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[ Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book-Room, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Blanshard') to Rev. George Johnstone in Jamaica, giving details and itemised account of 'Sums of Money due to the Book Room from Jamaica'.

Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book Room, City Road, London [ Rev. George Johnstone (c.1765-1821), Methodist missionary in the West Indies ]
Publication details: 
[ Methodist Book Room, City Road ] London. 3 January 1820.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight loss to text from breaking open of seal, and some repair with archival tape, and a square of paper neatly cut away from second leaf. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Revd G Johnstone | Methodist Chapel | Kingstone | Jamaica'. Letter on one page and 'Mr G Johnstone Dr in account with T Blanshard'. Writing to his 'Dear Bro[th]er', he hopes that Johnstone will be able to settle the annexed account 'at your ensuing District Meeting'.

[ Geoffrey Household, thriller writer. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to military historian Barrie Pitt

Geoffrey Household [ Geoffrey Edward West Household ] (1900-1988), English thriller writer [ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian ]
Publication details: 
All four letters on letterheads of Church Headland, Whitchurch, Aylesbury. Three dating from 1974 and one from 1980.

The four letters in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Also present are carbons of four letters from Pitt to Household (three from 1974 and one from 1981). ONE: ALS. 11 April 1974. 2pp., 4to. He is delighted 'to be appreciated by a fellow craftsman' and is sending a copy of his 'Time to Kill', which he asks him to accept, as he has 'a number of them taking up useful shelf room'. TWO: TLS. 24 April 1974. 2pp., 4to.

[ Rudolph de Cordova and Alicia Ramsay, playwrights and actors. ] Typescripts of three plays: 'The Earthquake', 'The Hand of Vengeance' and 'A Game of Nap' (the last by de Cordova alone), and of a short stoy by de Cordova, 'The Man in Mourning'.

Rudolph de Cordova (1860-1941), Jamaican-born British writer, screenwriter of the silent era and actor, married to Alicia Ramsey [ born Alice Joanna Royston ] (1864-1933)
Publication details: 
'The Earthquake' performed at the Hippodrome, London, around 1914. 'The Man in Mourning' published in the Green Book Magazine, February 1916.

De Cordova was a voluminous author (see his entry in Who Was Who). Several of the couple's works were adapted for the cinema during the silent era. Of the four items present here, 'The Man in Mourning' was published in the Green Book Magazine, February 1916, and de Cordova's entry in Who's Who 1914 lists 'The Earthquake' among 'seven sensational dramas for the London Hippodrome'. No record has been found of the other two pieces. Four duplicated typescripts. In fair condition, with some wear and aging. ONE: '"The Earthquake" A Dramatic Sketch by Alicia Ramsey and Rudolph de Cordova'. A play.

[ Edward Mason Wrench, MVO, FRCS. ] Cyclostyled pamphlet describing a holiday 'Trip to Cornwall | Oct. 1890', intended for family members. In facsimile of Wrench's handwriting and signature ('Ed. M. Wrench'), with numerous illustrations by him.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912), of Baslow, Assistant Surgeon, 34th Regiment of Foot [ Cornwall, 1890 ]
Publication details: 
No place [ tour of 'Oxford, Swindon, Exeter, Torquay, Plymouth, Truro & Falmouth']. 5 to 22 October 1890.

20pp., 12mo. On ten 26.5 x 21 cm numbered leaves, nine of them printed on one side only and the seventh with the text duplicated in error by being printed on both sides. Each leaf folded once, and the ten leaves stitched up to make a 21 x 13.25 cm booklet. The text written around a total of 20 illustrations by the author (including 'a covered market cart' in Oxford; 'Uncle Mervyn's Pajamas'; 'a Performing Elephant'; 'Rougemont', 'The Logan Stone', 'The Armed Knights & Enys Dodnan Rocks at The Lands End', the Clifton Suspension Bridge). In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Berlin British Sector, 1956. ] 'Restricted' typescript by the Assistant Provost Marshal: 'Instructions for the Information and Guidance of Travellers using the Berlin-Helmstedt Autobahn'. With typescript 'Tour' of places on the 'East-West-Axis'.

[ British Army in Cold War Berlin ] Lieut-Col. A. W. B. Symonds, Assistant Provost Marshal for General Officer Commanding, Berlin British Sector
Publication details: 
'Instructions' dated from Berlin, August 1956. 'Tour' without date or place, but issued with the 'Instructions'.

The two items are on the same cheap paper stock, and folded in a way indicating that they were issued together. In fair condition, on browned high-acidity paper, with wear at base of Item One, and one leaf detached from Item Two. The two items are interesting artefacts, and a valuable source of information on Cold War Berlin. ONE: Duplicated typescript. 2pp., folio.

[ Society of Dilettanti, London. ] Report of the Committee of the Society of Dilettanti, appointed by the Society to superintend the expedition lately sent by them to Greece and Ionia; containing an Abstract of the Voyage of the Mission, [...]

Sir H. C. Englefield, Secretary, Society of Dilettanti, London [ William Bulmer (1757-1830), Shakspeare Press, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Order of the Society for the use of the Members, By W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's. 1814.

Full title: 'Report of the Committee of the Society of Dilettanti, appointed by the Society to superintend the expedition lately sent by them to Greece and Ionia; containing an Abstract of the Voyage of the Mission, a List of the Materials collected by them, and a Plan to facilitate the Publication of those Materials.' At end of last page: 'Signed, by order of the Committee, | H. C. ENGLEFIELD, | Secretary.' [2] + 18pp., 4to. Stabbed, but with stitching gone.

[ West Indies cricket team in England, 1963. ] Autograph Signatures of Sir Garfield Sobers, Sir Wesley Hall, Lance Gibbs, Rohan Kanhai, and 8 others in the touring side. With three printed souvenirs (programme, brochure and 'record of test matches').

[ West Indies cricket team, tour of England, 1963; Sir Garfield Sobers; Sir Wesley Hall; Lance Gibbs; Rohan Kanhai; Derryck Murray ]
Publication details: 
West Indian cricket team in England, 1963.

A nice collection of souvenirs of a very exciting and interesting tour. The West Indies did very well indeed, beating England in the test series 3-1. ONE: The signatures on four pieces of paper, laid down on green 8vo paper backing, with card carrying maroon and black logo of 'West Indies | 1963 | England'. All in good condition, lightly-aged. First, signature of 'G Sobers' written across 22.5 x 11.5 cm magazine photograph of Sobers at the crease. Second, signature of 'W Hall' across 8 x 5 cm magazine photograph of face of 'WESLEY HALL (Barbados), age 25.', with swollen left eye.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Electoral Disabilities of Women. A Lecture delivered at the New Hall, Tavistock, March 11th, 1871.

Milicent Garrett Fawcett [The Bristol & West of England Society for Women's Suffrage] [Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Printed for the Bristol & West of England Society for Women's Suffrage. By the Tavistock Printing Company, Limited, Tavistock. 1871.

23 + [1]pp., 12mo. In good condition, no wraps, disbound. Only one copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, at the London School of Economics.

[Printed programme.] Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament (Eighth Year), 1909.

Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament, 1909 [Kenneth Powell (1885-1915), English sportsman; Friedrich Wilhelm "Fieten" Rahe (1888-1949), German tennis player, runner-up at Wimbledon in 1913]
Publication details: 
C. Stephens, Printer, West Street, Reigate. 1909.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and folded paper. Headed: 'Saturday, 24th July. The Tea to-day is kindly provided by Mrs. Searle.' Giving the scorecard, with names of all participants and results from first round to final, for nine events from the 'Gentlemen's Singles (Level). New Challenge Cup presented by SIR J. COLMAN, Bart.' (F. W. Rahe versus K. Powell) to 'Ladies Doubles (Handicap)' (Miss Harper and Miss Russell versus the Misses Bowyer). Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[Major-General Francis Gilbert Hamley.] Printed 'Testimonials in support of an application made by Captain Hamley, Army Pay Department, for the appointment of Colonial Secretary, Bermuda.

Major-General Francis Gilbert Hamley (1851-1918), Army Pay Department [Lieut-Gen. T.L. Gallwey; Lieut-Col. De Pentheny O'Kelley, Sir Robert Laffan; Lieut-Col. W. F. Kerr, the Buffs, Dover; R. H. Knox]
Publication details: 
[London. 1889.]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with crease at one corner. In small type. Containing six testimonials, dating between 1883 and 1889, from: Lieut-Gen. T. L. Gallwey, Governor & Commander-in-Chief, Bermuda; Lieut-Col. De Pentheny O'Kelley, A.P.D.; Emma Laffan ('Lady Laffan, widow of the late Sir Robert Laffan, late Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Bermuda'); Lieut-Col. W. F. Kerr ('Commanding "The Buffs," Dover'); R. H. Knox ('the Financial Secretary'); H. W. Just, Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Note at end: 'MEMO.

[Richard Bentley, publisher.] Two copies (one proof) of his pamphlet 'Death of the Broad Gauge', describing a Great Western Railway journey during the switch to Narrow Gauge, in a series of letters to his father George Bentley. With printed envelope.

Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), member of celebrated firm of London publishers, son of George Bentley (1828-1895) and grandson of Richard Bentley (1794-1871) [Great Western Railway]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed for Richard Bentley the younger, of Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street, London. 1892 and 1893.]

All three items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Untitled proof, with 'Proof 6.12.92 [i.e. 6 December 1992]' in manuscript at foot of first page. 20pp., 8vo. Unbound and unstitched. Two manuscript corrections, and two indications of where maps are to be placed. The first letter is written from 'Dawlish, S. Devon, | May 20, 1892', and the last from 'Clifton, | May 31, 1892'. A passage, on pp.5-8, is under the heading 'The End of the Broad Gauge', the first paragraph reading: 'On Thursday the men arrived from all parts of the G.W.

Seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a Terrier of John Head's lease lands in West Hendred, Berkshire.

[John Head of Langley, Hampstead Norreys, High Sheriff of Berkshire, 1698-1699; terrier his lease lands in West Hendred]
Publication details: 
[West Hendred, Berkshire.] Late seventeenth-century.

On one side of a strip of vellum (circa 40 x 18 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. Scan of part on application

[The Legislative Council of Jamaica, 1855.] Packet of six manuscript documents regarding the rejection by the Council of 49 chairs ordered from Druce & Co. of London, damaged in transit from England.

William R. Myers, Secretary, Executive Committee, Legislative Council of Jamaica [Thomson Hankey & Co, merchant bankers, London; Thomas Charles Druce; Druce & Co., upholsterers, Baker St, London]
Publication details: 
Items from the Executive Committee Office, Jamaica, and from Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies. All dating from 1855.

Packet of six items, held together with a pin. Totalling 8pp., folio; 3pp., 8vo. In good overall condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'Wm: R: Myers | Secy' to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London. Executive Committee Office; 26 December 1855. 2pp., folio. Giving details of five documents which he is forwarding, 'on the Chairs received from Messrs. Druce & Co'. He writes that he is 'directed to communicate through you, that the Chairs are not accepted and will not be paid for, but will be kept on the account and risk of Messrs.

[Printed handbill.] The Converted Negress in a Storm.

[Dublin Tract Repository, Dublin, Ireland; Wertheim, Macintosh, and Hunt, London; W. Porteous, Dublin printer; West Indies]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Dublin Tract Repository, 10 D'Olier Street. London: Wertheim, Macintosh, and Hunt. Printed by W. Porteous, 18 Wicklow Street, Dublin. ['No. 73.' 'Sold in Penny Packets, 12 copies each.'] No date [between 1854 and 1869].

2pp., 12mo, on single leaf. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Thomson Hankey, merchant banker.] Manuscript memorandum book, begun by Thomson Hankey, containing accounts and memoranda directly relating to the Hankey banking family and their interests in the West Indies, with details of various estates.

Thomson Hankey (1805-1893), merchant banker and Liberal Member of Parliament [Jamaica; the West Indies; West Indian plantations]
Publication details: 
[London, England.] In notebook watermarked 'G LANGLEY | 1858'. Containing entries dating from between 1861 and 1977.

63pp., foolscap 8vo. Stitched. In ruled 31.5 x 20 cm notebook with original marbled card wraps. Begun from both ends, with 40pp starting at one end and 23pp at the other. Internally in fair condition, on aged and worn paper; in damaged wraps with loss at foot of one cover, and to a printed item laid down inside it. The volume contains sixteen pages of double-entry family accounts, dated from 30 June 1864 to 31 September 1890. These begin with details of 'Cash at Bankers', 'Cash [at Alexanders]', 'Investments', 'Ships', 'West India Accounts', and later feature 'Merchandize' and loans.

[Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon.] Four letters to the London merchant bankers Thomson Hankey & Co., all relating to the Mesopotamia Estate sugar plantation in Jamaica, two signed by both the Earl and the Countess.

Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon [née Grimston and previously Foster-Barham] (1810-1874), wife of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., bankers]
Publication details: 
Two letters from the Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin in 1851, one of them signed by the Earl and the Countess. The other two letters from London, 1845 and 1849.

The Countess of Clarendon had inherited the Mesopotamia Estate from her previous husband John Foster Barham (1799-1838), who had died a certified lunatic year before her marriage to the Earl. The Estate had been in the hands of the Barham family for more than a century. The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All four with notes by the recipients. ONE: Letter signed by George J. Nicholson of the London soliticitors Vizard & Leman, in secretarial hand, to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co. Lincolns Inn Fields; 7 July 1845 ('Mesopotamia Estate'). 1p., 4to.

[Printed report.] Comparative Statement of the Imports into Bristol from the West Indies of Sugar, Rum & Coffee, together with Sugar from the East Indies and Mauritius from the 1st. January to the 30th. Septr in the Years 1839 & 1840 [...].

Ariel & Beloe, Colonial Brokers, Bristol [West Indian merchants; Mauritius; Messrs. Hankey, Wilson & Co., London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Ariel & Beloe, Brokers. 30 September 1840.

Full title: 'Comparative Statement of the Imports into Bristol from the West Indies of Sugar, Rum & Coffee, together with Sugar from the East Indies and Mauritius from the 1st. January to the 30th. Septr in the Years 1839 & 1840 shewing the Stocks remaining under Bond at the latter date.' 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with two postmarks, one of them from Bristol) on reverse of second leaf: 'P.P. | Messrs. Hankey Wilson & Co | London', and docketed by the recipients: '496 | Ariel & Beloe | 30 Sept 1840 | recd 2 Oct [1840] | no answer'.

[Maharashtra, India, 1919.] 23 signed field maps and corrected exercises by trainee British Indian Army officer Lt A. W. Green, with duplicated notes on 'Military Operations on N.W. Frontier' and map of the 'Indrayani Valley' by Major C. E. Dease.

Lieut A. W. Green [British Army; military map-making; Indian Army, Maharashtra; North West Frontier Province, British India, 1919; Major C. E. Dease]
Publication details: 
[Maharashtra, India.] Items dating from between 11 February and 2 April 1919.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, and gives an invaluable insight into the training practices of the officer class of the British Army in India in the period immediately following the First World War. ONE: 23 autograph maps by Green, each drawn in pencil on a separate piece of graph paper (all around 21 x 26 cm). Each is signed by 'A W Green Lt | 2/95 Infy.', and each is dated in the bottom left-hand corner (for example, 'Light Poor. | Time 7 am. | 26-2-19.') Several of the maps carry 'Notes'.

[Printed map by J. Banfield, "Arrival List" Office, Ilfracombe.] A Plan of the Town of Ilfracombe, together with a Map of the North Coast of Devon.

John Banfield, printer and publisher ('Arrival List' Office), Ilfracombe, Devon
Publication details: 
J. Banfield, "Arrival List" Office, Ilfracombe. No date.

25.5 x 31 cm, folded three times to make 12..5 x 8.5 cm packet, with title and publisher's details on the outside. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Tipped-in onto a leaf removed from an album. Light pencil notes on back of map. At head: 'A Map of the North Coast of Devon' (7.5 x 25 cm). At foot: 'A Plan of the Town of Ilfracombe, published by J. Banfield, Library, Ilfracombe' (12 x 25 cm). In right hand margin: 'Reference to the Plan', with 42 entries from 'Tunnels' to 'Montpelier Road'.

[Frank Curzon, The Yorkshire Union of Mechanics Institutes.] Autograph Letter, with a caricature of himself acting as the signature, to John Warren of Royston, thanking him in playful and punning style for arranging a rail trip.

Frank Curzon (1819-1907), poet of Exeter, Devon [The Yorkshire Union of Mechanics Institutes; John Warren, Royston, Hertfordshire]
Publication details: 
The Yorkshire Union of Mechanics Institutes, Victoria Chambers, Leeds. 9 November 1878.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Consisting of a series of appalling puns, the letter reads: 'Dear Sir | Thanks for the Time Table it was a "rail" service and for your offer of a meal which will suit me to a "T" and for your selection of a bed, as I prefer Bedford to Bedlam, and for your instructions to change my train. It is easier to miss a train than to train a miss. | I feel now that I shall get to Royston with only the Hitchen that is necessary, and I am itching to get there when I feel that I am Warren-ted safe. | I remain My dear Sir | Yours truly'.

[The Chester Vale coffee plantation, Jamaica, owned by the Breon family.] Six sets of manuscript accounts, four for Edmund Breon; one for Thomas Cockburn, guardian of Miss Elizabeth Susanna Breon; and one for her husband Colin McLarty, MD.

[The Chester Vale coffee plantation, Jamaica; Edmund Breon, proprietor; his daughter Elizabeth Susanna Breon; her husband Colin McLarty; Thomas Cockburn of Cockburn, Robertson & Vassall, solicitors]
Publication details: 
Kingston, Jamaica. 1785, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1792, 1795.

Chester Vale, a substantial estate of 1420 acres, paid taxes on 124 slaves in 1801. McLarty (d.1844) was Physician-General for Surrey (Jamaica), and several letters written by him from the island are in the National Library of Scotland, and are quoted in Alan L Karras's 'Sojourners in the Sun: Scottish Migrants in Jamaica and the Chesapeake, 1740-1800' (Cornell, 1992). In 1794 he acquired Chester Vale on his marriage to Elizabeth Susanna Breon, whose father Edmund Breon had died in 1792, leaving her the ward of the solicitor Thomas Cockburn.

[Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich.] Autograph Letter Signed from the proprietor Walter Williams to London bankers Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, regarding the purchase of 'nails & chains' for casks.

Walter Williams of Rose Inn, proprietor of Albion Iron Works, West Bromwich [Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London merchant bankers]
Publication details: 
Albion Iron Works, Westbromwich [West Bromwich]. 21 June 1844. With 'WEST BROMWICH' postmark.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Messrs. Thomson Hankey <& Co> | Merchants | 7 Mincing Lane | London'. The second leaf is also docketed, and carries two circular postmarks, one from 'WEST BROMWICH'. Williams writes that he has returned to find 'an enquiry about the nails & chains'. He gives a price below which he cannot go, adding: 'I must be paid for the Casks: but if a quantity of nails had been wanted I would have given my trouble on the other things, as I should have made a profit on the nails'.

[John Pascoe of Veryan, Cornish poet.] Two autograph volumes of transcriptions of original poems, made on the eve of his death for Mrs Ball of the City Hotel, Truro, with extensive biographical notes for her, and a letter of presentation.

John Pascoe (1820-1889) of Veryan (and latterly Castle Rise, Claremont, Truro), Cornish poet and Wesleyan minister
Publication details: 
The poems in both volumes transcribed in 1889, those in the first volume having been composed between 1844 and 1884, and in the second between 1881 and 1889. Letter from Castle Rise, Claremont, Truro [Cornwall], 26 August 1889.

The two volumes contain transcriptions of a total of 65 original autograph poems, most of them unpublished, with extensive explanatory and biographical notes (sometimes running to several pages) composed especially for the recipient of the volumes, Mrs Ball of the City Hotel, Truro. In two uniform 4to notebooks with waxed black cloth bindings. The first volume is in fair condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn binding with loss of spine. The second volume has damp affecting the first 60pp., causing slight loss to text, and damage to the binding. ONE: On front free endpaper: 'Vol I.

[North West Frontier Province on eve of Second Mohmand Campaign, 1935] Typed secret British RAF Signals report titled 'Tribal Reconnaissance. Northern Area - Bajaur, Utman Khel, & Mohmand Country.' Describing territory from Shabkadr to Abazai Fort.

[Corporal J. P. Murray, Royal Air Force Signals Detachment; North West Frontier Province, British India; Bajaur; Utman Khel; Pashtun Tribes; Afghanistan; Second Mohmand Campaign, 1935.]
Publication details: 
Report undated, with latest date references to '25-4-1933', i.e. 25 April 1933. In envelope marked '1-2-37', i.e. 1 February 1937. Envelope addressed to Corporal J. P. Murray, RAF Signals, Bannu, N.W.F.P. [North West Frontier Province]

14pp., foolscap 8vo. Carbon copy of typescript, consisting of a covering page and the report itself, paginated 1-13. With a few minor manuscript emendations. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. In brown paper 1937 OHMS envelope ('S.E.6.'), stamped 'SECRET' twice, with red wax seals of the '20 (A.C.) SQUADRON | R.A.F.', and typed address: '513996. Corporal Murray, J.P. | Royal Air Force Signals Detachment (No. 20 (AC) Squadron). | BANNU, N.W.F.P.' The covering page of the report is stamped 'RESTRICTED', and reads: 'SECRET. | TRIBAL RECONNAISSANCE.

[H.M. Lazelle] Autograph Letter Signed"H.M. Lazelle", to "The Hon. Norman Mac Gregor, Lloyds, London, E[?], England" about the latter's brother, deceased.

Lieut.-Colonel H.M. Lazelle, Acting Inspector General, Vancouver Barracks, Washington State [Henry M. Lazelle]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Lieut.-Colonel H.M. Lazelle, Acting Inspector General | Headquarters Department of the Columbia, | Office Acting Inspector General [...], 25 Jan. 1887.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, small closed tear not affecting text, some staining but text clear and complete.He acknowledges receipt of his "favor" and books which are "doubly valued since he through whose friendship they were sent is gone.

[Alexander Johnstone, proprietor of Westerhall [Baccaye] slave Plantation, Grenada, West Indies.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alexr. Johnstone') to his London bankers Messrs Simond & Hankey, regarding the 'neglect & misconduct' of 'Capn. Mackintosh'.

Alexander Johnstone (1727-1783), proprietor of the Westerhall [Baccaye] slave Plantation, Grenada, West Indies [Messrs Simond & Hankey, London bankers]
Publication details: 
Bulstrode Street [London]. 4 October 1777.

The story of the Johnstone family has been told in Emma Rothschild's 'Inner Life of Empires' (Princeton, 2012). According to Rothschild, Alexander Johnstone 'became a soldier in the British army and was sent to North America.

[Victorian bicycling ephemera.] 'Year Card of Rules, etc., Season, 1890' of the West Roads Cycling Club. [Printed by Cheney

[West Roads Cycling Club, London Headquarters, "Baron's Court" Hotel, West Kensington, W.; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
West Roads Cycling Club, London Headquarters, "Baron's Court" Hotel, West Kensington, W. 1890. [Cheney & Sons, printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire.]

[8]pp., 16mo (10.5 x 8 cm). Stitched into card wraps. In very good condition. An attractive production, wtih the light-blue card covers printed in dark blue ink, with the club's device, featuring a lion on top of a wheel, embossed and printed in red. A list of names of the 'Executive' is inside the front cover. With the sixteen 'Rules' on the first two pages, and the other headings: 'Racing Fixtures', 'Executive Meetings', 'General Meetings'; the fourth page carries general notes.

[Printed pamphlet by the Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland.] Handbook of the Marine Station, Keppel Pier, Millport. Compiled by the Honorary Secretary.

[John A. Todd, Honorary Secretary, Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland, Glasgow; Keppel Pier, Millport]
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Printed for the Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland. 1901. [Glasgow: Printed by N. Adshead & Son, Union Street.]

66pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. Internally very good, in worn and discoloured wraps. Bookplate of Henry Malo inside the front cover. On shiny art paper, and with eight pages of illustations, including five full-page photographs and five plans (two of the 'Station Buildings', two of the sailing yacht the 'Mermaid', and one of 'The Ark' carrying the laboratory). The last two pages (65-66) carry a list of 'Office-Bearers 1901' from which Todd's name has been extracted. Uncommon: no copy at the British Library, and only six copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Lawn tennis ephemera from Victorian Banbury.] Eight items [printed by Cheney & Sons], including 'Rules' of the Banbury and West End Lawn Tennis Clubs, and other material from the Hook Norton and Borderers' Lawn Tennis Clubs.

[Banbury Lawn Tennis Club; Borderers' Lawn Tennis Club; Hook Norton Lawn Tennis Club; West End Lawn Tennis Club; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
Cheney & Sons, Printers, Banbury. Items dated from 1888, 1889, 1891 and 1892.

From the archive of Cheney & Sons, 'General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury'. The calling card of partner John Cheney describes him as a 'Printer in Gold, Silver, and Colours', with 'Specialities in the best class of work', and the company's high standards attracted clients from London's West End. For more about the firm see 'John Cheney and his descendants, printers in Banbury since 1767' (1936), and the Victoria County History volume for the County of Oxford, Banbury Hundred. The eight items are in very good condition, lightly-aged.

[Thomson Hankey senior, merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests.] Autograph Letter Signed to his son Thomson Hankey junior, making him a gift of £4000 and share 'of the Ship Elizabeth Capt. Walker now on her Voyage to Grenada'.

Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests [his son the banker, economist and Liberal politician Thomson Hankey junior (1805-1893)]
Publication details: 
Mincing Lane [City of London]. 19 June 1826.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To Thomson Hankey Junr.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Thomson, | I give to you as a free Gift the Sum of Four Thousand Pounds & authorize you on 30th. of this Month to place that Sum to your Credit with our House by the Debit of my private Account. I also give you the one fourth Share of my two thirds Share of the Ship Elizabeth Capt.

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