The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant, Edwardian English periodical]
Publication details: 
Vol. I. No. I. March, 1906. [For the proprietors: - Printed by F. HEARN, 113, Leyton High Road, Stratford, in the County of Essex, and Published by S. ENGLEMAN, 61, Fore Street, Moorgate Street, in the City of London.
SKU: 9982

4to, [ii] + 12 + [ii] pp [i.e. 16 pp in toto]. Prelims paginated I-IV. Boasting of being 'the first Journal to be devoted exclusively to the interests of legal assistants'. Containing some light-hearted matter, including 'Office Yarns. No. I - The Firm and the Feminine', 'Relevant Irrelevancies', but also with reviews ('The Law Book-Worm') and columns containing useful information ('Municipal Mems', 'Practice'). One column, 'In the Bear-Garden', is to 'deal with such topics, professional and personal, as arise in the Congeries of Chamber Courts, known as the Bear-Garden.' The journal, later 'The Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant', was discontinued in 1913. COPAC only lists copies in the British Library and Oxford.