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[Autograph Letter; Thomas White, founder of Sion College, etc]] Letter, prob. draft, "for the May[o]r of Bristol to the Mayor [of London prob. ,"Right Wor[shipfu]ll].

"[F]or thethe May[o]r of Bristol"
Publication details: 
Drafted 8-9 February 1647 (new style)

One page, cr. 8vo, stained but text clear and complete. With excisions and corrections (hence draft). The first (with the narrower width) is a letter drafted 8-9 February 1647 (new style date) on behalf of the mayor of Bristol and addressed to the mayor of another city, which further details and the context make clear is London. The letter concerns a gift made by the late Dr. Thomas White (d. 1624) that included an annual payment to the Town of Bristol, now in arrears to the amount of 104 pounds. It was supposed to have been paid on the previous Bartholomew's Day (Aug. 24), but wasn't.

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