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Six Autograph Letter Signed from 'W. B. Ferguson' (William Bates Ferguson) to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

William Bates Ferguson (1853-1937), author, lawyer and chemist, with an interest in photography [Royal Photographic Society; Sir Henry Truman Wood; Ferdinand Hurter; Vero Charles Driffield]
Publication details: 
18 November to 19 December 1916; all on letterhead of 48 Compayne Gardens, South Hampstead, London N.W.
William Bates Ferguson (1853-1937), author, lawyer and chemist

All in good condition on lightly-aged paper, and all but one (Letter Five) bearing the Society's stamp. Letters One, Two and Six docketed. Letter One (18 November): 12mo, 2 pp. Hoping that Wood, 'as an Ex President of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain', will 'help the Hurter and Driffield Memorial Fund [of which he is Honorary Treasurer] which is being got up [by the Royal Photographic Society] [...] to do honour to the memory of those famous workers in the Chemistry & Physics of Photography'. Letter Two (26 November): 4to, 2 pp.

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