[Printed flyer] Mr Dowton, The Father of the British Stage . . . . A Benefit.
Four pages, 4to, good condition. "Mr. Dowton, The Father of the British Stage, is about to bid farewell to that profession which he has adorned for upwards of FIFTY YEARS. The following Noblemen and Gentlemen . . . have formed themselves into a Committee, for the two-fold purpose - first of Receiving Subscriptions, and secondly of conducting A BENEFIT . . . to secure a great and estimable artist the means of ease and comfort for the remainder of his life."" This is followed by a lengthy, nearly two-page, list of subscribers chaired by Lord Dudley Stuart and including Dickens and others similar folowed by a list of actors and actresses. [Third page] They announce a performance of "A Favorite Comedy in which Mr. Dowton will take his Farewell of the Stage . . ." will be given on 8 June 1840, followed by a list of royal and noble patrons, and information about the reception of subscriptions. Page 4 blank.