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[Printed pamphlet.] The General Practice of Plumbing in Manchester & District, by Wm. Jaffrey, R.P., 27, Booth Street, Manchester. Being a Paper read at a Meeting convened by the Manchester, Salford, and District Council of Registered Plumbers.

William Jaffrey, R.P., 27 Booth Street, Manchester, of the Registered Plumbers' Council
Publication details: 
Held at the Technical School, Manchester, March 11th, 1891.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled. In brown printed wraps. On brittle, high-acidity paper, with staining from staples, in stained and worn wraps. After some 'Introductory Remarks' he discusses 'Light Materials in New Work', 'Position of Cold-Water Cistern', 'Position', 'The Runs of Pipes', 'The W.-C.', 'The W.-C. Supply' ('two gallons of water is not sufficient to wash away the soil into the main drain.

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