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[Printed pamphlet.] A Few Remarks on the Uses and Mode of Applying the New Materials lately invented to supersede Poultices and Fomentation Cloths; and also, as a Protector to the Chest, and a valuable Remedy in Cases of Rheumatism. Etc. Etc.

Alfred Markwick, Surgeon to the Western German Dispensary, &c [The Patent Epithem Company; Chapman and Elcoate, London printers]
Publication details: 
London: Published by the Patent Epithem Company, at their wholesale depot, 69, King William-street, City. 1846. [Chapman and Elcoate, Printers, Peterborough-court, and 5, Shoe-lane, Fleet-street.]

12pp., 12mo. Disbound. Stabbed as issued. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Uncommon: the only copies of this first edition on COPAC at the British Library and Wellcome.

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