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Signed legal agreement, docketed 'Mr. Richard Muskette agreem[en]t that <?> take the wholl benefitt of the Tenem[en]t - thermewoods -'.

Richard Muskett of 'Walpoole' [Walpole] in the County of Suffolk [Harleston Hall; Edward Winniffe of Brettenham]
Publication details: 

4to: 1 p. Good, though lightly stained and ruckled, and with seal removed from bottom right-hand corner. 18 lines of text. The document describes part of a previous agreement by 'Edward Wenyefe of Brottenham' to buy the Manor of Harleston Hall from 'Richard Muskett of Walpoole in the County of Suffc', and states a new agreement by Muskett that 'the sd Edward Wenyefe shall from the day & day hereof take the wholl proffitt of the sd Tenement [...]'. Signed 'Richard Muskett' and witnessed by 'Richard Walker', 'Tho: Sparrow' and Ed: '. J. J.

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