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[ William Harrison, Isle of Man antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed

William Harrison (1802-1884), Isle of Man antiquary [ The Manx Society; John Frissel Crellin (1816-1886) of Orrysdale ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Rock Mount, St John's [amended in autograph to 'Peel'], Isle of Man. 12 December 1851.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, very lightly aged. Harrison begins by answering the unnamed recipient's enqury 'about Manx Coins &c', with reference to 'an old bookseller in Douglas' and 'John F Crellin of Orrysdale'. Crellin has 'a fine Collection of Coins relating to the Island', and is 'in a poor state of health & confined to bed'. Harrison discusses a paper by Crellin on 'the Coinage of 1733' before turning to 'what duplicate' of Manx Society publications he has in his possession, 'chiefly of my own Editing'.

[ Minnie Walters Anson, English miniaturist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Miss Newcomb' [ secretary of Marcus Adams Limited], regarding miniatures made from photographs of children taken by her brother-in-law Marcus Adams

Walters Anson [ Minnie Walters Anson ] (1875-1959), RMS [ Royal Miniature Society ], miniaturist [ Lambeth School of Art ], wife of artist Chris Adams (1867-1960), brother of Marcus Adams
Publication details: 
Both on her letterhead ('WALTERS ANSON, R.M.S.'), 48 Parkstone Avenue, Parkstone, Dorset. 6 and 11 February 1950.

Both letters 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, lightly-aged, the second with the first page lightly crossed through in pencil. The letters relate to work done for the firm of her brother-in-law Marcus Adams (described in his Times obituary as 'the outstanding child photographer of his day and photographer to the Royal Family for more than 30 years'), at 43 Dover Street, Mayfair. She begins the first letter by explaining that she has 'endeavoured to make the Woodall miniature like the snapshot, but unless they are really satisfied I had better do another.

[ The Patent Office, London. ] Signatures of 44 members of staff to manuscript calligraphic testimonial, in black, red and gold, paying tribute on his retirement 'To Ralph Griffin, Esq., F.S.A., Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks.'

[ Ralph Hare Griffin (1854-1941), Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks at the Patent Office, London, and Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries ] [ A. E. Housman; St John's College, Cambridge ]
Publication details: 
[ The Patent Office, London. ] 31 December 1919.

2pp., on bifolium with leaf dimensions 36.5 x 28 cm. On thick wove paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. The attractive calligraphic testimonial is on the recto of the first leaf, and is laid out in a sort of modified Gothic script, with initial capitals in red and gold. It is headed in large script 'To Ralph Griffin, Esq., F.S.A., | Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks.', with the date at the foot.

[ Society for the Study of Social Ethics, Oxford. ] Six items, including 'The Idea of a Modern Ethical Society' by W. K. Firminger and W. Gibson, pamphlets on religion, over-population and immigration, and offprint of lecture on 'the poor'.

Society for the Study of Social Ethics, Oxford [ renamed the Social Science Club in 1897 ]; Walter K. Firminger [ Walter Kelly Firminger ] (1870-1940) of Merton College
Publication details: 
Society for the Study of Social Ethics, Oxford. 1891 and 1892.

The six items are all disbound and in fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Items One and Five are not productions of the Society, but are closely connected with it. The first five items are scarce: the only copies of One on COPAC at Oxford and the British Library; no copy on COPAC of Two; the only copies of Three and Four at Oxford; Five is a galley proof; and Six only to be found at Oxford, the British Library, the LSE and University College, London. ONE: 'The Idea of an Oxford Modern Ethical Society.

[ John Cust, 1st Earl Brownlow. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Brownlow') to C. B. Massingberd, regarding Royal Humane Society medallions to be presented to Richard Hoodlass and Joseph Dobson.

John Cust (1779-1853), 1st Earl Brownlow, peer and Tory politician [ The Royal Humane Society, London ]
Publication details: 
Belton House [ Grantham, Lincolnshire ], 8 February 1834.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium, with the lower part of the second leaf lacking, and only part of Brownlow's franking of the address present, together with his broken seal in red wax. Frank reads: '<...> Febry eighth 1834 | <...> Massingberd Esqre | Ormsby | Spilsby | <?> | Brownlow'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with folds strengthened with archival tape. He writes regarding the award of the Honorary Medallion of the Royal Humane Society to 'Rd.

[ Leaflet' handbill; economics; with Letter Signed from César Moreau and the Duc de Montmorency ] Société Francaise de Statistique Universelle [Statuts, Membres, etc].

[ César Moreau (1791-1860), Économiste et statisticien [economist and statistician]; Société Francaise de Statistique Universelle ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Imprimerie de Cosson, [Paris, 1833]

Four pages, 4to, unbound as issued, two small closed tears, fold marks, grubby at fold marks, text clear and complete. Information given of meetings, objectives, etc, list of members (including mainly French but Englishmen like Palmerston, Macaulay and Lord Melville; American like Malthus A. Ward; Humboldt, etc., etc.), Statutes, But, etc. Directeur Président du Conseil, César Moreau.

[ Sir Edwin Chadwick, social reformer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwin Chadwick') to the Quaker abolitionist George Stacey, blaming 'cholera cases, & some other matters of possible emergency' for not being able to attend at 'the Institution'.

Sir Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890), English social reformer, pioneer in the fields of the Poor Laws, sanitary conditions and public health [ George Stacey (1787-1857), Quaker abolitionist ]
Publication details: 
Gwydir House [ Gwydyr House, Whitehall, London ]. 1 August 1850.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper with spike hole through one word (the 'yours' of 'Very truly yours'). He apologises for being foreced to forego the opportunity of 'attending at the Institution, which I have often wished to revisit', as a result of the requirement for 'an extraordinary amount of attendance from me night as well as day, consequent upon the encrease [sic] of cholera cases, & some other matters, of possible emergency'.

[ William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Lovelace'), the first two to S[eymou]r Teulon of Limpsfield, and the third to the man's Member of Parliament, P. L. L. King, justifying his actions.

William King-Noel (1805-1893), 1st Earl of Lovelace, scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, husband of Lord Byron's daughter Augusta Ada (1815-1852), Countess of Lovelace [ Peter John Locke King ]
Publication details: 
One from 6 Great Cumberland Place [ London]. Two on letterheads of East Horsley Tower. [ 1852 ], 1853 and 1854.

The three items in good condition, lightly aged. The first two with mourning borders (for his wife, who had died in 1852). Lovelace's handwriting is idiosyncratic. ONE: 12 February [1852]. From 6 Great Cumberland Place. 1p., 16mo. Acknowledging receipt of 'a memorial from certain inhabitants of Limpsfield, as well as the letter of Mr. Elliott'. TWO: 9 January 1853. 1p., 12mo. Stating that he has 'felt it inexpedient to comply with the requisition transmitted to me in February last'. THREE: 30 July 1854. 1p., 4to. Addressed to King as 'Dear Locke'.

[ Walter Crane, Arts and Crafts artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Stanley Little, with thirteen examples of Crane's work, including invitation cards, handbills, letterheads.

Walter Crane (1845-1915), English illustrator, designer and painter, associated with the Arts and Craft Society, Fabian Society and Art Workers' Guild [ James Stanley Little (1856-1940) ]
Publication details: 
13 Holland Street, Kensington, and other London addresses. 1886 to 1912.

The fourteen items are laid down on three pages, on two leaves of grey paper, removed from an album, on the reverse of one leaf are two coloured coaching scenes by Randolph Caldecott, one featuring a highwayman. The overall condition is fair, with creasing and signs of age. The Autograph Letter Signed is from Crane to 'My dear Stanley Little'. 1p., landscape 8vo. With letterhead of Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd's Bush, featuring an illustration by Crane of a shepherd and sheep. 20 September 1892.

[ George Bernard Shaw. ] Printed calling card, with Arts and Crafts influence, possibly designed by Walter Crane.

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish playwright [ Walter Crane (1845-1915); Arts and Crafts Society; Art Workers' Guild; Fabian Society ]
Publication details: 
'G. BERNARD SHAW, | 29, FITZROY SQUARE, | W.' [ London ] [ Between 1887 and 1898.]

Printed in black on 4 x 7.5cm piece of card. Lightly aged and stained, with one indentation. Evidence on reverse of removal from a grey paper mount. Restrained in design, and reading 'G. BERNARD SHAW, | 29, FITZROY SQUARE, | W.' The 'G' and 'S' in Shaw's name with flourishes at head trailing to the right. Shaw lived at this address from 1887 to his marriage in 1898. Virginia Woolf lived there from 1907 to 1911. From a collection of material relating to Walter Crane, who was a member of the Fabian Society with Shaw, and possibly designed by him.

[ John Mason Neale, Warden of Sackville College. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. M. Neale.') to an unnamed recipient, providing a description of the 'Mother Superior of S. Margaret's', to reassure him that he has not given money to an imposter.

John Mason Neale (1818-1866), Anglican priest, scholar and hymn writer, Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead, and co-founder of the Society of St. Margaret
Publication details: 
Sackville College [ East Grinstead ]. 2 April 1859.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The second leaf has traces of mount on reverse, and slight loss and a closed tear at the foot (not affecting text). He begins by stating that she 'has been collecting money for us at Chester, Stockport & in south-west Yorkshire', and that, although she has not mentioned the visit, he 'can have no doubt that she it is to whom you refer.

[ The Moberly–Jourdain incident, 1901, or the Ghosts of Petit Trianon or Versailles. ] Collection relating to the case, including typed essay by compiler James Edward Holroyd, four ALsS from Andrew MacKenzie, and a collection of newspaper cuttings.

James Edward Holroyd; Andrew Carr MacKenzie (1911-2001), vice president of the Society for Psychical Research [ The Moberly-Jourdain incident, 1901, or the Ghosts of Petit Trianon or Versailles ]
Publication details: 
Holroyd's essay dating from around 1981. MacKenzie's four letters all dating from 1966. The newspaper cuttings from the 1950s.

The tale told anonymously by Charlotte Anne Moberly (1846-1937) and Eleanor Jourdain (1863-1924) in their 'An Adventure' (1911) is probably the most famous true-life ghost story of the twentieth century, and has been the subject of an enormous amount of analysis. For more information see the couple's entries in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. The present material is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. It was assembled by Holroyd - a Sherlock Holmes expert - with the intention of writing a book on the subject. ONE.

[ Puttick and Simpson auction catalogue. ] Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Modern Useful Books, [...] the Property of a Gentleman leaving England, also some interesting Archaeological Manuscripts, by William Bromet, Esq., M.D., F.S.A.

[ William Bromet (d.1850), M.D., F.S.A.; Puttick and Simpson, London auctioneers; the Society of Antiquaries of London ]
Publication details: 
Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, Auctioneers of Literary Property, at their great room, 191, Piccadilly, On Wednesday, June 30th, 1852. [ G. Norman, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. ]

Full title: 'Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Modern Useful Books, many in choice bindings, the greater portion the Property of a Gentleman leaving England, also some interesting Archaeological Manuscripts, by William Bromet, Esq., M.D., F.S.A.' 15pp., 12mo. Unbound and side-stitched pamphlet. Aged, worn and grubby. 308 lots. Lot 181 is 'Caumont (M. de) Histoire del' Architecture au Moyen Age, some manuscript memorandums and illustrations added by the late Dr. Bromet | Caen, 1838'.

[ Russell family pedigree. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' by Frederick Arthur Crisp of the family of Lord John Russell and Bertrand Russell, with a long entry on the Prime Minister.

John Russell, 1st Earl Russell (1792-1879) [ Lord John Russell ], British Liberal Prime Minister; Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), philosopher [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E. 1918 or later.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Dated 1904 on cover, but with latest entry for 1918. In manuscript in top right-hand corner of cover is 'Russell, E.' underlined in red, with 'Bedford D' beneath it.

[ Pedigree of the family of Dominick Browne, 1st Baron Oranmore and Browne. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' by Frederick Arthur Crisp of the 'Oranmore & Browne' families.

Oranmore and Browne, Irish baronetcy [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In manuscript in top right-hand corner of cover is 'Oranmore & Browne, B.', underlined in red. Dated 1905 on cover, but with latest entry for 1918.

[ John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' of the Jellicoe family by Frederick Arthur Crisp, with long entry on Admiral Jellicoe.

John Rushworth Jellicoe (1859-1935), 1st Earl Jellicoe, Admiral of the Fleet, commander of the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland, 1916 [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E. 1918 or later.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In top right hand corner of cover is a manuscript label with 'JELLICOE.' underlined in red. The pedigree, descending from 'Capt.

[ Barnard family pedigree. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' by Frederick Arthur Crisp of the family of Lord Barnard.

Henry de Vere Vane (1854-1918), 9th Baron Barnard, senior Freemason [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E. 1918 or later.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Barnard, B.' in manuscript in top right-hand corner of cover, underlined in red. Dated on cover '1905', but with latest entry for 1918.

[ Frederick Tayler, watercolour artist. ] Original 'design' for a painting of 'a Girl carrying a Basket of Puppies', in an Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredk. Tayler') [to Scottish artist Thomas Faed], with request for a 'Cottage Door' to work from.

Frederick Tayler [ John Frederick Tayler ], English watercolour artist, president of the Royal Watercolour Society [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 38 Avenue Road, Regents Park, NW [ London ]. 12 December [ year lacking ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with a corner of the first leaf torn away, resulting in some loss of text, including the year. The reverse of the second leaf laid down on a leaf removed from an album. The image of the 'design', 8 x 6.5 cm, is on the second leaf, which also carries Tayler's signature. It is a crude but pleasing sketch of an intended painting, done with the sureness of a watercolour artist.

[ Charles William Domville-Fife, author and imperialist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles. W. Domville-Fife') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding 'a big undertaking' and 'kindnesses received'. With copy of prospectus.

Charles William Domville-Fife (b.1886), editor of 'The Encyclopaedia of the British Empire' [ G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the 'Editorial Offices' of 'The Encyclopaedia of the British Empire', Adelphi Terrace, Strand, London. 12 April 1924.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With the date stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. He thanks him for 'the cuttings, several of which I had not seen', and states that he will be delighted to 'present a copy of my book to your library'. He had been meaning to give one 'at the conclusion of the exhibition'. He is grateful to Menzies for offering to review the book in the Society's journal, and is 'already so much indebted to te Royal Society of Arts for kindness received'.

[ Rev. Thomas Grinfield, clergyman and hymn writer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Lady Cholmley, regarding his memoirs of his friend Rev. Cornelius Neale.

Rev. Thomas Grinfield (1788-1870), Bristol clergyman and hymnwriter [ Lady Catherine Cholmley; Rev. Cornelius Neale (1789-1823) of St John's College, Cambridge, and the London Missionary Society ]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1833, the year of the publication of the pamphlet.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On heavily aged and worn paper. Begins: 'Mr Grinfield, with his kind respects to Lady Cholmley, begs permission to submit the accompanying "Memoir & Remains of Mr Neale" to her perusal, having received a few copies (of which this is the last) for private disposal; - the price being 8/6d.

[ William Rathbone Greg, English essayist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. R. Greg') to 'My dear Charles', discussing his medical treatment at the hands of 'Mr. Quain' [ the future Sir Richard Quain ].

W. R. Greg [ William Rathbone Greg ] (1818-1881), English essayist, born in Manchester, member of the Metaphysical Society, London [ Sir Richard Quain (1816-1898), Irish physician ]
Publication details: 
'Park Lodge | Tuesday.' [no year]

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount on blank second leaf. He was attended in his illness by 'Mr. Quain of 32 Cavendish Square', and he 'liked him much. But it was many years ago, and I forget what I wanted him for. But he was sensible & business-like.' He and his wife would have called on him 'as we came up from the Lubbocks', but she was 'too tired by two very busy days, when it came to the time'.

[ Rev. Henry Richard, MP, 'the Apostle of Peace'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Richard') to an unnamed recipient, regarding Lewis Appleton, and the 'serious irregularities in his accounts' when collector for the Peace Society.

Rev. Henry Richard (1812-1888), "the Apostle of Peace", Welsh Congregational minister and Member of Parliament or Merthyr Tydfil, 1868-1888
Publication details: 
22 Bolton Gardens, South Kensington, London. On letterhead of the House of Commons. 21 January 1881.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Richard, who asks for the letter to beb regarded as confidential, is sorry to have to state that when Appleton ceased to be 'collector for the Peace Society, and his books and papers came into our hands, we found serious irregularities in his accounts'. Richard assumes that it is as a result of Appleton being exposed, 'and explanations being demanded of him', that he wrote to him. 'But he is now refunding the defalcations, and we are unwilling by exposure to ruin his character & prospects'.

[ 'Baron', London photographer. ] Twenty-four black and white photographs of his head printer and retoucher Mary Buchanan Owen, with an Autograph Reference by him, signed 'Baron & W Nahum', and genealogical notes by Owen's great-niece Kay Locker.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The reference on the letterhead of 'Baron | Camera Studies. 23 Grosvenor Street W.1. Mayfair 5069 [ London ]'. 2 August 1940. Some of the photographs are dated, between 1936 and 1947.

The collection of 26 items is in fair condition, aged and lightly worn. The 24 black and white photographic prints, of which there are 23 different images and one image duplicated in a smaller size, range in size from 29 x 24.5 cm to 8.5 x 11.5 cm. The pictures are tender and affectionate, in an informal style unusual for Baron. One picture, stamped 'UNRETOUCHED ROUGH PR<...>', shows Owen sitting on Baron's knee, on a wooden bench, the two smiling. The four largest are studies of Owen's smiling face, staring into the camera.

[ 'Baron', society photographer. ] Three family photographs of 'Baron' [ Sterling Henry Nahum ], one with a signed inscripion by him, and a contact sheet of nine shots of his face.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The inscription on the back of the photograph is dated May 1940. The other items undated.

Three black and white prints, ranging in size from 12 x 17 cm to 10 x 7.5 cm. The contact sheet is 12.5 x 13 cm. The four items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. One of the three pictures shows a smiling Baron outdoors with a young blonde boy (his son?), who is holding a camera tripd; another shows him standing with his arm on the shoulder of another man (his brother?), both on skis in the snow; and the third shows him in a heavy wool coat, on the steps of a European building, with a man in Slavic costume. The last is inscribed on the reverse: 'May 1940 | <?>.

[ Printed pamphlet with signed inscription by the author. ] "Gilds and their Functions." A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair.

John Yeats, LL.D. [ The Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair.

34pp., 12mo. Drophead title, with subtitle: 'A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair. For details of the discussion, &c., see Journal of the Society, No. 1054, Vol. xxi.' Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Inscription at head of first page reads: 'With kind regards to Mr Cooper, | from | John Yeats'. The only copy on COPAC at Oxford University, and now excessively scarce.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Logic of Co-operation.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
London: Trübner & Co., 60, Paternoster Row. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. 1873. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Corporation-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Policy of Commercial Co-operation as respects including the Consumer.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester; Co-operative Movement in Victorian England ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted, with additions, from the Co-operative News.' London: Trubner & Co., 57 & 59, Ludgate Hill. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[ John Thomas Bellows, Quaker printer and lexicographer.] Autograph Draft Letter Signed ('John Bellows') to 'Honoured Count Worontzoff Dashkoff', sending condolences and devout sentiments on the death of his child.

John Bellows [ John Thomas Bellows ] (1831-1902) of Upton Knoll, Gloucester, Quaker printer and lexicographer, author of first pocket French/English dictionary [ Count Worontzoff Dashkoff ]
Publication details: 
Upton Knoll, Gloucester. 4 April 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A long letter, closely and neatly written, with a number of emendations suggesting that it is a draft. After a short reference to the Count's kindness to him and his friend Joseph Neave, he devotes the rest of the letter to 'the heavy trial thou has had to pass through', discussing the nature of loss with 'knowledge from my own experience, that the loss of a child is a grief into whose full depths no stranger can enter, and that words, even well-meant, when uttered at an unfit moment, pain instead of helping'.

[ Henry Home, Lord Kames. ] Autograph Signature to letter in a neat secretarial hand, addressed to Edinburgh attorney Thomas Cockburn, expressing a desire to lend money while 'borrowing upon bill', as he did when he 'begun the world of business'.

Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696-1782), judge and philosopher, a central figure of the Scottish Enlightenment
Publication details: 
Blair Drummond [ Stirling, Scotland ]. 4 June 1776.

1p., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition. Addressed (with postmark) on second leaf to 'Mr. Thomas Cockburn Writer to the Signet | Edinh.' The letter begins: 'Sir | When I begun the world of business, no sooner had I collected 40 or 50 guineas than I was ready to lend out

[ Sir John Tenniel and his Punch cartoons. ] Printed and illustrated invitation card to a private view of his drawings for 'Punch Cartoons'.

Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), English illustrator, famed for his Punch cartoons and work with 'Lewis Carroll' (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) [ Punch, or the London Charivari; Fine Art Society ]
Publication details: 
At the Fine Art Society's, 148 New Bond Street [ London ]. 30 March [ 1895 ].

Printed in black on one side of a 12.5 x 17 cm card. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper, with a little light staining. To the right of the page is an illustration by Tenniel of Mr Punch holding Yorick's skull, while a pug dog looks on. Text reads: 'Sir John Tenniel requests the honour of a visit from [blank] and friend, On Saturday, March 30th, To the Private View of some of his Drawings for "Punch Cartoons," etc., At the Fine Art Society's, 148, New Bond Street. 10 to 6 o'clock.'

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