Handbill 'PROCLAMATION | by the G.O.C.-in-Chief in Mesopotamia | to the People of 'Iraq, on the occasion of the successful conclusion of hostilities | against the Turkish Armies.', together with Iraqi translation of the same.
Interesting item with contemporary resonances. ITEM ONE: dimensions eight and a half inches by fourteen and a half inches. Around fifty lines of text. Clean, but heavily folded. States that 18 months previously Maude and the British Army had come 'not as conquerors but as deliverers'. Describes the progress of the war and states that despite Maude's death the promises he made in a proclamation to the citizens of Baghdad will be kept. Announces eight undertakings (e.g. 'Fifth, that the routes to the sacred places will be thrown open once again for organized pilgrimages'). Ends 'Gentlemen, there is no more to be said. [...] I ask you only to join with me in saluting the British Flag now to be unfurled before you, and in giving three cheers for His Most Gracious Majesty KING GEORGE V.' ITEM TWO (the translation into Arabic). Dimensions ten inches by fifteen inches. Heavily folded and creased; extremities frayed; damp stained, and with two small (one affecting one word of text). Two items,