Theatre Scrapbook, containing twenty-one Letters from a number of individuals, four Telegrams, Dinner Invitation, Menu Card, and Newspaper Cuttings.

Harry E. King [Sir George Alexander; Sir Henry Irving; Theatre Royal, Margate]
Publication details: 
1892-1900; London, Margate.
SKU: 4655

The greater part of this collection consists of the responses of the British actor-manager Sir George Alexander (1858-1918) - best known as the first producer of Wilde's 'Importance of being Earnest' and 'Lady Windermere's Fan' - and his representatives to the requests of the scrapbook's compiler, Harry E. King. Twenty-eight leaf quarto scrap book, in which twelve leaves have been used. Items in good condition, with occasional spotting and fading. Album itself, on discoloured, high-acidity paper, in poor condition: binding loose and worn, with damage to spine. The twenty-one letters (mostly 12mo) are all addressed to King, often at his home, 'Gryppeswycke', in Haringey. The major part concern the Marlowe Club, an amateur dramatic company of which King was a member. They include: Four Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Notes signed (all six items 12mo) by Sir George Alexander, granting permission for the Club to perform W. L. Courtney's play 'Kit Marlowe', giving encouragement, offering to 'lend the dresses', etc. One Letter from Sir Henry Irving (2 March 1897, one page, octavo, with some spotting), signed but in a secretarial hand (Bram Stoker), with 'best wishes for the prosperity of the Marlowe Club'. One Autograph Letter Signed, 6 April 1896, on St James's Theatre letterhead, from Henry H. Vincent, the St James's Theatre stage manager, congratulating King, on Alexander's behalf, 'on the admirable manner in which your performance [of 'Kit Marlowe'] was received'. Six Autograph Letters Signed, all on St James's Theatre letterhead, on Alexander's behalf from R. G. Legge. Two Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed by Alexander's business manager Robert V. Shone, one of the latter (3 October 1896) offering the rights to one or two amateur performances of 'Liberty Hall' by R. C. Carton (whom Shone represents) for ten guineas. Two Autograph Letters Signed, on St. James's Theatre letterhead, from Charles Dickens (son or grandson of the novelist?), on Alexander's behalf. Four telegrams from King sending best wishes, informing King that the Marlowe script has been posted, etc. King's invitation to the Vaudeville Club complimentary dinner 'To our President: GEORGE ALEXANDER, ESQ.', together with bifoliate menu card for the same. Six pages carrying thirty-one newspaper cuttings relating to the productions at the Theatre Royal, Margate, 1893-4. Attractive bookplate of Bertram E. Shuttleworth (dwarf who worked for Alec Clunes,, theatre dealer, while resting) and binder's ticket of A. Taylor, Discount Bookseller, 120, Seven Sisters Rd. N.