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[Printed book.] The School House; Its Architecture, External and Internal Arrangements, with [...] papers on Gymnastics, the Use of Apparatus, School Discipline, Methods of Teaching, etc., etc., [...] with Selections for Public Recitations in Schools

J. George Hodgins, M.A. Deputy Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada, editor
Publication details: 
Toronto: Printed for the Department of Public Instruction for Upper Canada, by Lovell and Gibson. 1857.

216pp., 8vo, paginated i-viii, 6-212. With numerous engravings of views and plans of schools, 'school architecture' (desks, blackboards and so on), and diagrams and illustrations of gymnastics. Divided into three sections: 'School Architecture', 'School Economy and Discipline' and 'Selections for public Recitation in Schools'. Two-page appendix: 'New Brick School House at Simcoe, County of Norfolk'. In original printed wraps of cloth backed with card. In fair condition, on aged paper, in heavily worn wraps. The volume contains an interesting selection of stamps and labels.

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