[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] An Address to the Ladies of England.

Sir David Salomons, Bart. [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Southborough: A. K. Baldwin, Steam Press. [1876.]
SKU: 16159

[1] + 8pp. Dated on p.8: 'Broom Hill, Tunbridge Wells, | January 1st, 1876.' In good condition, lightly-aged, with central vertical fold, front wrap only, disbound. Title on front wrap, which is printed on shiny paper. Printed at head of title: 'With the Author's Compliments.' The author is in favour of the employment of women, as this would 'diminish the number of our unemployed poor, instead of supporting institutions for their relief'. His scheme 'divides itself into three divisions': '1. - To provide better education for girls, and improved means for studying when they are grown up. | 2. - To find a larger number of occupations for women, well paid, and suitable for all capabilities. | 3. To form an organization for carrying out the last two divisions, and to render every assistance to women by finding them employment.' Only two copies on COPAC, and one copy (National Library of Israel) on OCLC WorldCat. No copy in British Library.