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Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Frederick A. Pottle') from Frederick Albert Pottle, editor and biographer of James Boswell, to the Johnsonian Charles McCamic, with a long discussion of the publishing history and current prices of three works.

Frederick A. Pottle [Frederick Albert Pottle] (1897-1987), biographer of James Boswell, and editor of his journals [Charles McCamic, Johnsonian; Chauncey Brewster Tinker; Robert Borthwick Adam]
Publication details: 
Both from 367 Elm Street, New Haven, Connecticut (one on a letterhead). 12 May and 11 June 1928.

Both letters fair, on aged paper. Letter One: 12mo, 4 pp. Discussing the possibility that McCamic might be able to 'stop-over in New Haven' on his journey to Smith. 'You might be interested to see the proofs of the Bibliography'. 'This has been a hard letter to write, and doesn't sound as cordial as I should wish, [...] I wish I could invite you to stay with me on the night of the 15, but I live in a small apartment and have no accomodations [sic] for guests'. Letter Two: 10pp., small 4to.

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