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[ Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of 'Orléans. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ferdinand Philippe d'Orleans') to a general, pressing the claims of the Napoleonic War veteran Colonel Joseph Simon Pozac to the Croix de Commandeur of the Legion d'Honneur.

Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans [ Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Éric Rosalino d'Orléans ] (1810-1842) [ Joseph Simon Pozac (1780-1854), French army officer ]
Publication details: 
No place. May 1831.

1p., 12mo. Seventeen lines of closely-written text, with postscript. Slip of paper with biographical note in contemporary hand attached. He begins by stating that he has sent the 'differents papiers' of which he spoke that morning. He next reminds the recipient of 'l'affaire du brave colonel Pozac', regarding which 'vous avez bien voulu charger d'etre mon ambassadeur auprès du maréchal'. Pozac obtained the 'sabre d'honneur comme sr.

[ John Campbell, 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell of Ardencaple. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: D: Campbell')

John Campbell (1777-1847), 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell [ Lord John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell ] of Ardencaple, Dunbarton, Scottish Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Ardencaple [ Dunbarton, Scotland ]. 25 August 1825.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with broken seal in red wax) on reverse of second leaf to 'Archibald Campbell Esq | Army Agent | Regent Street | London'. The letter begins: 'I have just seen a Letter from the Widow of the late Stuart Campbell with a Copy of yours to her, recommending her to try, the effect of circulating Subscription Papers amongst the Friends of her late Husband, and certainly there appears little chance of obtaining any other Relief for her and her destitute Family'.

[ Tunisia Campaign, British North Africa Force, 1943. ] Duplicated 'SECRET' document by Major-General Charles Keightley, titled 'Main Lessons from the recent Campaign in North Africa as applicable to an Armd Div.'

General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley (1901-1974), 6th Armoured Divison, British North Africa Force [ BNAF ] [ British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North African Campaign, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
'In the Field | 7 Jun 43.' and 'HQ 6 Armd Div, | B.N.A.F. | 7 Jun 43.' [ British North Africa Force, 7 June 1943. ]

7pp., 8vo. On four leaves stapled together. In good condition, lightly-aged and with rusting staple. Stamped 'SECRET' at head of first page. Facsimile of Keightley's signature at end ('Maj Gen | Comd | 6 Armd Div.').

[ British Army, Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ] Two duplicated documents: 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign' and 'Notes on Observations made in SICILY' by Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson.

Major General Vyvyan Evelegh (1898-1958), General Officer Commanding, 78th Battleaxe Infantry Division, British Army; Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson of the Welsh Guards [ Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ]
Publication details: 
Evelegh's 'Lecture' without place or date, but contemporary. Hodgson's 'Notes' dated 'IN THE FIELD | 9 Oct 43 [ 9 October 1943 ] | DEPH/LCH'.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Both scarce: no copy of either traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, and no copies in the Imperial War Museum collection. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt, author of 'Crucible of War'. ONE: ' 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign'. Two pages each on a separate leaf, the first 8vo and the second half an 8vo page. Stapled together.

[ 9th Corps, BNAF, 1943.] Thirteen Tunisia Campaign documents, including secret typed report: 'R.A. Experiences and Lessons from the three Battles fought by 9 Corps between 6 Apr and 12 May 1943'. Also a questionnaire with replies from five officers.

Eric Harrison [ Major-General E. G. W. W. Harrison (1893-1987) ], soldier and Olympic athlete; General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley [ 9th Corps, British North Africa Force; Tunisia Campaign ]
Publication details: 
In the field with 9th Corps, British North Africa Force [ BNAF ], Tunisia. May and June 1943

The thirteen items are in good condition, with moderate signs of age and wear. In buff folder, with '265/G(SD) | LESSONS DERIVED FROM TUNISIAN CAMPAIGN' in red pencil on cover. The material, including a report by Harrison, a questionnaire and two responses to it, was produced shortly after the campaign, following an order from the Army Commander that a printed report of the lessons learned be produced as quickly as possible.

[ 'Purnell's History of the Second World War.' ] Folder of material gathered by editor Barrie Pitt, mainly consisting of typescripts of signed translations from Italian by H. Fields, but also containing a typewritten paper on the Special Boat Service

[ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian and editor, 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'; General Giuseppe Mancinelli (1895-1976); H. Fields, translator ]
Publication details: 
Fields' translations all date from 1968. The other items without date or place.

Despite the name, the series was published by was published by Phoebus Publishing Ltd, in co-operation with the Imperial War Museum, from 1966. Sir Basil Liddell-Hart was first editor-in-chief, followed after his death by A. J. P. Taylor. The items in this collection are loosely inserted in a buff folder, with 'Sub-editing, Production | Illustrations, Art-work etc' in red ink on cover, under which, in black ink, the name 'Peter Dunbar'. Nine articles, together with nine notes and 'integrating notes' on various articles, all translated by H.

[ Barrie Pitt, military historian. ] Collection of material apparently assembled during the writing of his book 'Churchill and the Generals', including typescript of a piece on Montgomery of Alamein, titled 'The Making of a Field Marshall'.

[ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian and editor, 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'
Publication details: 
None of the items with place or date. [ 'Churchill and the Generals' published in 1981. ]

The collection is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. ONE: Photocopied typescript of the beginning of a piece titled 'The Making of a Field Marshall', on the early career of Montgomery of Alamein. 10pp., 8vo. With a few autograph emendations. Ends abruptly. Apparently unpublished. TWO: Two black and white press photographs, each 13.5 x 19cm.

[ British North Africa Force, Tunisia Campaign, 1943. ] 24 original BNAF documents (many secret), sent from the field during the Battle of Tunisia by 6th Armoured Divison and 9th Corps, including operation orders, march tables, Eisenhower message.

[ 6th Armoured Divison and 9th Corps, British North Africa Force, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North African Campaign, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
[ British North Africa Force, 6 Armoured Division and 9 Corps. ] Tunisia, North African Campaign, 1943.

The collection was acquired by military historian Barrie Pitt, while writing his 'Crucible of War' series on the Desert War, from Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, BNAF. It is in good overall condition, with rusted staples and other minor age and wear. All items duplicated typescripts unless otherwise indicated.

[ British North Africa Force, Battle for Tunis, 1943. ] Contemporary duplicated 'SECRET' typescript: 'German Tactics in Tunisian Campaign.'

[ British North Africa Force [ BNAF ]; Tunisia Campaign; Battle for Tunis, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place [ British North Africa Force [ BNAF ], Tunisia, 1943. ] Headed '102/G/I.'

4pp., 8vo. On four leaves stapled together. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Divided into eight sections: 'General', 'Tanks', 'A.Tk Guns', 'Fd Arty', 'Recce Units', 'Panzer Grenadiers' [including 'CONCLUSIONS'], 'Engineers' and 'Air Co-operation'. Scarce: no other copy traced (not in the Imperial War Museum collection). From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt.

[ 6 Armoured Divison and 9 Corps of the British Army, Tunisian Campaign, North Africa, 1943. ] Two duplicated documents, the first marked 'SECRET' and titled '6 Armd Div. | Log of R/T Messages on Rear Link and Sitreps to 9 Corps 9-12 Apr 43.'

[ 6 Armoured Divison and 9 Corps of the British Army, Tunisian Campaign, North Africa, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but relating to the 6 Armoured Divison and 9 Corps of the British Army, North Africa, 9-12 and 22-27 April 1943.

22pp., 8vo. Each page on a separate leaf. The first document is 9pp. long and the second of 13pp. Both documents with the leaves pinned together. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with strip of paper at the head of the first page of the second document torn away, with all of title except for words '<...> and Sitreps t<...>'. Loosely inserted in buff card folder. The bread and butter of military history: a straight transcription of the messages. The first entry in the first document is typical: '9 Apr 43. | 0730 hrs : To 9 Corps | 0.361 Sitrep 0700 hrs. 26 Armd Bde.

[ British North Africa Force, Tunisia Campaign, 1943. ] Corrected draft of typescript: 'A Summary of Events and Movements of our own Tps during the Kournine Battle, 22-30 April 43', with seven original manuscript tracings of battlefield positions

[ British North Africa Force [ BNAF ], Tunisia Campaign; Battle of Kournine, 1943; Second World War ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ British North Africa Force, Tunisia and Algeria, 1943. ]

ONE: Corrected draft of typescript: 'A Summary of Events and Movements of our own Tps during the Kournine Battle, 22-30 April 43'. 9pp., 8vo. On nine leaves attached in one corner to remains of buff card folder, with 'KOURNINE BATTLE' in orange pencil on front cover. Original top copy typescript, with a few pencil emendations. The summary is divided into 24 sections, beginning with 'Regrouping of 9 Corps' and 'Special Preliminary Tasks'. The first page is a table of contents, listing the seven maps in item two as Traces A to G.

[ General Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor, English soldier. ] Unpublished duplicated typescript giving an 'account of the Western Desert Campaign, the period of my Command in Cairo, and the story of my capture'.

General Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor (1889-1981), English soldier, Commander of the Western Desert Force, North Africa, 1940-1941
Publication details: 
The first part dated from the 'Prisoner of War Camp, Sulmona, Italy'. 20 April 1941.

116pp., 4to. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. On loose leaves, loosely inserted in a buff card folder. A negative duplication from microfilm, with the typed letters showing as white against a grey background. In three parts: 'The First Lybian Campaign' (86pp.), 'Period from end of 1st Lybian Campaign to the beginning of the 2nd Campaign' (12pp.) and 'Cyrenaica Again' (8pp.). A final 10-page section begins '11. 6th April'. With six parts of pages, giving clearer versions of passages unclear in the main typescript.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, North African, Second World War. ] Duplicated typescript: 'C.S.O. 9 Corps | Signal Report on the Tunisian Campaign, 1943.' With coloured maps and diagrams.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North Africa, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
[ Tunisian Campaign, 1943. ]

29pp., 8vo. On white and pink paper. Followed by three fold-out plates and two diagrams, all in colour ('Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Wireless Communications | H.Q. 9 Corps - Apr/May 1943 | Standard Layout', 'Wireless Communications | Corps H.Q. | Suggested requirements'). Stapled, with grey front cover bearing title. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the last few plates detached.

[ Royal Armoured Corps, British Army, North African Campaign, Second World War. ] Duplicated document: 'R.A.C. North Africa | Information Bulletin | No. 6'.

[ Royal Armoured Corps, British Army, North African Campaign, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
'MOST SECRET'. Without date or place. [ British Army, North Africa, circa 1942. ]

15pp., folio. Stapled into pink printed wraps. Title on front cover, with 'MOST SECRET'. Copy number 53 in blue pencil. In fair condition, on browned high-acidity paper. Front cover coming away from rusted staples. At head of first page: 'NOTE: SECURITY | Attention is drawn to the fact that this document is graded "MOST SECRET". It will not be distributed below Lieutenant Colonels' commands.' Contents page divides the document into two parts: 'Equipment' and 'Organisation'.

[ British Army in Algeria, 1943. ] Duplicated document, describing forthcoming 'Div Lo's Exercise "Juggins" | 10 Nov 43'.

Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army [ Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War North Africa Campaign ] [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
Dated 10 November 1943.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Under the headings: 'Object'; 'D.S.'; 'Narrative'; 'Episode I'; 'Episode II'; 'Episode III'; 'Maps'; 'Organisation' and 'Transport'. The exercise is to be undertaken by Captains 'V. S. Duncan-Jones, D. V. Bendall and D. Laidlaw. The object is 'To exercise Div LOs in route finding and locating HQs by night, and in message carrying.' The three episodes are described (the last beginning: 'You will take up posn on high ground G.5222.

[ Tunisia Campaign, Second World War. ] Set of twenty-two printed coloured fold-out GSGS British Army maps of Tunisia, with index. With covering Autograph Note Signed from Vincent Jones to military historian Barrie Pitt.

Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army [ Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War North Africa Campaign ] [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
GSGS [ Geographical Section, General Staff ]. Without date or place. [ Circa 1940 and 1941. ]

Twenty-one of the twenty-two maps are stapled into a buff card folder, bearing on the cover, in manuscript: Maj. V. S. Duncan-Jones. | Tunisia | 1/200,000'. The twenty-second map loosely inserted, as is Jones's autograph letter to Pitt. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. The bound maps, all of which are in colour and all around 50 x 33 cm., are numbered in pencil 1 to 23, with 16 and 20 lacking.

[ General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. ] Typed Letter Signed to British military historian Barrie Pitt, declining to contribute to a publication, and

H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr (1934-2012), United States Army general, commander of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 400 North Ashley, Suite 3050, Tampa, Florida 33602. 4 January 1994.

1p., 4to. With a firm expansive signature which is certainly not duplicated, as it has indented the paper. On letterhead with design showing golden flagpole with flag in red with four white stars. Schwarzkopf declines to participate in what he describes as Pitt's 'momentous undertaking', explaining: 'To write such a piece and do so properly requires considerable time.

[ Sir A. D. Campbell, Chief Engineer, 9 Corps. ] Copy of 'SECRET' report titled 'C.E.'s Notes on 9 Corps Operations in TUNISIA April-May 1943'. With maps.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, 9 Corps [ British First Army, Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War; North Africa ]
Publication details: 
'COPY No. 8'. 'FIELD. | 18 May 43'. [ 1943 ]

[2] + 28pp., 8vo. In buff card folder. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear, and slight rust staining from the metal tips of the ties used to attach the pages to the covers. Both the folder and title-page number the copy '8' in blue pencil. With five fold-out maps, the first three picked out in colours, titled: 'Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Trace showing principal German Minefields Bou Arada - Medjez el Bab - Tunis' and 'Trace showing typical German Minefield encountered'.

[ Major General Douglas Wimberley. ] Author's copy, with bookplate and autograph additions, of typed volume: '"Scottish Soldier". An Autobiography by Douglas Wimberley. (A private account for my wife and family) Volume II Part IV - World War II'.

Douglas Wimberley [ Major-General Douglas Neil Wimberley (1896-1983), commander of the 51st (Highland) Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in the Second World War; North African Campaign]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1974.

[3] + 280pp., 8vo, on the rectos only of the leaves. Bookplate of Douglas Neil Wimberley on flyleaf. Around half a dozen additional duplicated maps inserted. With copious autograph additions on upwards of 70pp. of the blank reverses of the leaves, several taking up the whole page, and a number initialled 'DW'. Internally in good condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn green fake-cloth binding, with 'SCOTTISH SOLDIER | VOLUME II | BY | DOUGLAS WIMBERLEY' in faded gilt on cover.

[ The Battle of Tunisia, 1942-1943. ] Autograph War Diary of Captain V. Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army, covering the entire period of the Tunisia Campaign. With two Autograph Letters Signed to military historian Barrie Pitt.

Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army [ Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War North Africa Campaign ] [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
War Diary ('Army Form C.2118.') from 14 November 1942 to 31 May 1943. The two letters 22 April and 7 July 1976. The first letter on Jones's letterhead, and from 89 Defoe House, Barbican, EC2 [ London]. The second letter with no place stated.

The present diary is of some significance, presenting a first-hand account by a British officer of the Anglo-American 'Run for Tunis' that followed Operation Torch - the invasion of French North Africa in November 1942. It marks Eisenhower's first campaign following his appointment as Commanding General, European Theater of Operations. Four years before the writing of the two letters present here Jones and Pitt had collaborated in the publication of Jones's book 'Operation Torch' (1972), which Pitt (1918-2006) edited for a series first published by the American firm Bannatine.

[ Major General Douglas Wimberley. ] Signed Duplicated typed volume: '"Scottish Soldier." by Douglas Wimberley. (a private account for my wife and family). Volume VII Final Miscellany Volume.' [including '"Montgomery", a personal Memoir']

Douglas Wimberley [ Major-General Douglas Neil Wimberley (1896-1983), commander of the 51st (Highland) Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in the Second World War ]
Publication details: 
Foreword dated from 'Foxhall, Coupar Angus. [ Scotland ] 1981.'

[5] + 145pp., 8vo. On the rectos only of 149 leaves, perfect bound into buff card covers, with white typed label on front, reading 'SCOTTISH SOLDIER VOL. VII | BY DOUGLAS WIMBERLEY.' In ten sections, lettered A to J, three of them signed 'D W' in red ink (pp.55, 78, 128), with index of names and appendix. Title-page in autograph, otherwise a duplicated typescript, but with autograph notes to pp.21, 46 (subsequently inserted), 61, 62, 63, 75. Sections include '"Montgomery", a personal Memoir', 'Broadcast on the B.B.C.

'Secret' document, titled 'Brief Tactical Notes | 6th Armoured Division | To be carried by Officers on all training in the field.'

C. F. Keightley, Major General Commanding, 6th Armoured Division [ General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley (1901-1974) ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ North Africa ]. 20 September 1943.

[1] + 14pp., 16mo. Unbound stapled pamphlet. A frail survival (no copy found on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC). Aged and worn, with rusting staples. Stencil of the Division's insignia on cover. Divided into seven sections: 'Tactical Notes', 'Appreciations', 'Orders', 'Approach and Contact', 'Attack', 'Defence' and 'Breaking Contact'. In his 'Foreword' Keightley urges the reader, somewhat confusingly, to 'make absolutely certain that there is nothing left to help him ['your men'] fight efficiently and gallantly which it is in your power to do'. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt.

[ Thomas Heron Jones, 7th Viscount Ranelagh. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ranelagh') to an unnamed recipient, complaining of the actions of 'Mr. Clarke

Thomas Heron Jones (1812-1885), 7th Viscount Ranelagh, leading figure in the volunteer movement [ later incorporated into the Territorial Army ] and "known for his links to glamorous women"
Publication details: 
7 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 16 April 1861.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'very much disgusted and indignant against Mr. Clarke for his Impertinence' in calling on the recipient, and has 'expressed as much to him'. He discussed with Clarke the question of the number of gentlemen contacting him about the matter, and hoped to put Clarke in touch with the recipient. The letter concludes: 'It seems Mr. Clarke, when I was out of the Room, took up your Letter addressed to me, and copied your name and direction, a most unwarrantable and unjustifiable act.'

[ Lord William Pitt Lennox. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Willm P. Lennox') to an unnamed recipient, regarding the sale of a copyright to the London publishers Hurst & Blackett.

Lord William Pitt Lennox (1799-1881), British Army officer and author [ Hurst & Blackett, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hall Place, Tunbridge. 16 July 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. The subject of the letter is probably Lennox's Fifty Years' Biographical Reminiscences', published by Hurst and Blackett in 1863. Lennox is 'extremely flattered' at the contents of the recipient's letter, but has 'disposed of the copy right to Messrs Hurst and Blackett. 13. Gr. Marlborough St.', to whom he refers the recipient. 'Had I been in London I would have done myself the pleasure of expressing my thanks in person'.

[ Edward Mason Wrench, private medical attendant to the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth House. ] Autograph Journals, describing his life and duties at Chatsworth, and including references to Sir Joseph Paxton.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912) of Baslow, Derbyshire, Assistant Surgeon, 34th Regiment of Foot and 12th Royal Lancers [ Sir Joseph Paxton; William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire; Chatsworth House]
Publication details: 
[ London and Baslow, Derbyshire. ] 4 June to 31 December 1862; 24 July 1865 to 11 July 1865; 1 January to 22 February 1866.

As befits the son of a City of London clergyman, Edward Mason Wrench was a well-educated and well-connected man (being presented to the Prince of Wales in his old age), attributes which enabled him to thrive at Chatsworth. His standing was also enhanced by an eventful army career. Wrench's obituary in the British Medical Journal (27 April 1912), describes how, after service in the Crimea, 'he was transferred to the 4th Lancers, went to Madras with that regiment in the following month, and served with it during the whole of the Indian Mutiny.

[ Lieutenant-General Sir William Howley Goodenough. ] Autograph Signature ('W H Goodenough') as 'Officer Administering the Government and High Commissioner', the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, on part of land document.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Howley Goodenough (1833-1898), commander of the Royal Artillery in Egypt, and colonial administrator [ Colony of the Cape of Good Hope ]
Publication details: 
Cape Town, Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 31 August 1896.

On 8 x 20cm. piece of paper from official document. In good condition, lightly aged. With embossed seal.

[ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa. ] Autograph article titled 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro. A character study from "German East"'. With newspaper cutting about the author Captain Francis Robinson, and a print of a drawing by him.

Captain Francis Robinson, Chaplain, 4th South African Horse [ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa ]
Publication details: 
The article (regarding Morogoro, German East Africa, in the First World War) and the drawing are both without place, the latter being dated to 1902. Newspaper cutting from 'The Pictorial', Durban, 9 February 1917.

12pp., 4to, including title-page: 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro | A character study from "German East" | by Capt. Francis Robinson | Chaplain. | South African Horse | with the British Expeditionary Force | German East Africa'. In good condition, on aged paper, with closed tear to last leaf. A reference dates the item to after the Battle of Salaita Hill on 12 February 1916. The following captures the tone of an enthusiastic tribute: 'Wherever you go in that unattractive collection of miscellaneous buildings, you come across a little nurse, prim & smart in her uniform & cap.

[ 1st American Squadron, Home Guard (London). ] The first thirteen issues (all printed?) of the mimeographed squadron magazine 'Yankee Yahoo incorporating The Pirbright Lament', with hand-coloured illustrations and separate typed article 'Home Gods'.

Charles G. Tubbs, editor [ 1st American Squadron, Home Guard (London); Brigadier-General Wade Hampton Hayes (1879-1956), officer commanding ]
Publication details: 
London: 'Printed and published at the Headquarters of the 1st American Squadron (Home Guard), 58 Buckingham Gate, S.W.' Nos. 1 to 12 monthly, from December 1941 to November 1942. No. 13 undated [February 1943?].

For more information on the squadron see Charles Dickon's 'Americans at War in Foreign Forces: A History, 1914-1945' (2014). After some difficulties over its status and that of its members, and with the disapproval of American Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, the unit was formed in London in June 1940, with Brigadier-General Wade Hampton Hayes (1879-1956) as commanding officer. After some string-pulling by Charles Sweeny, the Thompson Company in America contributed 100 Tommy Guns and 100,000 rounds of ammunition, and members contributed their cars, painted in camouflage at their own expense.

[ Edward Mason Wrench, an Englishman in New York City in 1881. ] Cyclostyled pamphlet, in facsimile of his handwriting, with illustrations by him, describing in vivid terms for his children a visit to New York.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912), of Baslow, Derbyshire, Assistant Surgeon, 34th Regiment of Foot [ New York City in 1881 ]
Publication details: 
New York. 22 October 1881.

6pp., 12mo. Cyclostyled in purple ink on two loose leaves of 8vo paper (one printed on one side only, and the other on both sides). A facsimile of small handwriting, with five illustrations, including one captioned 'Steamer on the Hudson River' (the others a view of the Brooklyn Bridge from the river, a silhouette of a racing 'sulky' carriage, a steamer, and an ancient statue 'From Cyprus'). In fair condition, lightly-aged, with light rust marks from a paperclip. The second sheet, of four pages, ends abruptly, with a pencil note: 'concluding pages wanted'. The text begins: 'New York.

[ The British Military Cemetery at Solymár, Hungary. ] Long typescript, titled 'The Budapest War Cemetery', including a 'Register of the Graves in the Budapest War Cemetery', with letter by the Hungarian author, and photographs and negatives.

[ The Budapest War Cemetery; The British Military Cemetery at Solymár, Hungary ]
Publication details: 
Covering letter dated from Budapest [ Hungary ], 8 April 1985.

27pp., 8vo. (The article on 'The Budapest War Cemetery' is 7pp., 8vo, and the accompanying 'Register of the Graves in the Budapest War Cemetery' is 21pp., 8vo. There is also a page of 'Abbreviations to the Register'.) A few manuscript emendations. The covering letter is addressed to 'David', and is effusive in its offer of further assistance, the author urging 'David' to rewrite the piece as he sees fit. It is signed, faintly and undecipherably. The author writes in good, but not entirely idiomatic, English, and has gone to some trouble.

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