[Early nineteenth-century botanical manuscript.] Long annotated list of flora, giving 'Virgil's names' and 'Modern names' (both Latin and English) of different species, from 'Silver Fir' to 'Bon Chretien Pear'.

[Early nineteenth-century botanical manuscript; Virgil; Publius Vergilius Maro; Regency natural history; Georgian botany; Linnaeus; G. W. Milne Redhead]
Publication details: 
No place or date. On Whatman paper with watermarked date 1822.
SKU: 14089

4pp., 4to. On four loose leaves. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with the slightest ruckling to the first leaf. Neatly and closely written out. A scholar's working copy, with deletions, emendations, and notes in the margin. As an example, the first page carries 39 entries in ink, with an additional entry in pencil. The third entry reads: 'Acanthus G. IV. 123 [with '3E 45.' added in pencil] Acanthus mollis, Smooth Brank-Ursine'. A marginal note to this reads: 'Linnaeus thinks that the species intended is, the Acanthus Dioscoridis.' A footnote to the entry on the lotus reads: 'Most Botanists think that Virgil's Lotus (Georg. II. 84) is the Celtis Australis (European Nettle-Tree); and this is the opinion of Professor Martyn, the son.' Accompanied by an envelope cover, addressed to G. W. Milne Redhead of Frome, with postmark dated from 1905, carrying a few pencil notes.