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[Printed pamphlet.] Tom Cladpole's Jurney To Lunnun; Shewing the many Difficulties he met with, and How he got safe Home at Last. Told by himself and written in pure Wessex Doggerel, By his Uncle Tim.

'Uncle Tim' [Richard Lower (1782-1865)] ['Pure Wessex Doggerel'; Sussex dialect; Lewes]
Publication details: 
New Edition. Lewes: Printed and Published by Farncombe & Co., "East Sussex News." [Farncombe & Co., Printers, Lewes.]

34 + [1]pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, a little ruckled. Advertisement for 'Jan Cladpole's Trip to Merricur' ('Just published') on last page. A three-page preface is followed by the poem, in 152 four-line stanzas, with pp.33-34 carrying another poem titled 'Tom Cladpole's Return'. Surprisingly uncommon.

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