[British Hong Kong, judicial system.] Duplicated document titled 'The Judges' Rules (Revised)'
17 + [2]pp., foolscap 8vo. Stapled. Duplicated typescript on pink paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with punch hole at top margin. Divided into two main sections: 'Interrogations' (pp.1-11) and 'Taking statements from accused persons' (pp.12-17). Each of the two sections is subdivided, the first into 32 numbered paragraphs, and the second into 22. Headings include: Recording; "Comfort and Refreshment"; "Interrogation of Foreigners"; Charge Procedure; Persons who cannot read etc. The final two pages carry appendices A and B, both printed lengthwise, and headed 'Statements from accused persons (I)' and '(II)'. Each of the two sections, and both of the appendices, end with 'F.T.O.' and the date May 1965. One sentence on the first page deleted in blue ink: 'The Supreme Court of Hong Kong followed this lead in 1935.' Clearly tailored to the needs of the colony. See, for example: '[p.16] The "officer who wrote it" must then certify on the statement form "what he has done". Such a certificate would read like this" "I read this statement over to Wong. I invited him to make any corrections, alterations or additions he wished, and then to sign it. He made no corrections or additions, and put his (mark or) signature on the form at the end of the statement. | Chan M.Y. Inspector.' From the papers of C. M. Baker, Inspector of Police, British Crown Colony of Hong Kong.