Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Kitto') from the author and missionary John Kitto to the American biblical scholar Rev. Dr George Bush, enclosing a printed prospectus for his 'A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature', about which he appeals for assistance.
A 4to bifolium, with the two-page printed prospectus on both sides of the first leaf, and the two-page letter on both sides of the second. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with light staining at the head of both leaves. The prospectus is headed: 'Preparing for publication, | (To form, when completed, one thick volume 8vo,) | A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, By John Kitto, Editor of "The Pictorial Bible," &c. &c. (assisted by various able scholars and divines, whose initials will be affixed to their respective contributions.)' In small print, with the introduction followed by sections headed 'The Plan will be more comprehensive' and 'The Alphabetical Series of Words will be arranged on an improved Plan'. There is a final paragraph on the 'Mode of Publication'. Regarding this 'new work on which I am now occupied', Kitto writes: 'I shall feel much gratified if you can make it suit your convenience to contribute a few articles to its pages.' He has 'already secured the aid of the principal Biblical scholars here and in Germany', and is 'unwilling that the excellent B. scholarship of your favoured country should be unrepresented'. Kitto is encouraged by the 'great kindness' which he has 'experienced from Americans, in this country and abroad'. He gives a list of articles which Bush 'would like to furnish', with the dates 'at which the articles will be wanted here'. He has 'only further to intimate that conciseness is a matter of much importance in a work of this large plan and limited extent.' He ends by giving the rate of 'remuneration' per page, 'the pages being of the same size as in Dr. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Romany Antiquity, lately published here.' The 'Cyclopadia' was published in 1845 (in two volumes rather than one), and Bush did indeed contribute to the work, in which he is described as 'Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature in the University of New York'. No copies of this prospectus found on COPAC.