[Maharashtra, India, 1919.] 23 signed field maps and corrected exercises by trainee British Indian Army officer Lt A. W. Green, with duplicated notes on 'Military Operations on N.W. Frontier' and map of the 'Indrayani Valley' by Major C. E. Dease.
The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, and gives an invaluable insight into the training practices of the officer class of the British Army in India in the period immediately following the First World War. ONE: 23 autograph maps by Green, each drawn in pencil on a separate piece of graph paper (all around 21 x 26 cm). Each is signed by 'A W Green Lt | 2/95 Infy.', and each is dated in the bottom left-hand corner (for example, 'Light Poor. | Time 7 am. | 26-2-19.') Several of the maps carry 'Notes'. Titles of maps (with references to places in Maharashtra) include: 'Sketch | East Kirkee', 'Moshi Ferry. | Memory Sketch', 'Kalas. | Panorama Sketch', 'Sketch Dapuri', 'Katraj Pass. | Sketch', 'Reconnaissance Asylum - Bund Hill. | Sketch', 'Asylum Defence. | Sketch.', 'Reconnaissance Phuba-Kalas. | Route Sketch. | Enlargment [sic] of 1" to 1M. Poona', 'Induri. | Memory Sketch', 'Rapid Eye Sketch | College Spur', 'Rapid Eye Sketch | Bullocks Hump'. Almost all the maps are corrected in red ink by a superior officer, with such notes as 'Dont try to put in map every small house, and farm house | Give a little detail in marginal notes'. 'Only show the part of river flowing through your sec[t]or of sketch | River too narrow for scale' and 'Show the lowest (6") form line before attempting to contour the Hills'. TWO. 46 autograph field order exercises by Green, each on the graph-paper reverse of an 'Army Form C 2121. | Modified for India.' With corrections in read ink by a superior officer. (In one example, headed 'MARCH ORDERS | Vide Lecture.' and 'SECRET', the corrections conclude: 'Details of Troops into Definate [sic] Bodies & give men detailed instructions. | No. your paras. | Tell off Convey into Sections of say 20 <?> under 2 men of the escort'.) With an autograph report reference, regarding a patrol, giving basic details in seven columns, including 'Despatcher Commander Strength' and 'Localities Searched'.THREE. Two duplicated items. The first (1p., foolscap 8vo) a typescript headed 'MILITARY OPERATIONS ON N.W. FRONTIER', with headings 'F.S.R. Ch. 3 and 4', 'CHARACTERISTICS OF ENEMY', 'PRINCIPLES OF FIGHTING', 'CAMPS', 'PROTECTION OF CAMPS. Inner and Outer' and 'NIGHT FIRING'. The second (1p., 21.5 x 51cm) a map of the 'INDRAYANI VALLEY' by 'C. E. Dease. Major Feb. 1918.'