[Harry Hall of the British Museum, Egyptologist.] Portrait photograph by Swaine of New Bond Street, with a second more relaxed portrait showing him with hands in pockets.

Henry Reginald Holland Hall ['Harry Hall'] (1873-1930), Egyptologist, Keeper of the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum [Swaine, New Bond St, London portrait photographers]
Publication details: 
The first image: 'Swain, 146 New Bond St, W. [London] and at Southsea.' The second image unattributed.
SKU: 16346

Both prints black and white, and in good condition. The portrait shot is 14 x 9.5 cm, on grey card backing, within a 30.5 x 20.5 cm folder of the same grey card, printed with the name and address of the firm. The image depicts the head and shoulders of a moustachioed Hall, who is glancing to his left side with a faraway look in his eyes, while smartly dressed in dark jacket and waistcoat. The second print is 11 x 6.5 cm and loose, and shows the head and torso of a slightly older Hall, still with moustache, in a three-piece suit with watch chain, looking to his right and smiling, with hands in pockets. Despite his eminence and presence in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, there are no images of Hall in the National Portrait Gallery Collection. The presence two items are from the papers of Hall's friend Frank Gordon Gordon [né Straube] (1874-1968).