18-line handbill advertisement, beginning 'W. Viney, Angel Hill, Tiverton, Begs leave to inform the Families and Inhabitants of this Town and its Neighbourhood, that he has just received a supply of the Bridgwater Red Ware, [...]'
On one side of a piece of wove paper, watermarked 'BRIDGE MILL | 1826', roughly 24 x 19 cm. In a variety of types and point sizes. Good, with text clear and entire, on slightly grubby and lightly discoloured paper . Two spike holes at centre, puncturing one large letter (the 'W' of 'WARE'). Serving as a proof, with printer's manuscript corrections in pencil. The first three lines ('W. VINEY, | ANGEL HILL, | TIVERTON," have been cancelled, with the text that is intended to replace them ('James Pope Street ') at head of page. Continues 'And at Prices extremely moderate, Consisting of Salting Pans, Butter Jars, Washing Pans, Water Pitchers, Cream and Milk Pans, Baking Dishes, Chimney Pots of various descriptions, Garden Pans, &c. | W. V. [amended in pencil to 'J. P.'] in venturing to recommend the above to thhe notice of the Public, respectfully states that it is his intention to keep a general supply always on hand, particularly Chimney Pots and Garden Pans.' BBTI lists William Bragg as active in Taunton before 1830.