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[London School of Printing and the Royal Society of Arts] Fourteen (14) Typed Letters and Notes Signed "J R Riddell,"to G.K. Menzies, Secretary, RSA, about meetings and exhibitions.

J.R. Riddell John Robertson Riddell], Principal, London School of Printing and Kindred Trades (formerly St Bride Printing School).
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] London County Council | London School of Printing [...] 14 May 1925 to 16 Feb. 1928

Fourteen letters, all one page, most 4to, all in good condition. All stamped RSASubjects: A meeting that clashes with the Joint Industrial Council Convention of the printing trades; judges should be selected from "those whose business is to produce books" not "amateur highbrows"; he accepts role of adjudicator in the competition for Book Production; he promises a relevant proof; asks for proof-reading; announces the 300 copies of the particulars of competitions 'Book Production'"; re. proof of a card; re, reet proof of invitation card; re.

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