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[ John Fonblanque, author and whig politician. ] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'John: Fonblanque', regarding 'distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'.

John Fonblanque [ John Anthony de Grenier Fonblanque ] (1759-1837), English author, whig politician and barrister
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 7 March 1830.

2pp., 12mo. 55 lines of closely-written text, with a few minor emendations. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with 'John Fonblanque' in another hand at foot of first page. The document begins: 'I have been considering whether the Distinction that we notices this morning in the Description of the Heir sometimes as Lord & sometimes not may not fornish another Criticism for distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'. He proceeds to argue the point learnedly.

[ M. E. Braddon, Victorian novelist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('M. E Braddon') expressing thanks for a gift.

M. E. Braddon [ Mary Elizabeth Braddon, 'Mrs. John Maxwell' ] (1835-1915), Victorian novelist, author of 'Lady Audley's Secret'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lichfield House, Richmond. 1 January 1878.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'With Mary Maxwell's love & best wishes, & many thanks for the charmingly illustrated Xmas book of The Children in the Wood | M. E Braddon | January 1. 1878.'

[ Sir John Hobhouse, whig politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Hobhouse'), writing affectionately to his step-sister Matilda, Countess of Rangiaschi Brancaleone, asking her to delay her departure from London.

Sir John Hobhouse [ John Cam Hobhouse, 1st Baron Broughton ] (1786-1869), British whig politician and friend of Lord Byron [ his step-sister Sarah-Matilda, wife of Count Ranghiaschi Brancaleone ]
Publication details: 
No place. 'Wednesday, April 6 [no year]'.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He writes with playful urgency: 'My dearest Matilda | Do not go out of London until I have seen you - & pray delay your journey for a day or two - Dine with Henry to-morrow - Thursday - and with me on Friday. | Ever most affectionate | John Hobhouse'. In a postscript he sends his regards to the Count, instructing her to give him 'my commands to retain you', adding 'He must come to me with you.'

[ John Gibson Lockhart, Scottish author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J G Lockhart'), with red wax seal, to the travel writer Mrs Henry Stistetd [ Clotilda Elizabeth Stisted ], commending her book ('Letters from the Bye-ways of Italy').

John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854), Scottish author, editor of Quarterly Review, son-in-law of Sir Walter Scott [ Clotilda Elizabeth Stisted [ Mrs. Henry Stisted ] (1790-1868), Irish travel writer ]
Publication details: 
Regents Park. 5 February 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed (with seal in red wax, and two postmarks) on reverse of second leaf: 'through France | Italie | Mrs Stisted | Villa Brodrick | Bagni di Lucca'. He thanks her for sending 'a very agreeable book', which he wishes had reached him ' a year ago when the Quarterly Review was taking Lady Travellers in hand'. If 'another batch of them' should be 'ready by & bye' her book 'will run no risk of being forgotten'.

[ Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke') to John McLeay,

Philip Yorke (1757-1834), 3rd Earl of Hardwicke, whig politician, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1801-1805
Publication details: 
'Wimpole near Arrington' [ Cambridgeshire ]. 17 January 1810.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with small stain at head of first page. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. The letter concerns Hardwicke's direction that Harry Court Amiel, son of 'Captain Amiel, Hounslow Barracks, Hounslow', be nominated 'for a Cavalry Cadetship in Bengal'. Amiel has been 'a Cornet in the 7th Regt of Dragoons, (or Hussars as they are called)' for a year, and 'bears a very good character from his Commanding Officer'.

[ William Harrison, Isle of Man antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed

William Harrison (1802-1884), Isle of Man antiquary [ The Manx Society; John Frissel Crellin (1816-1886) of Orrysdale ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Rock Mount, St John's [amended in autograph to 'Peel'], Isle of Man. 12 December 1851.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, very lightly aged. Harrison begins by answering the unnamed recipient's enqury 'about Manx Coins &c', with reference to 'an old bookseller in Douglas' and 'John F Crellin of Orrysdale'. Crellin has 'a fine Collection of Coins relating to the Island', and is 'in a poor state of health & confined to bed'. Harrison discusses a paper by Crellin on 'the Coinage of 1733' before turning to 'what duplicate' of Manx Society publications he has in his possession, 'chiefly of my own Editing'.

[ Joseph Paxton ] Autograph Note Signed "Joseph Paxton" to "John Timbs, F.S.A.", author and antiquary.

Joseph Paxton (1803–1865), gardener, architect and Member of Parliament, best known for designing the Crystal Palace,
Publication details: 
[Headed] The Crystal Palace Company, Sir Josepoh Paxton's Office, Penge Place, Sydenham, 27 Oct. 1854.

One page, 12mo, good condition. "I have much pleasure in allowing you to add my name to the list of Subscribers to your work 'The Curiosities of London'-"

[ Joseph Quincey Adams junior, Shakespeare scholar. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Joseph Q Adams'), thanking Henry Guppy, Librarian of the John Rylands Library, Manchester, on behalf of the trustees of the Folger Shakespeare Library, for various favours.

Joseph Quincy Adams junior (1880-1946), Shakespeare scholar and first director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington [ Henry Guppy (1861-1948), Librarian, John Rylands Library, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington. 12 October 1943.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with small coffee stain in margin at head. He begins by thanking Guppy for the 'gift of the numerous "Transactions," including the beautiful volume "The English Bible in the John Rylands Library"': 'To our bibliographers as well as to our readers these works will be of the utmost value.' He writes that the war 'has put a temporary stop to our publishing', but that 'we have ambitious plans for the future, and every volume we issue will go promptly to you'. He also thanks him for 'printing my little article on the Shakespeare Signature'.

[ John Martin, English romantic painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the antiquary John Britton, regarding a meeting to discuss the 'intended embankments of the Thames' which he himself proposed.

John Martin (1789-1854), English romantic painter [ John Britton (1771-1857), antiquary; embankment of the River Thames, London ]
Publication details: 
30 Allsop Terrace [ London ]. 30 March 1840.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, with slight damage to gutter from removal from stub. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'John Britton Esqre | 17, Burton St | Burton Crescent'. He asks him and 'any friend who might be interested in the subject' to try to attend 'a meeting at the Guildhall Coffee House' the following day, 'Sir Wm. Heygate in the chair, to consider the necessity of combining a public walk with the intended embankments of the Thames'.

[ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine, Manx author. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Hall Caine') to Manchester journalist and editor John Cuming Walters, regarding his book 'Recollections of Rossetti'.

Hall Caine [ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine ] (1853-1931), Manx author [ John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Greeba Castle, Isle of Man. 24 August 1928.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by noting that they have not corresponded for a while, and that he has 'been abroad most of my time for several years'. He is sending him 'a set of advance sheets of a little book I am to publish with Cassells at the end of September' ('Recollections of Rossetti'), 'because I have a very grateful memory of all the kind, appreciative and very able articles which you have written about other books of mine'.

[ Walton Adams, Victorian photographer.] Unpublished autograph biographical account, written in his nineties, describing his career as 'the oldest living British photographer', with reference to Queen Victoria, General Gordon and his son Marcus Adams

Walton Adams [ Arthur Walton Adams ] (1842-1934), pioneering British photographer, co-inventor of the dry-plate process, father of Marcus Adams (1875-1959) and grandfather of Gilbert Adams (1906-1996)
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but written after May 1932, when he was living in Caversham, Reading, Berkshire.

4pp., 8vo, paginated 1-4. On two bifoliums. Aged and worn, but with the text clear and complete. From the Adams family papers, which also include an extensive archive of Walton Adams's papers relating to the British Israelites. An interesting artefact relating to an important figure in the history of British photography. (See also his obituary in The Times, 15 June 1934.) Untitled and unsigned, the unpublished account begins: 'As I am now over 90 years of age I believe that I am the oldest living British photographer, my first Studio was opened in 1864'.

[ Ulick John de Burgh, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clanricarde') [to W. de Boinville]

Ulick John de Burgh (1802-1874), 1st Marquess of Clanricarde [ Lord Dunkellin; the Earl of Clanricarde ], Irish Whig politician [ W. de Boinville ]
Publication details: 
Portumna [ Ireland ]. 14 January [1850s].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He thanks de Boinville and his family for their 'kind wishes & feelings': 'I have thank God, quite recovered from my accident'. He is sorry that de Boinville and his wife 'have been suffering', and hopes to see them on his return to London. One of a batch of letters addressed to de Boinville in the 1850s.

[ George Soane, author and son of Sir John Soane. ] Autograph request for payment, composed in doggerel, signed 'G Soane', and addressed to the 'Reverendissimo Signor Massingham' [William Wright Massingham] at the 'Teatro di Principessa'.

George Soane (1789-1860), playwright, son of the architect Sir John Soane (1753-1837) [ William Wright Massingham ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London. ]

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor traces of glue along one edge from stub. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Signor Massingham | Teatro di Principessa' [i.e. the Princess's Theatre, London]. The request reads: 'Al Reverendissimo Signor Massingham | Be pleased, I pray, | My salary to pay | To the ladies I send, | My very good friend. | I remain, (all alone) | Yours Truly - G Soane'. Soane's unhappy relationship with his father is described in both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[ Gustavus Vaughan Brooke's triumphant return as 'Othello', Drury Lane, 1853. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J H Wilton') by Brooke's agent John Hall Wilton, describing his 'glorious triumph' on the night after the performance.

John Hall Wilton (d.1862), agent of Irish actor G. V. Brooke [ Gustavus Vaughan Brooke ] (1818-1866) [ Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London; William Shakespeare ]
Publication details: 
'T. R. D. L. [ i.e. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London ] 6 Septr 1853'.

For information concerning Wilton, who had previously been associated with P. T. Barnum, see W. J. Lawrence's 'Life of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, Tragedian' (Belfast, 1892). From the 1840s Brooke had toured England with increasing success, being favourably compared with Edmund Kean and called by several critics the greatest tragedian of his day. Although somewhat wooden in delivery, he was blessed with a splendid voice, but this had begun to fail towards the end of the decade, and he had been forced to seek medical help. At the same time his heavy drinking did not assist his acting.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Miss Bosworth', presenting a copy of his 'A Handbook of Pictorial Art' to her. With inscribed copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Lettter dated 29 March 1869, no place. Book published at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1868.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Attached by the blank second leaf of the bifolium to the reverse of the front free endpaper of the book. Envelope addressed by Tyrwhitt to 'Miss Bosworth | Parks Town' tipped-in beside the letter. He is not sure whether she has a copy of 'my art-book', which she mentioned 'the other day'. 'If not, will you kindly accept of this one, tho I fear it is not a very good one in the illustrations?' Book: [xv] + 480pp., 8vo. Sixteen-page November 1868 publisher's catalogue at rear.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Mrs Paul', regarding his book 'Our Sketching Club. Letters and Studies on Landscape Art.' With a copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Ketilley, Oxford, on cancelled letterhead of Christ Church. 25 September 1875. Book published by Macmillan and Co., London, 1874.

Letter: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Laid down on the book's flyleaf. In very good condition, lightly-aged. He hears about his book 'every now & then & I suppose it goes off all right'. He advises Mrs Paul to tell her correspondent that 'she has only to go on with its lessons & exercises', and that 'The woodcuts are all meant to be copied, & a fair amount of directions is given.

[ John Scott, editor of the 'London Magazine'. ] Autograph signature.

John Scott (1784-1821), editor of the 'London Magazine', killed in a duel by Jonathan Henry Christie, London agent of John Gibson Lockhart of Blackwood's Magazine
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Strip of paper cut from end of letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Your obedt humble Sert | John Scott'.

[ John Barrow of the Admiralty. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Barrow') to the explorer Captain William Parker Snow, praising him for his 'hard struggle to live by your Brains - the hardest of al struggles'.

John Barrow (1808-1898), junior, of the Admiralty, author and son of Sir John Barrow (1764-1848), promoter of exploration and writer [ Captain William Parker Snow (1817-1895), mariner and explorer ]
Publication details: 
7 December 1889.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. In a markedly difficult hand, Borrow explaining that he cannot write without discomfort. Apparently relating to a disagreement Snow has had with his landlord, who, according to Borrow, should have 'shewn some little compassion | It would do him good to give him this opinion from one who knows your honourable & upright demands and your hard struggle to live by your Brains - the hardest of all struggles'.

[ John Campbell, 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell of Ardencaple. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: D: Campbell')

John Campbell (1777-1847), 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell [ Lord John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell ] of Ardencaple, Dunbarton, Scottish Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Ardencaple [ Dunbarton, Scotland ]. 25 August 1825.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with broken seal in red wax) on reverse of second leaf to 'Archibald Campbell Esq | Army Agent | Regent Street | London'. The letter begins: 'I have just seen a Letter from the Widow of the late Stuart Campbell with a Copy of yours to her, recommending her to try, the effect of circulating Subscription Papers amongst the Friends of her late Husband, and certainly there appears little chance of obtaining any other Relief for her and her destitute Family'.

[ John Collier, Lancashire caricaturist. ] The Birthplace of Tom Bobbin; in the Parish of Flixton. By Edwin Waugh.

Edwin Waugh (1817-1890), Lancashire poet and author [ John Heywood, Manchester printer; John Collier [ 'Tim Bobbin' ] (1708-1786), caricaturist ]
Publication details: 
London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Manchester: John Heywood, 141 & 143 Deansgate. [ 'John Heywood, Printer, Manchester.' ] Undated.

61 + [3]pp., 16mo. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged paper. The last three pages carry advertisements of works by Waugh and Benjamin Brierley. Waugh's investigations in 'a quiet tract of country on the eastern border of Lancashire, lying in a corner, formed by the junction of the rivers Mersey and Irwell', involves him in meetings with ordinary folk, whose speech in the local dialect is recorded. Uncommon: five copies on COPAC, variously dated to 1867 and 1868.

[ Joseph Knight, theatre historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Munday'

Joseph Knight [ John Joseph Knight ] (1829-1907), English drama critic and theatre historian
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 27 Camden Square, N.W. [ London ] 2 February 1895.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with staining from glue used in previous mounting. He apologises for not being able to 'do what you asked', as he 'did not go to the Garrick until to day when I found your letter with others waiting me'.

[ John Baldwin Buckstone, actor and playwright? ] Set of manuscript parts for an adaptation of Bulwer-Lytton's 'The Last Days of Pompeii', fifteen of them carrying the name of the actor or actress.

[ John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), English actor and playwright? ] [ The Adelphi Theatre, London ] Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873), English novelist
Publication details: 
[ Adelphi Theatre, London? ] Undated, but some paper with watermarked dates 1837 and 1840.

A total of 97pp., mostly 4to, with a further four slips. Around thirty separate parts, unbound. Written in at least two hands. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Fifteen of the parts (mostly from the first act) carry the name of the actor or actress at the head: 'Mr Bland', 'Mr Jonas', 'Mr. Gray', 'Mr Howard', 'Miss Barratt', 'Mr Webster', 'Mrs Baker', 'Mr Bedford', 'Mr. Lynne', 'Mr F. Lloyd', 'Mr Hailes', 'Mrs Ridgway', 'Mr Ridgway', 'Mr Hailes', 'Mr. P. C'. Bulwer-Lytton's book was published in 1834, and was an enormous success.?>

[ John Cust, 1st Earl Brownlow. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Brownlow') to C. B. Massingberd, regarding Royal Humane Society medallions to be presented to Richard Hoodlass and Joseph Dobson.

John Cust (1779-1853), 1st Earl Brownlow, peer and Tory politician [ The Royal Humane Society, London ]
Publication details: 
Belton House [ Grantham, Lincolnshire ], 8 February 1834.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium, with the lower part of the second leaf lacking, and only part of Brownlow's franking of the address present, together with his broken seal in red wax. Frank reads: '<...> Febry eighth 1834 | <...> Massingberd Esqre | Ormsby | Spilsby | <?> | Brownlow'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with folds strengthened with archival tape. He writes regarding the award of the Honorary Medallion of the Royal Humane Society to 'Rd.

[ Unmade British film noir based on the Burke and Hare murders, apparently intended as a vehicle for Sir Donald Wolfit. ] Typed screenplay of 'The Body Snatchers by John Lemont and Leigh Vance', 'Treatment by Bill Strutton'.

John Lemont (1914-2003), Canadian director; Leigh Vance (1922-1994), producer; Bill Strutton (1918-2003), Australian screenwriter; Zodia Productions, London [Sir Donald Wolfit; Burke and Hare murders]
Publication details: 
'A Master Film Treatment for Zodiac Productions | Copyright: Zodiac Productions Ltd: 171, Shahftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.1.' Undated [ circa 1958 ].

[1] + 62pp., folio. On rectos only. Bound with metal studs into yellow card covers, with the spine reinforced with cloth tape. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Loosely inserted is a five-page carbon typescript describing 'Approximate number of costumes necessary'. Also inserted is a typed page beginning with an 'Extract from letter from Sir Donald Wolfit: 8.7.58. | At the moment it looks like an opening date in the second half of September out of London for six or seven weeks first. Mr. Laurence Irving will be in touch with you in the near future for a preliminary discussion'.

[ John Coulter, Irish Canadian playwright. ] Typescript of 'Sleep My Pretty One. A Play in Three Acts'.

John Coulter (1888-1980), Irish Canadian playwright [ Laurence Olivier ]
Publication details: 
'Please return to: Laurence Olivier Productions, St. James' Theatre, King Street, London, S.W.1.' [ Circa 1951. ]

136pp., 4to. Duplicated typescript (by Catherine Billinghust, Westminster) with pages on rectos only. Bound in grey card wraps, with red and black cloth spine and title typed on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. '12' in manuscript at head of cover. 'Sleep My Pretty One' has been described as 'a study of a young girl driven to distraction by the death of her mother and the, to her, totally unacceptable remarriage of her father'.

[ George Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'George Jellicoe') to military historian Barrie Pitt, regarding his 'escape from Leros' in the aftermath of the Dodecanese Campaign during the Second World War.

George Patrick John Rushworth Jellicoe (1918-2007), 2nd Earl Jellicoe [ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian ]
Publication details: 
Both on his letterhead, 30 Gresham Street, London. 21 July and 24 November 1983.

Both items 1p., 4to. Both in good condition, with light signs of age. ONE: 21 July 1983. A previous letter appears to have been lost, and he is 'dictating this in the country'. He begins his account: 'As far as the surrender at Leros is concerned my memory of the early events that evening is rather vague. It is very probable that I worked my way through to Brigade Headquarters with a small party consisting of Sgt. Workman, Cpl. Dryden and L/Cpl. Allen. However it would have been quite impossible to have got there by jeep as the trip involved more or less crossing the German positions.

[ Charles Forbes René de Montalembert, Comte de Montalembert. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'le Cte de Montalembert'), in French, to an unnamed recipient

Charles Forbes René de Montalembert (1810-1870), Comte de Montalembert [ Abraham Hayward; John Wilson Croker ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 26 April and 25 May 1856.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: He thanks him for offering to translate his book ('The Political Future of England'), but considers his knowledge of English law too shaky to permit him to give any encouragement. He suggests that the recipient come to an arrangement with 'Mr. Abraham Hayward, Queen's Counsel, 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple', who is acting for de Montalembert in the matter.

[ John Singleton Copley, Lord Lyndhurst. ] Autograph Signature ('Lyndhurst') on frank to the Duke of Wellington.

John Singleton Copley (1772-1863), 1st Baron Lyndhurst [ Lord Lyndhurst ], Lord Chancellor of Great Britain
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 8 x 14.5 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly-aged. All in Lyndhurst's hand, it reads 'His Grace | The Duke of Wellington KG | &c &c &c | Lyndhurst'. As is customary, the signature is between two horizontal lines, in the bottom left-hand corner.

[ John Macvicar Anderson, Scottish architect. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Macvicar Anderson') to John Kinahan, declining his request regarding 'Church building'.

John Macvicar Anderson (1835-1915), Scottish architect, President of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1891-1894
Publication details: 
6 Stratton Street, W. [ London ] 13 March 1891.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He is declining his request as he has 'many, & much more pressing claims to meet in the way of Church building'.

[ Five English 'Golden Age' test cricketers. ] Autograph Signatures of Patsy Hendren, Phil Mead, Ernest Tyldesley, J. W. Hearne and Bill Hitch.

Patsy Hendren [ Elias Henry Hendren ]; Phil Mead [ Charles Phillip Mead ]; Ernest Tyldesley [ George Ernest Tyldesley ]; J. W. Hearne [ John William Hearne ]; Bill Hitch [ John William Hitch ]
Publication details: 
On reverse of cut-down printed scorecard for the Middlesex v. Rest of England match, Kennington Oval [ London ], 12 to 15 September 1921.

On 14 x 12.5 cm piece of card, with the cropped printed scorecard (completed in pencil in childish hand) on one side, and the autograph signatures on the otherwise-blank reverse. In good condition, lightly-aged. The five signatures are bold and strong in black ink, and read: 'P. Mead | Ed Tyldesley | E Hendren | J W Hearne | J W Hitch'.

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