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[Printed pamphlet.] The Case for the Cretans. Being a Translation of the Memorandum addressed by the Cretan Government to the Consuls of the Protecting Powers, on May 29th, 1910.

Sir Charles W. Dilke, Bt., M.P.; Monsieur E. Venizelos [Eleftherios Kyriakou Venizelos] [Cretan State; union of Crete and Greece; Ottoman Empire]
Publication details: 
London: J. Davy & Sons: The Dryden Press, 8-9 Frith Street, Soho Square, W. 1910.

32pp., 8vo. In original printed wraps. Stitched. In fair condition: dusty and lightly-aged, with minor creasing. Described on p.5 as 'a new translation of the Memorandum presented to the protecting Powers by the Executive which, since the departure of the second Greek High Commissioner, has been governing Crete under obvious difficulties, but with conspicuous success'. The 'Copy of Letter from Monsieur E. Venizelos to Sir Charles W. Dilke', dated 'Canea. 13/26 July, 1910', is on p.3; and Dilke's introduction on pp.5-12.

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