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[ Adolphe Shedrow, French-language poet. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Adolphe'), both in English, to 'Henri', discussing the role of the 'purposelessness of life' in the work of the poet, his latest work ('Anneaux de Mousse') and other matters.

Adolphe Shedrow [ Abba Shedrovitsky ] (1897-1961), Russian-born South African French-language poet
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of A. Shedrow ('M.D. (Paris) M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (London)'), with addresses of his residence and consultation rooms in Johannesburg. 8 and 24 February 1958.

Each letter 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He starts the first letter by expressing 'great pride and immense joy' in sending 'my seventh book of French poems [...] According to the reviews, it is the best I ever wrote'. He continues with references to the recipient's 'short but memorable visit to Johannesburg', and to 'the uncomplimentary remarks passed by my confreres in Johannesburg', these being 'indeed compliments, for they indicate that I do not belong to them, in spite of our common profession.

[ Joseph Quincey Adams junior, Shakespeare scholar. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Joseph Q Adams'), thanking Henry Guppy, Librarian of the John Rylands Library, Manchester, on behalf of the trustees of the Folger Shakespeare Library, for various favours.

Joseph Quincy Adams junior (1880-1946), Shakespeare scholar and first director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington [ Henry Guppy (1861-1948), Librarian, John Rylands Library, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington. 12 October 1943.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with small coffee stain in margin at head. He begins by thanking Guppy for the 'gift of the numerous "Transactions," including the beautiful volume "The English Bible in the John Rylands Library"': 'To our bibliographers as well as to our readers these works will be of the utmost value.' He writes that the war 'has put a temporary stop to our publishing', but that 'we have ambitious plans for the future, and every volume we issue will go promptly to you'. He also thanks him for 'printing my little article on the Shakespeare Signature'.

[ Minnie Walters Anson, English miniaturist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Miss Newcomb' [ secretary of Marcus Adams Limited], regarding miniatures made from photographs of children taken by her brother-in-law Marcus Adams

Walters Anson [ Minnie Walters Anson ] (1875-1959), RMS [ Royal Miniature Society ], miniaturist [ Lambeth School of Art ], wife of artist Chris Adams (1867-1960), brother of Marcus Adams
Publication details: 
Both on her letterhead ('WALTERS ANSON, R.M.S.'), 48 Parkstone Avenue, Parkstone, Dorset. 6 and 11 February 1950.

Both letters 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, lightly-aged, the second with the first page lightly crossed through in pencil. The letters relate to work done for the firm of her brother-in-law Marcus Adams (described in his Times obituary as 'the outstanding child photographer of his day and photographer to the Royal Family for more than 30 years'), at 43 Dover Street, Mayfair. She begins the first letter by explaining that she has 'endeavoured to make the Woodall miniature like the snapshot, but unless they are really satisfied I had better do another.

[ Will Day, British cinema pioneer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('W. Day | F.R.P.S. FRSA') to firm of royal photographer Marcus Adams, regarding his desire to end a 'film somewhat of a national character' with 'a short length of little Princess Elizabeth'.

Will Day [ Wilfred Ernest Lytton Day ] (1873-1936), cinema historian, showman and dealer in film equipment [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959), royal photographer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Will Day, Ltd, Wireless Apparatus, 19 Lisle Street, Wardour Street, W.C., London. 22 May 1928.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Ornate letterhead printed in red and black, with engraving of a rising sun ('The Mark of Excellence'). Addressed to 'Messrs. Marcus Adams Ltd. | Child Photographers, | 43, Dover Street, | W.1.' The letter begins: 'I have in hand the production of a film somewhat of a national character, including all the episodes in the reigns of our Royal Family, from Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee onwards, and I thought it would be a very nice idea to finish the film with a short length of little Princess Elizabeth.

[ Julian Bream, classical guitarist. ] Autograph Signature.

Julian Bream (b.1933), British classical guitar virtuoso
Publication details: 
No place. 19 October 1965.

On one side of pink 10.5 x 13.5 cm leaf removed from autograph album. Reads 'Julian Bream | 19/10/65'. A magazine photograph of Bream has been laid down in the bottom left-hand corner of the leaf.

[ Len Harvey, British boxer, world light-heavyweight champion. ] Autograph Inscription with signature ('Len. Harvey.').

Len Harvey [ Leonard Austen Harvey ] (1907-1976), English boxer, British champion at three weights, and world light-heavyweight champion, 1939-1942
Publication details: 
No place. January 1934.

On one side of 9 x 11 cm piece of paper. In good condition, on lightly-spotted paper. Reads: 'I shall keep your clever little ode. Congratulations and good wishes. | Len. Harvey. | Cruiser & Heavyweight Champion | Jan. 1934.'

[ Walter Wilkinson, puppeteer. ] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed female recipient, making an arrangement for his 'Peep Show' to come to her club.

Walter Wilkinson (1888-1970), English puppeteer, writer and artist
Publication details: 
Robswood, Felbridge, near East Grinstead, Sussex. Undated.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with slight loss at top left-hand corner. He gives a date he has arranged for 'The Peep Show definitely to come to your club', and states that he will 'arrange a suitable programme for a one hour performance', adding that 'if the audience would like more at the time I am sure the puppets would carry on'. He notes that the performance will be given to 'an educated audience', and states that he will 'arrange accordingly'.

[ Paul Robeson, African-American singer and actor. ] Autograph Signature, with that of his accompanist Lawrence Brown, on a photographic reproduction of a drawing of Robeson.

Paul Robeson [ Paul Leroy Robeson ] (1898-1976), African-American singer and actor associated with the Civil Rights Movement; Lawrence Benjamin Brown (1893-1972), African-American pianist and arranger
Publication details: 
[ On Robeson's concert tour of the British Isles with Lawrence, 1934. ]

The two signatures are on a reproduction of a drawing of Robeson, on a 15 x 11 cm piece of shiny art paper, cut from a programme from Robeson's 1934 tour of Britain. In good condition, lightly-aged. The head and shoulders portrait shows a moody Robeson in collar and tie. The two signature are at the foot of the image, with Robeson's, in blue ink, slanting downwards, and Brown's, in green ink, slanting upwards, around the line of Robeson's lapels.

[ Bill Noonan, playwright. ] Typescript of play titled 'Tell Me Mother Ireland (or Once Upon a Black-n-Tan)'.

Bill Noonan, playwright [ the Black and Tans during the Irish War of Independence ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but in envelope with postmarke of Baile Atha Cliath [ Dublin, Republic of Ireland ], 8 August, 1979.

116pp., 4to. (Paginated to 117, without a p.95, but with no text lacking.) No prelims. Each page typed on a separate leaf, and the whole bound together by string through punch holes. Text complete. Dog-eard and worn, with the first two leaves separated from the rest. No record discovered of author or title. The play is set during the Second World War, and begins: 'Afternoon fourclock ... Late spring ... side of road, North Cork district six miles from town of Kilneesh, Irishman trying to fix a tire ... car protruding from wings showing a flat.

[ Padraic Fallon, Irish poet and playwright. ] Typescript of unpublished novella titled 'Hearse for a Playboy'.

Padraic Fallon (1905-1974), Irish poet and playwright
Publication details: 
'Padraic Fallon, | Prospect, | Wexford.' [ Ireland. ] Undated.

118pp., of which the first 102pp. are in 4to, and the last 16pp. in folio. Stapled into red card wraps. Ownership inscription on inside front cover: 'Padraic Fallon, | Prospect, | Wexford'. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in heavily-worn wraps. The story is set among race-horse trainers in Ballinasloe in 1936. There is a curious example of typewriter slippage in the last line but three on the last page: '[...] and the woods and 5h3 5o2nw in 2hifh h3 hqe wp3n5 hiw lir3. Qne [...]'.

[ James Gardiner. ] Typescript of '"Small Hotel" A Comedy in Three Acts by James Gardiner'. With Typed Letter Signed to Commander Vivian Ellis from Olive Harding of Myron Selznick (London) Ltd.

James Gardiner [ Commander Vivian Ellis (1904-1996), English music comedy composer; Myron Selznick ]
Publication details: 
The play is undated. [ 56 Welbeck Street, London? ] Harding's letter on letterhead of Myron Selznick (London) Ltd; 23 January 1946.

ONE: Typescript of '"Small Hotel" | A Comedy in Three Acts |by | James Gardiner'. 144pp., 4to. Bound with ribbon in blue card wraps with typed label. Text on rectos only. In pencil on title-page: '56 Welbeck Street'. In fair condition, on aged paper, in heavily worn wraps. 'The action takes place in the Lounge of the Bay View Hotel, near Dormouth, a South Coast Naval port.' No record of the play has been found, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, or on the ITDb. TWO: Typed Letter Signed to Commander Vivian Ellis from Olive Harding of Myron Selznick (London) Ltd.

[ Paul Bugeja, Maltese author. ] Typescript of a play: 'Honour Her Brave People. A Tragedy in 3 acts about conditions in MALTA G.C. as they are and as they might be'. With covering Typed Letter Signed to the theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope.

Paul Bugeja, Maltese author [ Malta; W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre historian ]
Publication details: 
Play from 13 Caledonia Mansions, Qui S Sana, Sliema, Malta G.C. Undated [ containing reference to 1942 ]. Bugeja's covering letter from same address, 30 June 1952.

ONE: Typescript. [3] + 94pp., 4to. Stapled in green tyed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper; in aged and worn wraps. Stage directions underlined in red pencil, and a handful of minor manuscript changes. 'The action of this play takes place in Malta G.C.

[ Percy Burton, impressario and playwright. ] Typescript of verse-play titled 'A Day-Dream in Japan' ('A Playlet').

Percy Burton (1878-1948), impressario and theatrical manager of Sir Henry Irving, Sarah Bernhardt and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree
Publication details: 
In manuscript on cover: 'property of Percy Burton | c/o The Royalton | 44 West 44th | New York City'. Undated, but Written in 1900', and published in Boston in 1916.

[1] + 28pp., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, bound with studs in worn light-blue paper wraps. In manuscript at foot of title-page: '2nd carbon'. The following is typed beneath the title, and has been deleted in pencil: 'Written in 1900 and Dedicated to Baroness de Grandcourt, to whom he is indebted for the idea'. With a few manuscript emendations. This piece was published in Boston in 1916.

[ Val Gurney, English actor and playwright. ] Manuscript of 'Twice nightly version' of unpublished play 'A Sinner in Paradise by Val Gurney'.

Val Gurney, English actor and playwright
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ Circa 1918. ]

96pp., 8vo. In exercise book, in blue ink with red underlining. With two additional passages on slips of paper pinned onto leaves. Aged and worn, in red card wraps with repaired spine. Nicoll notes an earlier title 'All for Him'. Set in the house of London stockbroker David Carne. Considering the play's popularity in the provinces, its fall into oblivion is surprising. Productions are noted at Southampton (1918-1919, 1930-1931), Oxford (1919), Swansea (1920), Sunderland (1924, the poster announcing: 'J. R. C.

[ Dame Sybil Thorndike. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Sybil Thorndike') to 'Mrs. Radcliffe', explaining her reasons for being unable to sit for 'Mr. Priest'.

Dame Sybil Thorndike [ Agnes Sybil Thorndike ] (1882-1976), English actress [ Alfred Priest (1874-1929), English artist ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead ('Under the Direction of Bronson Albery & Lewis Casson'), from the Criterion Theatre, London. 1 February 1923.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased, with slight tearing at edges. She begins: 'Please forgive me for not answering your letter before, but I have been so rushed!' She is not able to 'sit for Mr. Priest just at present': 'We are just on the point of starting rehearsals for several plays to be toured and, in addition, my two small girls are ill, so that I want to spend all my spare time with them.' She is trying to 'get out of' sittings for another artist.

[ A. J. Cronin, Scottish author. ] Typescript of his play 'Jupiter Laughs'.

A. J. Cronin [ Archibald Joseph Cronin ] (1896-1981), Scottish author
Publication details: 
'All communications to: Mrs. T. C. Dagnall, Messrs. A. M. Heath & Co., Ltd., 188, Piccadilly, W.1. [ London ]' Undated [ circa 1941 ].

144pp., 4to. Stapled into red card wraps, with typed label on cover. A carbon copy with label of the London typing bureau Curtis and Page. The play was published in London by Victor Gollancz in 1941, with a second edition from the same publisher in 1954.

[ Richard Hearne, 'Mr. Pastry'. ] Corrected typescript of his unpublished autobiography 'Falling up the Ladder' ('Being the Life Story of Richard Hearne | Written at the Age of 48, - | just 48 years after | his first appearance on any stage.'

Richard Hearne [ Richard Lewis Hearne ] (1908-1979), English actor, comedian ('Mr. Pastry'), producer and writer
Publication details: 
[ London, 1956. ]

242pp., 8vo. With autograph emendations throughout. Unbound and stapled into chapters. In good condition, with light aging and rusting of staples. Typed title-page, with the book said to be written 'By Richard Hearne. Assisted (and sometimes hindered) by interpolations from "Mr.

[ Robins Millar, Scottish author. ] Duplicated typescript of unpublished play titled 'Lord Perricklees. Comedy in Three Acts.'

Robins Millar (1889-1968), Canadian-born Scottish journalist, playwright, poet and writer, based in Glasgow
Publication details: 
Robins Millar, 9 Park Quadrant, Glasgow C3 [ Scotland ]. Undated [ 1920s? ].

93pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon in buff card wraps. Creasing to front cover and first few leaves, otherwise in good condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. Ownership inscription on front cover and title-page: 'Robins MIllar | 9 Park Quadrant | Glasgow C3'. A high-society comedy, set in London. No record regarding this play has been discovered. Millar's papers are in the University of Glasgow.

[ Robins Millar. ] Typescript of unpublished play titled 'Bedside Manner. Comedy in 3 Acts'.

Robins Millar (1889-1968), Canadian-born Scottish journalist, playwright, poet and writer, based in Glasgow
Publication details: 
Robins Millar, 9 Park Quadrant, Glasgow C3 [ Scotland ]. Undated [ 1930s? ].

107pp., 4to. Stapled and attached with pink ribbon. Aged and worn, with last few leaves detached, with worn front cover only also detached. With a couple of manuscript emendations. Millar begins a full-page introduction: 'The mood of this play is gay comedy. | It arises from the threat of gossip in a small country town.' No record regarding this play has been discovered. Millar's papers are in the University of Glasgow.

[ Richard Walton Tully, American dramatist. ] Typescript of his play 'The Bird of Paradise'.

Richard Walton Tully (1877-1945), American dramatist
Publication details: 
'Please Return | R. Percy Burton | Farmers Loan & Trust Co | 15 Cockspur Street | London SW'. Undated. [ Circa 1912. ]

'The Bird of Paradise', Tully's best-known play, is set in Hawaii during the 'Revolutionary Days of the Early Nineties'. It was the subject of what the New York Times called 'one of the bitterest plagiarism suits on record'. A schoolteacher named Grace Fender was initially successful in her claim that it was based on her play 'In Hawaii', but the case was reversed on appeal. It was first produced in Rochester, USA, in December 1911, with productions at Daly's in New York in 1912, and the Lyric Theatre, London, in September 1915. A total of 158pp., 4to.

[ Dame C. V. Wedgwood, historian. ] Volume containing autograph 'List of Written Works since 1930', with notes and comments, and record of payments.

Dame C. V. Wedgwood [ Cicely Veronica Wedgwood ] (1910-1997), English historian
Publication details: 
'Cicely Veronica Wedgwood. Her Book. presented to me in March 1933 by A. H. P.' [ List of books dating from between 1929 and 1947. ]

39pp., 8vo. On good thick Whatman paper, dated 1874, in luxurious black embossed leather binding by J. Y. Knight & Co. of Leeds and London, with brass lock by Bramah (lacking key). In very good condition, in worn binding. Stamped in gilt on front cover is 'PRIVATE MEMA. | A. H. PAWSON'. On the first page Wedgwood has written: 'Cicely Veronica Wedgwood. | Her Book. | presented to me in March 1933 | by | A. H. P. | born 20th. July 1910 | educated | Norland Place School. 1915-1926. | Lady Margaret Hall. 1928-1931 | London School of Economics. 1932-5'.

[ Peter Ustinov, actor and playwright. ] Corrected typescript of his unpublished play 'The Man behind the Statue', performed under the management of Robert Donat at the Opera House, Manchester, in 1946.

Peter Ustinov [ Sir Peter Alexander Ustinov ] (1921-2004), English actor and author [ Robert Donat (1905-1958), Oscar-winning actor ]
Publication details: 
'The property of: Robert Donat, 23 Three Kings' Yard, Davies Street, W.1. [ London ]' Undated [but only performed at the Opera House, Manchester, in 1946. ]

158pp., 4to. Typed text on rectos only. With manuscript emendations (possibly in the hand of Judith Spearman, stage manager) throughout, including deletions and a few short additional passages, as well as stage directions. Makeshift thumb index at head. In fair condition, with moderate signs of age and wear, bound with pink ribbon into buff card covers. Typed label on front cover, together with 'Judith Spearman' and 'Effects' in pencil.

[ Nisim Aloni, Israeli playwright. ] Typescript, in French, of 'La Princesse Americaine de Nissim Aloni. Traduit par Ruth Koppel-Debel'.

Nisim Aloni [ Nissim Aloni ] (1926-1998), Israeli playwright and translator, born in Bulgaria [ Ruth Koppel-Debel, translator ]
Publication details: 
[ Israel, circa 1963. ]

74pp., 8vo. Stapled duplicated typescript, with pages on rectos only. In fair condition, with moderate signs of age and wear. Light staining at head, and discoloured title-leaf detaching. A few minor manuscript emendations, and '-Debel' added in manuscript to the translator's name. 'La Princesse Americaine' was first performed in 1963, and like Aloni's other early work was influenced by the European Theatre of the Absurd. An English translation of the play appeared in 1980, but OCLC WorldCat has no record of the publication of a French translation.

[ John Coulter, Irish Canadian playwright. ] Typescript of 'Sleep My Pretty One. A Play in Three Acts'.

John Coulter (1888-1980), Irish Canadian playwright [ Laurence Olivier ]
Publication details: 
'Please return to: Laurence Olivier Productions, St. James' Theatre, King Street, London, S.W.1.' [ Circa 1951. ]

136pp., 4to. Duplicated typescript (by Catherine Billinghust, Westminster) with pages on rectos only. Bound in grey card wraps, with red and black cloth spine and title typed on front cover. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. '12' in manuscript at head of cover. 'Sleep My Pretty One' has been described as 'a study of a young girl driven to distraction by the death of her mother and the, to her, totally unacceptable remarriage of her father'.

[ Unity Theatre, London, 1944. ] Unpublished typescript of the first Soviet thriller performed in London, under the title 'Comrade Detective': '"Face to Face" | A Soviet Thriller | by | Bros. Tour and L. Sheynin | Translated by Herbert Marshall'.

Herbert Marshall [ Herbert P. J. Marshall ] (1906-91), English Russophile author, filmmaker, theatre designer and husband of Fredda Brilliant (1903-99) [ Bros. Tour and L. Sheynin [ Herbert Marshall ]
Publication details: 
'All enquiries to: | HERBERT MARSHALL | 5, Kensington Palace Gardens, | W.8. | Tel. BAYswater 3214.' [ London, 1944. ]

114pp., 4to. Typescript by May Hemery Ltd in black and red ink, with pages on rectos only. In black card covers, with label on front. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear, in worn covers. See Steve Nicholson, 'British theatre and the Red Peril: the Portrayal of Communism 1917-1945': 'Originally called 'Face to Face', 'Comrade Detective' was translated, designed and produced by Herbert Marshall on the suggestion of the wife of the Soviet Ambassador.

[ J. W. Benson Ltd., Ludgate Hill, London watch and clock makers and gold and silversmiths. ] Trade catalogue of 'Silver Goods | Empire Plate | Canteens', profusely-illustrated and fully captioned.

J. W. Benson Ltd., Ludgate Hill, London watch and clock makers and gold and silversmiths
Publication details: 
J. W. Benson Ltd., Ludgate Hill, London. '60th Edition, Section 'E' (x)'. Undated (1930s or earlier).

[1] + 52pp., large 8vo (27.5 x 21.5 cm). Stapled in silver wraps with elegant design in pink and black. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight rusting to staples. Profusely illustrated with photographs of items captioned with prices.

[ Edward Knoblock, playwright and novelist. ] Unpublished typescript of 'The Great Exhibition | A Play in two Acts | with songs of the Victorian Days | by | Edward Knoblock'. With a Typed Note Signed from Joan Ling Ltd to W. J. MacQueen Pope.

Edward Knoblock [ born Edward Gustavus Knoblauch ] (1874-1945), American-born British playwright and novelist, author of 'Kismet' (1911) [ W. J. MacQueen-Pope (1888-1960) ]
Publication details: 
21 Ashley Place, SW1, under label of Joan Ling Ltd, London. Without date.

137pp., 4to. Typed text on rectos only. Bound with red ribbon into red wraps, with typed label on front cover. In fair condition, aged and worn, in heavily-aged wraps. Pencil annotations to the list of characters. Bound in before the beginning of almost every scene is a manuscript leaf carrying a page giving the layout of the set. The label of Joan Ling Ltd, Gloucester House, 19 Charing Cross Road, WC2, is pasted over Knoblock's typed address 21 Ashley Place on the title page. Knoblock's papers are at his alma mater Harvard.

[ General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. ] Typed Letter Signed to British military historian Barrie Pitt, declining to contribute to a publication, and

H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr (1934-2012), United States Army general, commander of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 400 North Ashley, Suite 3050, Tampa, Florida 33602. 4 January 1994.

1p., 4to. With a firm expansive signature which is certainly not duplicated, as it has indented the paper. On letterhead with design showing golden flagpole with flag in red with four white stars. Schwarzkopf declines to participate in what he describes as Pitt's 'momentous undertaking', explaining: 'To write such a piece and do so properly requires considerable time.

[ Eric Ambler, thriller writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eric Ambler') to military historian Barrie Pitt, regarding the award of an OBE and the gift of a book. With copies of two letters by Pitt to Ambler.

Eric Ambler [ Eric Clifford Ambler ] (1909-1998), British writer of crime and espionage novels [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Av. Eugene Rambert 20, 1815 Clarens, Suisse [ Switzerland ]. 1 May 1981.

1p. 8vo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. With envelope addressed by Ambler to Pitt at Kennister in Somerset. Also present are copies of two letters to Ambler from Pitt, dated 2 January and 20 February 1980. In the first Pitt congratulates Ambler on the receipt of an OBE, reminds him of their previous correspondence through Peter Janson-Smith, and sends 'Part I of my trilogy on the North African campaign' ('If it gives you one tenth of the enjoyment I get from every one of your books, it will have been worth writing.').

[ Robin Chapman, novelist and screenwriter. ] Corrected typescript of adaptation, from a translation by Jill Booty, of Joao Bethencourt's 'Pure Pornography'. Accompanied by a Typed Letter Signed to Chapman from Laurence Harbottle, on the subject.

Robin Chapman, English novelist and screenwriter; Laurence Harbottle (1924-2015) [ Joao Bethencourt [ João Estevão Weiner Bethencourt] (1924-2006), Hungarian/Brazilian playwright; Jill Booty ]
Publication details: 
Typescript: 6a Sloane Square, London, SW1. Undated [circa 1966]. Harbottle's letter: on letterhead of Harbottle & Lewis, Solicitors, 34 South Molton Street, London. 8 December 1966.

Typescript: 132pp., folio. Each page on a separate leaf, all of which are attached with metal clasps in a grey card folder, with the label of the International Copyright Bureau Ltd, London, on the front cover (as well as on the title page). In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, with title leaf coming away. Text with a few minor manuscript emendations. Accompanying the typescript is Harbottle's letter, signed 'Laurence'. 1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

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