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Two eschatological manuscripts by N. B. Stocker: 'The Book of Revelation Made Easy [...] The World's Crisis at the close of God's Great Stream of Time, showing His Eternal Purposes of Grace.' and 'On the Symbolic Visions of the Apocalypse'.

N. B. Stocker, artist and author [the Book of Revelation; the Apocalypse; Christian eschatology]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [England, 1880s?]

Unpublished: no works by N. B. Stocker are listed on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. The author would however appear to be the N. B. Stocker who was active in England as an artist from at least 1853 (when he published a lithograph in 1853 titled 'The Emigrants' Return - Lord be praised!') to 1889 (when his drawing 'The Majesty of Woman' appeared). The printed title to Volume One, and references in both works to accompanying charts, suggest that both volumes were intended for publication. Both items in fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and shaken bindings.

The Harmony of the Apocalypse with other Prophecies of Holy Scripture. With Notes, and an outline of the various interpretations. WITH MS. material.

Rev. William Henry Hoare.
Publication details: 
London: John W. Parker, West Strand, 1848.

[228] pp., cr. 8vo, modern cloth binding, good condition. THE AUTHORIAL COPY, with extensive manuscript corrections and additions, with manuscript enclosures, interleaved (bound in) and with extensive manuscript additions and corrections obviously for a new edition (not published), including a variant titlepage and subheading for Part 1. The author states his objective in writing the original book as the elucidation of parallels between the Apocalypse "and other Prophecies of Holy Scripture". His Index sets out his territory: "The APOCALYPSE/ . . .

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