Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford and Mortimer (1661-1724); Thomas Mansel [Mansell], 1st Baron Mansel (1667-1723); Henry Paget [Pagett],1st Earl of Uxbridge (c.1663-1743) [Lords of the Treasury]
Publication details:
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, 24 November 1710.
On one side of a leaf of foolscap paper. Aged and worn, with closed tears. Reads: 'Let the aforegoing Warrant be Executed. Whitehall | Treasury Chambers the 24th . day of November 1710. | Ro: Harley | Pagett | T: Mansel | Intrat in Offic Edvardi Harley Arm | Auditoris xxixno. Die Junii 1711. | Jas Moody Dep Audt.' Irrelevantly (and tantalisingly) docketed on the reverse: 'An Acc[oun]t. of the Tithes, and other Parish dutys formerly paid by ye Housekeep[e]rs of Kensington for the 2 Grounds lately made into a Wilderness & ye kitchen Garden / to the Parish of Paddington & Kensington'.