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[ Edward Mason Wrench, private medical attendant to the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth House. ] Autograph Journals, describing his life and duties at Chatsworth, and including references to Sir Joseph Paxton.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912) of Baslow, Derbyshire, Assistant Surgeon, 34th Regiment of Foot and 12th Royal Lancers [ Sir Joseph Paxton; William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire; Chatsworth House]
Publication details: 
[ London and Baslow, Derbyshire. ] 4 June to 31 December 1862; 24 July 1865 to 11 July 1865; 1 January to 22 February 1866.

As befits the son of a City of London clergyman, Edward Mason Wrench was a well-educated and well-connected man (being presented to the Prince of Wales in his old age), attributes which enabled him to thrive at Chatsworth. His standing was also enhanced by an eventful army career. Wrench's obituary in the British Medical Journal (27 April 1912), describes how, after service in the Crimea, 'he was transferred to the 4th Lancers, went to Madras with that regiment in the following month, and served with it during the whole of the Indian Mutiny.

[ Sir James Crichton-Browne, physician and psychiatrist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Crichton Browne') to 'Mr. Graves' [ Alfred Perceval Graves ], offering to arrange a course of lectures at the Royal Institution 'on Welsh and Irish Music'.

Sir James Crichton-Browne (1840-1938), Scottish physician and psychiatrist [ Alfred Perceval Graves (1846-1931), Irish poet ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 45 Hans Place, SW1 [ London ]. 17 November 1919.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He finds that he will be able to arrange 'a course of 3 afternoon lectures for you on Welsh and Irish Music . . at the Royal Institution during next week'. He asks Graves to 'communicate with the Assistant Secretary as to date and exact title'. He ends by stating the fee.

[ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa. ] Autograph article titled 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro. A character study from "German East"'. With newspaper cutting about the author Captain Francis Robinson, and a print of a drawing by him.

Captain Francis Robinson, Chaplain, 4th South African Horse [ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa ]
Publication details: 
The article (regarding Morogoro, German East Africa, in the First World War) and the drawing are both without place, the latter being dated to 1902. Newspaper cutting from 'The Pictorial', Durban, 9 February 1917.

12pp., 4to, including title-page: 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro | A character study from "German East" | by Capt. Francis Robinson | Chaplain. | South African Horse | with the British Expeditionary Force | German East Africa'. In good condition, on aged paper, with closed tear to last leaf. A reference dates the item to after the Battle of Salaita Hill on 12 February 1916. The following captures the tone of an enthusiastic tribute: 'Wherever you go in that unattractive collection of miscellaneous buildings, you come across a little nurse, prim & smart in her uniform & cap.

[ Robinson & Sons, Ltd., Chesterfield. ] Two British Army cloth bandages, in cloth packet with printed instructions headed 'First Field Dressing'.

Robinson & Sons, Ltd., Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers, suppliers of textile goods to the British Army in the Second World War ]
Publication details: 
Robinson & Sons, Ltd., Chesterfield. January 1941.

Two pink cloth bandages, in brown cloth packet, roughly 8 x 11 x 2 cm. The contents are described as 'Two Dressings in Waterproof Covers, each consisting of a gauze pad stitched to a bandage and a safety pin.; The printed text, encased within a border, also includes instructions 'To Open' and 'Directions for Use'. The Imperial War Museum has three such dressings (1940, 1942 and 1944), but none with the same date as the present item.

[ William Roscoe of Liverpool. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W: Roscoe') to Dr William Henry of the Manchester Infirmary, discussing the death and career of Dr John Ferriar, author of 'The Bibliomania'.

William Roscoe (1753-1831) of Liverpool, historian, connoisseur, abolitionist [ William Henry (1774-1836); John Ferriar (1761-1815), author of 'The Bibliomania' ; Manchester Infirmary ]
Publication details: 
Allerton [ Liverpool, Lancashire ]. 6 February 1815.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with the seal neatly cut away resulting in damage to a couple of words of text. Roscoe has felt 'sincere sorrow' on receiving Henry's letter conveying the news of the death of Ferriar (a colleague of Henry's at the Manchester Infirmary). 'I had flattered myself that after all apprehensions from the alarming attack which he some time since experienced had been entirely removed, in which opinion I had been confirmed by his Letters on the subject of Mrs.

[John Forbes, physician) Clipped Signature, "[...] to the council | John Forbes Md | DCR FRS" with a few words

John Forbes, M.D. Sir John Forbes FRCP FRS (1787-1861), Scottish physician, physician to Queen Victoria 1841-1861.
Publication details: 
No date or place

10 x 4cm, somewhat grubby but text clear. Verso also has a few words, "[at?]taching to the office [...] Assistant [Secretary?] [...]".

[ The National Health Service Bill, 1946. ] Printed circular to members of the British Medical Association, from its Secretary Charles Hill, explaining the purpose of an 'Emergency Guarantee Fund' set up in case of 'any conflict which might arise'.

Charles Hill [ Baron Hill of Luton (1904-1989) ], Secretary, British Medical Association, London [ The National Health Service Bill ]
Publication details: 
'D.25 | 1945-46'. British Medical Association House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.1. March, 1946.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and creased. An interesting piece of ephemera, relating to one of the most significant events in the history of modern Britain. The recto of the first leaf carries Hill's circular letter, with facsimile signature, beginning 'The National Health Service Bill is upon us. | In order that the profession my be financially armed for any conflict which might arise, the Council of the B.M.A.

[ Sir Victor Horsley, pioneer of neurosurgery and social reformer. ] Autograph Signature ('Victor Horsley') on part of letter addressed to Dr J. Davidson.

Sir Victor Horsley [ Sir Victor Alexander Haden Horsley ] (1857-1916), FRS, Professor of Pathology (1887-1896) and of Clinical Surgery (1899-1902), University College, London
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 5 x 17.5 cm strip cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'With kind regards | Yours sincerely | Victor Horsley | J. Davidson E. MD. &c.'

[An eighteenth-century doctor in the Scottish Borders. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('<J?> Abernethy') to 'Mr. Hood', with suggestions for the treatment of his 'Ague', and reference to Lady Mackerston.

Dr Abernethy of Kelso, eighteenth-century Scottish doctor
Publication details: 
Kelso. 19 June 1724.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, despite slight singeing to extremities. He is sorry to hear of the recipient's 'uneasienes', and that he is unable to attend on him, as he is 'oblidged to goe sie the Lady Mackerston's daughter in the afternoon'. If he can, he will wait on him on the following morning, as he suspects there may be 'a tendency to your Ague'.

[ William Campbell Maclean, Professor of Military Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. ] Autograph Signature ('W. C. Maclean') on valediction to letter.

William Campbell Maclean (1811-1898), Professor of Military Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'I am | Dear Sir | Yours faithfully | W. C. Maclean'. In good condition, lightly aged, with frayed printed slip attached at base of paper.

[ Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston, Physician-in-Ordinary to King George V. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Rolleston') to 'Mr. Davies', regarding 'C. L. Dodgson, the author of Alice in Wonderland'.

Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston (1862-1944), 1st Baronet, Physician-in-Ordinary to King George V, and President of the Royal College of Physicians [ Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ('Lewis Carroll'); Tyrwhitt ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Southfield, Trumpington Road, Cambridge. 11 February 1891.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'Yes, I feel sure that at the time I pencilled in C. L. Dodgson, the author of Alice in Wonderland etc. The Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt was a resident in Oxford, and the note may have been addressed to him across the table? He was the father of the present Admiral Sir R. J. Tyrwhitt.'

[ 'Le Docteur Revel' and Doctor Hugues Cléry of Marseilles, printed pamphlet in French on asthma. ] L'Asthme et La Poudre du Docteur H. Cléry, Antiasthmatique du Tigré. Par le Docteur Revel.

'Le Docteur Revel' [ Doctor Hugues Cléry of Marseilles, France ]
Publication details: 
Paris, 1893. [Imprimerie Wattier Frères, 4 rue des Déchargeurs, Paris.]

31 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. No copy of the present item traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, or in the Bibliothèque Nationale, but WorldCat does record one copy of ''La Vérité sur le remède d'Abyssinie poudre antiasthmatique' by Hugues Clery (Marseilles, 1874).

[Asthma; pamphlet] Nos Maladies par Etienne Rochette. Fascicule No. 1. L'Asthme

[Etienne Rochette; Asthma]
Publication details: 
Paris: Imprimerie Bernard Jeune, 1877.

24pp., 12mo, disbound, spine slightly damaged, some staining, text clear and complete. No other copy traced.


[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Women and Doctors: Or Medical Despotism in England. An Essay by Mrs. Hume-Rothery.

'Mrs. Hume-Rothery' [Mary Catherine Hume-Rothery (1824-1885), Swedenborgian campaigner for medical reform] [Abel Heywood, Manchester printer; women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Manchester: Abel Heywood & Son, Printers and Publishers, 56 & 58, Oldham-street. London: T. W. Grattan, Publisher, Amen Corner, Paternoster Row. In type, p.15: 'MARY C. HUME-ROTHERY. | 3, Richmond Terrace, Middleton, Manchester, 1st May, 1871.'

16pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In good condition, lightly-aged, unbound, with only the blank grey back wrap present. The only copy traced at the BL. See the author's entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

[Medical Pamphlet; Quinine; Inscribed by Author] Notes sur les Quinquinas.

H.-A. Weddell, Docteur en médecine
Publication details: 
Paris. Victor Masson et Fils, Place de l'école, 1870.

Pamphlet, 75pp., cr. 8vo, original printed green paper wraps, sl. chipped and sunned, wear to spine, contents good, Inscription by author: M. Ado Brouquiart | Hommage affectt de l'auteur. Firsthand observations and descriptions after the author's exploration in the Andes (Peru and Bolivia).

[George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford.] Autograph Letter in the third person, expressing a desire to join 'Mr. Hudson' of the College of Physicians as he canvasses in Lynn in favour of Thomas Walpole. With manuscript draft of letter (by Hudson?).

George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford (1730-1791) [Hudson; College of Physicians, Warwick Lane; Thomas Walpole (1727-1803), MP for Lynn, 1768-1780]
Publication details: 
[Regarding Lynn, Norfolk., and the College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London.] Neither Walpole's letter nor the draft [of Hudson's] dated. [At the General Election of either 1768 or 1774.]

The letter and draft each on one side of the same piece of 8vo paper. In good condition, aged and worn, with a short closed tear along one fold line.

Typed list of 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928' by Lord Dawson of Penn [Bertrand Dawson, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn], who attended on the king in his last illness, and hastened his death with a lethal injection.

Bertrand Dawson (1864-1945), 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn [Lord Dawson of Penn], Physician-in-Ordinary to King George V, whose death he hastened while attending on him in his last illness [euthanasia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London: c. 1929?]

1p., 4to. On piece of wove paper, watermarked 'Gray Valley | Parchment'. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Neatly folded, and inserted in a brown paper envelope, carrying the following typed note on its front: 'List of Contents of documents of illness of King George V in 1928 and death.' The list is from the papers of Lord Dawson of Penn. It contains fifteen numbered items, and is headed 'Documents in connection with George V's long illness. in 1928', without authorial attribution. Item 8 is 'Lord Dawson's notes on the King's illness | Also notes from Sir H. Rolleston and Sir R.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] Ueber vegetarische Diät. Von Dr. Rudolf Staehelin, I. Assistenzarzt der medizinischen Klinik zu Basel

Rudolf Staehelin (1875-1943), Swiss physician [vegetarianism; vegetarian]
Publication details: 
Separatadruck aus dem Correspondenz-Blatt für Schweizer Aerzte, 1906, Nr. 13.

12pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Stamped at head of first page: 'Uberreicht vom Verfasser.", with the word 'DIETETICS' written beneath this in red ink. Scarce: no copies at the Wellcome or on COPAC, and the only copy on OCLC WorldCat at Basel.

Typed and signed 'Contract for the supply of a Motor Ambulance and accessories' between 'The Vulcan Motors (London) Ltd & The Urban District Council of Chiswick'. With three blueprints and two sets of specifications.

Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. Ltd., Southport [The Urban District Council of Chiswick]
Publication details: 
London. 12 Setpember 1923.

Six items stitched together with green ribbon. Heavily aged and with extensive damp damage. ONE: Typed agreement between The Vulcan Motors (London) Limited and The Urban Distric Council of Chiswick, dated 12 September 1923, signed by the directors of Vulcan Motors and their secretary. 2pp., folio. TWO: Typed 'Specification of Ambulance Body to be securely attached in an approved manner to Vulcan One Ton Chasis. As shown on the blue print attached.' By 'Engineer's Dept., Town Hall, Chiswick.' Dated 1 May 1923. 2pp., 8vo.

[Indenture on vellum, signed and sealed.] Settlement on the Marriage of Sir William Blizard with Miss Blizard'.

Sir William Blizard (1743-1835), English surgeon, twice President of the Royal College of Surgeons [William Blizard Harkness (1799-1827), Assistant Surgeon at the London Hospital]
Publication details: 
Dated 8 August 1823.

On three skins, with the customary tax stamps and ribbon. In fair condition, with some wear along fold lines of the first skin.

[Printed item, with 'Plebiscite' inserted.] The National Health Service: Report of the Negotiating Committee.

[The foundation of the National Health Service, 1946; The British Medical Council, London]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain by Fisher, Knight and Co., Ltd., The Gainsborough Press, St. Albans. November, 1946.

8pp., 8vo. Unbound pamphlet. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Seventy numbered paragraphs, divided into two main parts, 'A Summary of the National Health Service Act' (itself divided into five parts: Central Administration; Hospital and Specialist Services; Health Services provided by Local Health Authorities; General Medical and Dental Services, Pharmaceutical Services and Supplementary Ophthalmic Services; Mental Health Services) and 'The Profession and the Act'. Scarce: no copy traced either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Nursing Homes. A Warning. By Sir Robert Harvey, D.L., J.P., of 1, Palace Gate, London, W., and Dundridge Totnes, Devon.

Sir Robert Harvey, D.L., J.P., of 1, Palace Gate, London, W., and Dundridge Totnes, Devon [Harriett Maria Webb, Home for Convalescent Invalids, No. 88 Marina St, St Leonards, Sussex; Gerald F. Hohler]
Publication details: 
Totnes: Mortimer Bros., "Times" and "Western Guardian" Offices. [Introduction dated 'Dundridge, September, 1902.]

13pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet on green-grey paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. In the introduction ('To my readers') Harvey explains that it is 'a keen sense of my duty to my fellow-countrymen in general, and to potential fellow-sufferers in particular', that has induced him 'to re-open a great and recent sorrow ['the untimely death of my beloved son'] by placing the details of my tragic and terrible experiences of a Nursing Home before the public'.

[Two printed items.] 'Regulations for The Organisation of Detachments of The British Red Cross Society' (January 1939) and 'Dress Regulations for British Red Cross Detachments and the Society's Voluntary Detachments' (May 1939).

[The British Red Cross Society, regulations and dress regulations, 1939]
Publication details: 
Both items by The British Red Cross Society, London. The 'Regulations' ('Form D'): 14 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.1. January 1939). The 'Dress Regulations' ('Form D(7)'). May 1939.

Two stapled pamphlets. Both in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both items are scarce, with no copies of either listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE ('Regulations'). 52pp., 8vo. Fold-out at rear: 'Chart shewing the organisation of the British Red Cross Society and its connection with (a) the International Red Cross, and (b) His Majesty's Government departments'. Table of contents at front, listing numerous topics from 'Definitions' to 'Air Raid Precautions Reserve'. Addendum (1p., 8vo) headed 'FORM D. January, 1939 | Amendments No. 1', loosely inserted.

[Royal Army Medical Corps printed Second World War circular.] Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements.

Major K. G. A. Barlow [Kenneth Green Armitage Barlow], Royal Army Medical Corps [blood transfusion in the British Army of the Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Royal Army Medical Corps.] 'BLA | 1 June 45.'

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Headed: 'Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements. Ref: 1BTU/S/108/45. | To: ALL GENERAL HOSPITALS. | CCSs. | Transfusion Officers. | Pathologists. | Officers i/c Blood Banks.' Facsimile at foot of the signature of 'KGA Barlow Major, RAMC., | A/CC., No. 1 Base Transfusion Unit.' The document is arranged under four headings: 'Blood Taking Sets'; 'Blood Storage'; 'Grouping of Donors' and 'Cross Matching'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Printed item for the British Indian Army.] Hints on Health in India and other Tropical Countries. By Major-Gen. Sir J. W. D. Megaw, K.C.I.E., D.Sc., M.B., B.Ch., B.A., I.M.S. (Retired), Medical Adviser to the Secretary of State for India.

Major-Gen. Sir J. W. D. Megaw, K.C.I.E., D.Sc., M.B., B.Ch., B.A., I.M.S. (Retired), Medical Adviser to the Secretary of State for India [The British Indian Army]
Publication details: 
India: 'A., P. & S., Ltd.' 1941.

28pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet.

[British Army printed circular.] Appointment of Women Officers as Voluntary Members of the Regular Army Reserve of Officers. [With application form and covering Typed Letter Signed to Dr D. M. E. Kayton from L. Jenkinson of the War Office.]

L. Jenkinson of the War Office [Regular Army Reserve of Officers (RARO); Royal Army Medical Corps; Royal Army Dental Corps]
Publication details: 
The circular and appendix without details or date. Jenkinson's letter from the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. 3 November 1950.

The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, pinned together. ONE: Duplicated typescript titled 'Appointment of Women Officers as voluntary Members of the Regular Army Reserve of Officers'. 3pp., two of them foolscap 8vo, the other landscape 12mo. Divided into 18 sections under the headings: General; Purpose of the Reserve and Liability for Service; Eligibility for Appointment; Age Limits; Rank on Appointment; Training; Uniform; Change of Address and Change of Name by Marriage; Permanent Residence Abroad; Removal on Account of Age from the RARO; How to Join.

[Dr Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.] Autograph 'Record of Surgical Operations Performed' (as deputy anaesthetist, 106 General Hospital, British Army of the Rhine) by 'Capt (Miss) Kayton', in government-issue 'Army Book'.

Dr D. M. E. Kayton [Daphne Masuda Elnalene Kayton] of the Royal Army Medical Corps [Goodwin, Specialist Anaesthetist, 106 General Hospital, BAOR [British Army of the Rhine]]
Publication details: 
'Army Book 485. | Naval Form M116. | R.A.F. Form 495.' The book printed '9/44' [i.e. September 1944]. Kayton's entries dating from 8 November 1945 to 6 June 1946; at 106 General Hospital, British Army of the Rhine.

44pp., landscape 8vo. In book in columns and title on cover, on which Kayton has written 'CAPT (MISS) KAYTON'. 308 operations are listed by Kayton, the first 298 being numbered. After no. 264 (18 March 1946), in another hand: '29th March 1946 | This is to certify that Capt Miss D. Kayton has administered the above number of anaesthetics and has acted as deputy anaesthetist at 106 General Hospital B.A.O.R. [British Army of the Rhine] throughout the last 5 months. | Goodwin D.A. | Specialist Anaesthetist 106 General Hospital'.?>

[War Office publication, regarding the Royal Army Medical Corps.] R.A.M.C. Training Pamphlet No. 1 [2]. 1943.

[The War Office, Whitehall] [The Royal Army Medical Corps; government publications; British Army; Second World War]
Publication details: 
No. 1: 'The War Office [Whitehall], 9th June, 1943.' No. 2: 'The War Office, 21st July, 1943.' [Both 'Notified in A.C.Is.']

Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, and each with three punch holes to spine. No. 1: 27pp., 12mo. With illustrations and diagrams in text. In two parts: 'Progressive Field Training for Stretcher-bearers' and 'Purposeful Physical Training for Stretcher-bearers'. No.2: ii + 65pp., 12mo. With three 'figures' in text. Divided into six chapters (including 'The Army Dental Corps in the field' and 'Evacuation and methods of estimation of casualties') and appendix. Scarce: the only copy traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, in the Imperial War Museum collection.

[War Office publication.] Pay and Allowance (Officers). Royal Army Medical Corps.

[The War Office, Whitehall; Royal Army Medical Corps; British government publications; World War Two]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], October, 1943.'

6pp., 12mo. Pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper with vertical fold. Headings: Pay [with table giving 'rates of pay [...] applicable to medical officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps']; Issue of Pay and Allowances; Rations, Accommodation, etc.; Allowances in respect of family. Marginal headings: Banking facilities; Disposal of pay; Advance of pay; Issue of allowances; Instructions to agents and paymasters; Joining certificate; Outfit allowance. Scarce: no copy in the Wellcome Library, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[War Office pamphlet, 'Not to be published'] Memorandum for the Guidance of Officers commanding Units [...], regarding the procedure to be followed in connection with admission to Hospitals, etc., and the care of Sick treated under unit arrangements.

[The War Office, Whitehall] [British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], April, 1940.'

Full title: 'Memorandum for the Guidance of Officers commanding Units and of Officers in medical charge of effective Troops in areas or units, regarding the procedure to be followed in connection with admission to Hospitals, etc., and the care of Sick treated under unit arrangements.' 22pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

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