Autograph Letter Signed ('George A Lawrence') to an unnamed publisher [George Routledge?].
16mo (leaf dimensions 13 x 10 cm), 3 pp. Bifolium. Twenty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper with small closed tear in margin (not affecting text). He has been asked by 'Miss Caulfield' to 'perform the ceremony of "introduction" with a view to your publishing (if you approved of it) a work she has lately written [...] <"Janet de Rinzy?">'. [Apparently no record of the author or title.] Lawrence has 'great pleasure in doing this, because from my acquaintance with the writer I am convinced the sentiments of the book would be good in every way, & well brought out'. He 'cannot speak of the particular work' as he has not seen it. 'I cannot tell what your judgement may be: but whatever it is, I am certain Miss Caulfield will meet both that courtesy & consideration at your hands which have marked all your dealing with myself & others.' The recipient may be Routledge, who published Lawrence's most famous novel, 'Guy Livingstone'.