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[ William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Lovelace'), the first two to S[eymou]r Teulon of Limpsfield, and the third to the man's Member of Parliament, P. L. L. King, justifying his actions.

William King-Noel (1805-1893), 1st Earl of Lovelace, scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, husband of Lord Byron's daughter Augusta Ada (1815-1852), Countess of Lovelace [ Peter John Locke King ]
Publication details: 
One from 6 Great Cumberland Place [ London]. Two on letterheads of East Horsley Tower. [ 1852 ], 1853 and 1854.

The three items in good condition, lightly aged. The first two with mourning borders (for his wife, who had died in 1852). Lovelace's handwriting is idiosyncratic. ONE: 12 February [1852]. From 6 Great Cumberland Place. 1p., 16mo. Acknowledging receipt of 'a memorial from certain inhabitants of Limpsfield, as well as the letter of Mr. Elliott'. TWO: 9 January 1853. 1p., 12mo. Stating that he has 'felt it inexpedient to comply with the requisition transmitted to me in February last'. THREE: 30 July 1854. 1p., 4to. Addressed to King as 'Dear Locke'.

Document signed "Anne Isabella Noel Byron" and others.

Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron
Publication details: 
I August 1853.

Conveyance of Lands at Stapleton in the County of Leicester, Joseph Knight and John Edwards (the other signatories) to Baroness Noel Byron, widow of the poet, and others (family). A vellum deed, 26" x 20", folded, 2 leaves, with a PL:AN including the land (coloured) involved in the agreement, c. 12 x 12", adjacent to Wigstones Farm Stapleton and Kirkby Lordship.. Good condition although front panel of folded item is stained without loss or obscuring.

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