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[ James Everett, Manchester bookseller and Wesleyan minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to him from 'W. Brailsford', urging him to preach a 'preparatory Sermon' at a meeting of 'the Missionary committee' in Longholme.

W. Brailsford of Longholme [ James Everett (1784-1872), Wesleyan minister and Manchester bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Longholme [ Manchester ]. 24 September 1832.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr. Everett | Market Street | Manchester'. Brailsford has been 'desired by the Missionary committee connected with this place to write you & earnestly to request the favour of yr. Services at their approaching Anniversary which is fixed for Monday Oct. 22nd. by preaching a preparatory Sermon on the Sunday eveng. Oct 21.

[ John Fonblanque, author and whig politician. ] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'John: Fonblanque', regarding 'distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'.

John Fonblanque [ John Anthony de Grenier Fonblanque ] (1759-1837), English author, whig politician and barrister
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 7 March 1830.

2pp., 12mo. 55 lines of closely-written text, with a few minor emendations. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with 'John Fonblanque' in another hand at foot of first page. The document begins: 'I have been considering whether the Distinction that we notices this morning in the Description of the Heir sometimes as Lord & sometimes not may not fornish another Criticism for distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'. He proceeds to argue the point learnedly.

[ Hugh Macleod, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Glasgow University. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H: Macleod'), to Charles MacIntosh, praising his late father's qualities.

Hugh Macleod (1730-1809), DD, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Glasgow University
Publication details: 
College [ University of Glasgow ]. 29 July 1807.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Addressed, with broken seal in black wax, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Charles MacIntosh Esqr - &c &c'. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He apologises for being 'unable to attend to pay the usual last Duty to the Remains of your excellent Father & my Friend', but assures MacIntosh that 'no man more sincerely laments his Departure than I do'. He ends in the hope that 'the great & gracious God may sanctify this Dispensation to all concerned'. Signe 'Your much afflicted but very faithful & obedt. Humble Sert. | H: Macleod | College | 29 July 1807'.

[ William Harrison Ainsworth, novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Ainsworth') asking his friend John Aston to write the epilogue for Sheridan Knowles's play 'William Tell', with references to Charles Lamb and William Charles Macready.

William Harrison Ainsworth (1805-1882), English historical novelist [ John Partington Aston (1805-1882); James Sheridan Knowles (1784-1862), Irish playwright; Charles Lamb; William Charles Macready ]
Publication details: 
London ('Send the letter by Abot directed to Milne and Parry'). 30 April 1825 [aged 20].

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with postmark, to 'John P. Aston, Esqre | Messrs. Ainsworth & Co | Solrs | Essex Street | Manchester'. Aston was Ainsworth's father's law clerk. The year after this letter was written the novel 'Sir John Chiverton', on which Ainsworth and Aston collaborated, was published to great success (and endorsement by Sir Walter Scott).

[ Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke') to John McLeay,

Philip Yorke (1757-1834), 3rd Earl of Hardwicke, whig politician, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1801-1805
Publication details: 
'Wimpole near Arrington' [ Cambridgeshire ]. 17 January 1810.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with small stain at head of first page. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. The letter concerns Hardwicke's direction that Harry Court Amiel, son of 'Captain Amiel, Hounslow Barracks, Hounslow', be nominated 'for a Cavalry Cadetship in Bengal'. Amiel has been 'a Cornet in the 7th Regt of Dragoons, (or Hussars as they are called)' for a year, and 'bears a very good character from his Commanding Officer'.

[ Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book-Room, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Blanshard') to Rev. George Johnstone in Jamaica, giving details and itemised account of 'Sums of Money due to the Book Room from Jamaica'.

Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book Room, City Road, London [ Rev. George Johnstone (c.1765-1821), Methodist missionary in the West Indies ]
Publication details: 
[ Methodist Book Room, City Road ] London. 3 January 1820.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight loss to text from breaking open of seal, and some repair with archival tape, and a square of paper neatly cut away from second leaf. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Revd G Johnstone | Methodist Chapel | Kingstone | Jamaica'. Letter on one page and 'Mr G Johnstone Dr in account with T Blanshard'. Writing to his 'Dear Bro[th]er', he hopes that Johnstone will be able to settle the annexed account 'at your ensuing District Meeting'.

[ Elizabeth Wright Macauley, poet, actress and Owenite preacher. ] Corrected draft of Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliz Wright Macauley'), 'To the King' (i.e. King William IV), in favour of the royal imposter 'Princess Olive of Cumberland'.

Elizabeth Wright Macauley (c.1785-1837), actress, poet, playwright and Owenite lecturer [ Olivia Serres [née Wilmot] (1772-1835), royal impostor claiming to be Princess Olive of Cumberland ]
Publication details: 
52 Clarendon Square, St Pancras [ London ]. 23 September 1833.

10pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An accompanying entry from a French manuscripts catalogue states that the letter was sent to the magazine 'The Age', but not printed.

[ Sir George Thomas Smart, English composer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George Smart') to 'Mr. Taylor' regarding a mistake in 'Cards' and the 'state of poor Walker'.

[ George Smart ] Sir George Thomas Smart (1776-1867), English composer and musician, organist at the Chapel Royal
Publication details: 
91 Great Portland Street [ London ]. 27 June 1826.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He asks him 'to forward these Cards immediately (I have sent one to Mr. Doane) as many have call'd asking if they are to be engaged'. He expresses his regret for 'the mistake in the Name card', but it is too late to alter it. The 'sole cause' of the error was his 'constantly thinking of the state of poor Walker'.

[ Richard Heber, Bishop of Calcutta. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R Calcutta') to Rev. W. Parish, asking for news of his wife and Miss Stow, following the death of his curate Martin Stow.

Reginald Heber (1783-1826), Bishop of Calcutta [ Rev. W. Parish; Martin Stow ]
Publication details: 
With note by recipient dated 22 July 1824.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed: 'Rev W Parish | R C.' For the background to this letter, which concerns the death of Heber's curate Martin Stow, see George Smith's biography of Heber (London: John Murray, 1895). The letter begins: 'My dear Sir, - | I am still here & in great perplexity at not receiving any letter from my wife or Miss Stow. It has occurred to Mr Masters that your Brother who is an excellent correspondent may have written to you since the news of poor Stow's death reached Calcutta'.

[ George Soane, author and son of Sir John Soane. ] Autograph request for payment, composed in doggerel, signed 'G Soane', and addressed to the 'Reverendissimo Signor Massingham' [William Wright Massingham] at the 'Teatro di Principessa'.

George Soane (1789-1860), playwright, son of the architect Sir John Soane (1753-1837) [ William Wright Massingham ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London. ]

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor traces of glue along one edge from stub. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Signor Massingham | Teatro di Principessa' [i.e. the Princess's Theatre, London]. The request reads: 'Al Reverendissimo Signor Massingham | Be pleased, I pray, | My salary to pay | To the ladies I send, | My very good friend. | I remain, (all alone) | Yours Truly - G Soane'. Soane's unhappy relationship with his father is described in both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[ The Old Drury Club, 'a Social Circle round the Shrine of Shakspeare' in Regency London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Benj. Oakley') by Benjamin Oakley of Tavistock House, a 'Circular' to Thomas Hill, regarding the club's 'embarrassing finances'.

[ The Old Drury Club, 'a Social Circle round the Shrine of Shakspeare' in Regency London] Benjamin Oakley of Tavistock House, stockbroker and editor of Shakespeare
Publication details: 
Tavistock Place [ London ]. 4 April 1815.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmarks, to 'Thomas Hill Esq | New Inn'. In good condition, lightly-aged. Headed by Oakley 'Circular' and entirely written out in his own hand. The letter begins: 'In consequence of the embarrassing finances of the Old Drury Club, and its being uncertain whether, or no, it can any longer hold its deliberative meetings at its accustomed place of redevous [sic] - it has been determined by a majority of its members - to resolve themselves into a committee of ways and means'.

[ Alfred Bunn, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Bunn') to '- Perkins Esq', apologising for 'The dreadful bustle attendant on producing "Waterloo"'.

Alfred Bunn (1796-1860), theatre manager and librettist [ the Theatre Royal, Birmingham ]
Publication details: 
'Birmm: [i.e. the Theatre Royal, Birmingham ] | Oct. 13: 1824'.

The Oxford DNB's entry on Bunn states that from 1819 to 1824 he held the lease of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham. 1p., 8vo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to '- Perkins Esq'. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Bunn begins his letter: 'My dear Sir, | The dreadful bustle attendant on producing "Waterloo" must be my apology. The Music & Manuscript are herewith sent - & not a note or a syllable of either has been copied.' He thanks 'Mr Howes for his kindness', which he offers to reciprocate, 'whenever in my power'.

[ Dion Boucicault the younger, actor and theatre manager. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Dion Boucicault') to 'Mr Clarkson', regarding 'wigs that are being made for Sir Arthur Pinero's new play'.

Dion Boucicault the younger (1859-1929), actor and theatre manager, husband of the actress Irene Vanbrugh [ Sir Arthur Wing Pinero; Duke of York's Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Duke of York's Theatre, London. 25 September 1912.

1p., landscape 8Vo. In fair condition, aged and with a number of vertical crease lines. Reads: 'Dear Mr Clarkson, | Will you please give instructions that any wigs that are being made for Sir Arthur Pinero's new play should be here not later than 11 o'clock on Monday morning next. Our Dress Parade is at 12 o'clock.' The play Boucicault refers to is 'The Widow of Wasdale Head'.

[ The English agricultural crisis of 1816, 'the year without a summer'. ] Corrected manuscript copy of letter from unnamed Irish landowner (peer?) to the future Sir Robert Bateson, describing the agricultural crisis affecting his English estates.

[ Sir Robert Bateson (1782-1863), Irish Conservative politician ] [ 1816, 'the year without a summer' ]
Publication details: 
Written from England. Note by author: 'Copy to Robt. Bateson Esq. | May 8th. 1816'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, folded into packet. 34 lines of text. He begins by expressing his pleasure on Bateson's 'kind attention in naming me one of the God Fathers to your little Boy' [the future Conservative MP Robert Bateson (1816-1843)]. He next turns to the agricultural crisis: 'The accot. you give me of the state of the North of Ireland is very distressing under these circumstances. I feel no inclination to witness it by visiting my Estate there this Summer.

[ John Scott, editor of the 'London Magazine'. ] Autograph signature.

John Scott (1784-1821), editor of the 'London Magazine', killed in a duel by Jonathan Henry Christie, London agent of John Gibson Lockhart of Blackwood's Magazine
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Strip of paper cut from end of letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Your obedt humble Sert | John Scott'.

[ John Campbell, 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell of Ardencaple. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: D: Campbell')

John Campbell (1777-1847), 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell [ Lord John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell ] of Ardencaple, Dunbarton, Scottish Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Ardencaple [ Dunbarton, Scotland ]. 25 August 1825.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with broken seal in red wax) on reverse of second leaf to 'Archibald Campbell Esq | Army Agent | Regent Street | London'. The letter begins: 'I have just seen a Letter from the Widow of the late Stuart Campbell with a Copy of yours to her, recommending her to try, the effect of circulating Subscription Papers amongst the Friends of her late Husband, and certainly there appears little chance of obtaining any other Relief for her and her destitute Family'.

[ Percy Burton, impressario and playwright. ] Typescript of verse-play titled 'A Day-Dream in Japan' ('A Playlet').

Percy Burton (1878-1948), impressario and theatrical manager of Sir Henry Irving, Sarah Bernhardt and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree
Publication details: 
In manuscript on cover: 'property of Percy Burton | c/o The Royalton | 44 West 44th | New York City'. Undated, but Written in 1900', and published in Boston in 1916.

[1] + 28pp., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, bound with studs in worn light-blue paper wraps. In manuscript at foot of title-page: '2nd carbon'. The following is typed beneath the title, and has been deleted in pencil: 'Written in 1900 and Dedicated to Baroness de Grandcourt, to whom he is indebted for the idea'. With a few manuscript emendations. This piece was published in Boston in 1916.

[ Benjamin Webster, actor-manager and dramatist. ] Corrected Manuscript (possibly autograph) of 'The Unfortunate Youth! a Farce in One Act. by B. Webster Esqre.' [ Retitled 'The Unfortunate Boy! or Always in for it.' ]

Benjamin Webster [ Benjamin Nottingham Webster ] (1797-1882), English actor-manager and dramatist
Publication details: 
'T. R. H.' [ i.e. Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London ]. Undated [ 1840 ].

68pp., 4to. In fair condition on lightly aged and worn watermarked laid paper. Sewn into brown paper wraps with 'The Unfortunate Youth. | T. R. H.' on cover. The title on the title-page is retitled in pencil 'The Unfortunate Boy! or Always in for it.' Possibly in Webster's hand, but with what may be the initials of the transcriber following the 'FINIS' on the final page. The text of the play is on the rectos, with occasional writing on versos. Emendations in ink and pencil, including additional dialogue.

[ John Baldwin Buckstone, actor and playwright? ] Set of manuscript parts for an adaptation of Bulwer-Lytton's 'The Last Days of Pompeii', fifteen of them carrying the name of the actor or actress.

[ John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), English actor and playwright? ] [ The Adelphi Theatre, London ] Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873), English novelist
Publication details: 
[ Adelphi Theatre, London? ] Undated, but some paper with watermarked dates 1837 and 1840.

A total of 97pp., mostly 4to, with a further four slips. Around thirty separate parts, unbound. Written in at least two hands. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Fifteen of the parts (mostly from the first act) carry the name of the actor or actress at the head: 'Mr Bland', 'Mr Jonas', 'Mr. Gray', 'Mr Howard', 'Miss Barratt', 'Mr Webster', 'Mrs Baker', 'Mr Bedford', 'Mr. Lynne', 'Mr F. Lloyd', 'Mr Hailes', 'Mrs Ridgway', 'Mr Ridgway', 'Mr Hailes', 'Mr. P. C'. Bulwer-Lytton's book was published in 1834, and was an enormous success.?>

[ Sir William Martins, Gentleman Usher. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to actor-manager Benjamin Webster, asking him to arrange a performance of a farce at the Adelphi Theatre 'at the rather earnest wish of a former Lord Chamberlain'.

Sir William Martins (c.1787-1874), Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State [ Benjamin Webster [ Benjamin Nottingham Webster ] (1797-1882), actor-manager; Adelphi Theatre, London ]
Publication details: 
St James's Palace [ London ]. 16 February [ no year, but on paper watermarked 1844 ].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condiion, on aged and worn paper. Marked 'Private', and written with an urgency suggesting the involvement of royalty behind the request. The letter begins: 'Sir William Martins presents his Compliments to Mr Webster and at theh rather earnest wish of a former Lord Chamberlain entreats Mr Webster, if it be practicable to allow the Farce of "Powder & Ball" to be played at the Adelphi one evening this Week either Wednesday Thursday or Friday'. He will 'explain further' and writes 'in case he should not be fortunate enough to meet Mr Webster at the Theatre'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to the wife of the architect William Atkinson

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott [ William Atkinson (c.1774-1839), English architect ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but with note stating that it was written 'about the year 1829'.

1p., 12mo. Addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Atkinson', and with contemporary note at head stating that the letter is 'To Mrs. Atkinson Grove end - about the year 1829', Grove End in Paddington being the estate of the architect William Atkinson. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of stub adhering to one edge on blank reverse. He thanks her for her 'beautiful present' and informs her that he has 'secured 6 places in the front Boxes for to-morrow evening - and shall do myself the pleasure of bringing up admissions for that Number either to day or early to morrow morning'.

[ Charles Mathews, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Mathews') to Richard Wilson, declining an invitation because of 'so much responsibiltiy on my shoulders in the new farce'. With cartoon of Mathews, Yates, Reeves, and an elephant.

Charles Mathews [ Charles James Mathews ] (1803-1878), English actor and dramatist [ Richard Wilson (1759-1834) of Lincoln's Inn Fields, Member of Parliament ]
Publication details: 
'Theatre | Thursday Evg.' [ No place or date, but before 1834. ]

1p., 12mo. Bifolium, addressed on second leaf to 'Rd. Wilson Esqr | Lincolns Inn Fields'. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir | I have so much responsibility on my shoulders in the new farce that I really dare not venture into society on those days on which I perform in it.' If he had a holiday he would accept Wilson's 'polite invitation', 'but so situated I am sorry to say it is impossible'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to William Campbell, playfully inviting him to come and drink with him and 'Geddes' in Mount Street.

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
'Sunday Afternoon'. Without place or date.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf to 'Wm Campbell Esqr. | Brook Street'. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter begins: 'Had I been aware, before dinner, of what our friend Geddes has just informed me after dinner, - that you are at present a Batchelor, you certainly should have had no excuse for not returning with him to a friendly knife & fork in Mount Street'. He asks him, if he is 'quite alone', to 'come immeditely & lecture him for his remissness - & drink to his better behaviour - we are quite en famille with only Geddes'.

[ John Cust, 1st Earl Brownlow. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Brownlow') to C. B. Massingberd, regarding Royal Humane Society medallions to be presented to Richard Hoodlass and Joseph Dobson.

John Cust (1779-1853), 1st Earl Brownlow, peer and Tory politician [ The Royal Humane Society, London ]
Publication details: 
Belton House [ Grantham, Lincolnshire ], 8 February 1834.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium, with the lower part of the second leaf lacking, and only part of Brownlow's franking of the address present, together with his broken seal in red wax. Frank reads: '<...> Febry eighth 1834 | <...> Massingberd Esqre | Ormsby | Spilsby | <?> | Brownlow'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with folds strengthened with archival tape. He writes regarding the award of the Honorary Medallion of the Royal Humane Society to 'Rd.

[ Farnham School; James Lackington ] Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Locke') to London bookseller James Lackington, including a list of schoolbooks he wishes to purchase.

Rev. Dr Samuel Locke (c.1768-1849), Headmaster of Farnham School, 1800-1823 [ James Lackington (1746-1815), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Guildford [ Surrey ]. 1 November 1793.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He begins by asking Lackington to send a volume through his brother, and take back two volumes in exchange. 'I gave you 11S for them a few Weeks since, & tho' they are not one penny the worse, yet I cannot but expect you will allow yourself a fair profit'.

[ Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough. ] Autograph Signature ('Ellenborough') on frank to the Duke of Wellington's private secretary Algernon Greville.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Tory politician and Governor-General of India, 1842-1844
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 7 x 12 cm. panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly-aged. All in Ellenborough's hand, it reads 'Algernon Greville Esq | Apsley House | Ellenborough'.. As required with a frank, Ellenborough's signature is between two horizontal lines, in the bottom left-hand corner.

[ Sir James Robert George Graham, Whig politician. ] Autograph Signature ('J. R. G. Graham') on frank to the Duke of Wellington.

Sir James Robert George Graham (1792-1861), 2nd Baronet, Whig politician
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 8 x 18.5 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn. All in Graham's hand, it reads 'His Grace | The Duke of Wellington | K. G. | Apsley House | J. R. G. Graham'. As is customary, Graham's signature is between two horizontal lines, in the bottom left-hand corner.

[ John Singleton Copley, Lord Lyndhurst. ] Autograph Signature ('Lyndhurst') on frank to the Duke of Wellington.

John Singleton Copley (1772-1863), 1st Baron Lyndhurst [ Lord Lyndhurst ], Lord Chancellor of Great Britain
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 8 x 14.5 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly-aged. All in Lyndhurst's hand, it reads 'His Grace | The Duke of Wellington KG | &c &c &c | Lyndhurst'. As is customary, the signature is between two horizontal lines, in the bottom left-hand corner.

[ George Canning, Tory Prime Minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Canning'), emphatically rejecting the 'claims' of 'Mr Blake' upon his department of government.

George Canning (1770-1827), British Tory Prime Minister
Publication details: 
'F O. [ Foreign Office, Whitehall, London ] June 4. 1826'.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. The recipient's name has been smudged by Canning, and is illegible. It is 'utterly impossible' for him to 'do anything for Mr Blake', and he is as a consequence returning his memorial, 'which would with greater propriety be addressed to any other department of the Government than to that which I administer: & with the business of which Mr Blake's "claims," as stated in that Memorial have no concern'.

[ Henry Brougham, Lord Brougham, Whig Lord Chancellor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Brougham') to the Marquess of Clanricarde

Henry Peter Brougham (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux [ Lord Brougham; H.P. Brougham ], Whig Lord Chancellor of Great Britain [ Ulick John de Burgh (1802-1874), 1st Marquess of Clanricarde ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. 'Saturday Mg | Private'.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with 6cm vertical closed tear to first leaf, affecting a couple of words. The reverse of the second leaf carries a broken seal in black wax, and is addressed to Clanricarde. The letter begins: 'My dear Ld C: | We are in a great difficulty at the H. of Lords today for want of a third Peer.' He will esteem it a great favour if Clanricarde 'will come at ten and enable me to go on with the Causes - for otherwise there will be the whole expence thrown upon the packs'.

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