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[ Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister. ] Two prints of portrait photographs by royal photographer Marcus Adams, with a pencil study from one of them by Adams on the reverse.

Marcus Adams (), royal photographer [ Neville Chamberlain [ Arthur Neville Chamberlain ] (1869-1940), British Conservative Prime Minister ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. (Late 1930s.)

Neither print is ascribed, but in an unpublished typescript in the Adams Papers, Rosalind Thuillier (author of a 1985 monograph on Adams) quotes her husband Gilbert Adams (Marcus's son) as follows: 'Another phase of his activities as a photographer was into a device called "photo sculpture". [...] At the time of Munich he went round to the photo-sculpture's studio, and I accompanied him, to photograph Neville Chamberlain. Neville Chamberlain was photographed in this way and some many hundreds of these casts were made of him.

[ Auxiliary Territorial Service in the Second World War. ] Album of Junior Commander Kathleen Wynne-Edwards, commander of 'five Platoons, on the average 220 strong' at Prestatyn, containing original photographs, letters, circulars, cuttings, ephemera

Kathleen Violet M. Wynne-Edwards [ née Touzel ] (1895-1978) of the ATS [ Auxiliary Territorial Service ], wife of Lieut-Col. John Copner Wynne-Edwards (1891-1967)
Publication details: 
2nd Signal Training Centre, Prestatyn, North Wales. Between 1939 and 1942.

The material is laid down and loosely inserted on 39pp. of a folio album with paper covers (the ATS badge drawn on the front). The album itself is aged and worn, but the material inside is in good condition, with light aging.Biographical information on Wynne-Edwards is given in a loosely-inserted copy of an autograph letter to 'Mrs.

[ Élisabeth de Mac Mahon, wife of the French president Patrice de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Male. de Mac Mahon'), in English, to the artist and women's activist Barbara Bodichon, regarding meetings in Algeria.

Élisabeth de Mac Mahon [ née Castries ] (1834-1900), La Maréchale de Mac Mahon [ MacMahon ], Duchesse de Magenta, wife of French President Patrice de Mac Mahon (1808-1879) [ Barbara Bodichon ]
Publication details: 
One dated 'Alger the 16th March' and the other 'Alger Sunday' [ Algiers. Between 1864 and 1870? ]

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Accompanied by an envelope, with broken red wax seal, addressed by the Maréchale to 'Madame Bodichon | Mustapha Supérieur | Chemin de la Colonne Voirol | à El Biar'. (In 1857 Bodichon had married the French physician, ethnographer, and scholar Eugène Bodichon (1810-1885), and thereafter divided her time between Algeria and England.) General MacMahon was Governor General of Algeria between 1864 and 1870. ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 'Alger Sunday'.

[ Bill Noonan, playwright. ] Typescript of play titled 'Tell Me Mother Ireland (or Once Upon a Black-n-Tan)'.

Bill Noonan, playwright [ the Black and Tans during the Irish War of Independence ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but in envelope with postmarke of Baile Atha Cliath [ Dublin, Republic of Ireland ], 8 August, 1979.

116pp., 4to. (Paginated to 117, without a p.95, but with no text lacking.) No prelims. Each page typed on a separate leaf, and the whole bound together by string through punch holes. Text complete. Dog-eard and worn, with the first two leaves separated from the rest. No record discovered of author or title. The play is set during the Second World War, and begins: 'Afternoon fourclock ... Late spring ... side of road, North Cork district six miles from town of Kilneesh, Irishman trying to fix a tire ... car protruding from wings showing a flat.

[ A. E. Glennie, computer pioneer. ] Article titled 'A. E. Glennie describes Electronic Computers' in 'AWRE News | The Journal of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment'. With photographs of the IBM 7090 at Aldermaston.

A. E. Glennie [ Alick Edwards Glennie ] (1925-2003), British computer scientist, developer of Autocode, colleague of Alan Turing [ Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, RAF Aldermaston ]
Publication details: 
A.W.R.E. News, vol. 8 no. 5. March 1961.

44pp., 4to. Stapled. The complete magazine, in printed wraps with green masthead, on shiny art paper, with attractive 'modern' layout and numerous illustrations. Incongruous image on cover of girl and lamb. Glennie's article is on four pages, with a photograph of the author accompanied by a brief biography (ending 'He came to Aldermaston in 1955 and is now in S.S.C.M.') and three photographs of the 'IBM 7090 Electronic Data Processing Machine', one of them small, and the other two each half-page, and accompanied by a lengthy caption.

[ P. G. Wodehouse, humorist. ] Two typewritten drafts, each with autograph emendations, of 'The Day I met the Master', Barrie Pitt's account of his encounter with Wodehouse in Tost internment camp. With printed version the article, and other material

[ P. G. Wodehouse [ Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse ] (1881-1975), English humorist ] Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian, editor of 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'
Publication details: 
1992 and 1993.

All items in good condition, with minor signs of age. The drafts are both printed on yellow paper. Each is 4pp., 4to. The two appear the same textually, but one has two slips of paper with amended text attached, and the autograph emendations to the two are different from one another. Also present is a leaf from 'Lifewise' magazine, November 1993, with one page carrying Pitt's memoir, accompanied by a photograph of Wodehouse being interviewed at Tost by Angus Thuermer. The piece begins: 'I first saw P. G.

[ Australian First World War equity finance.] Printed notice from the Agent General for New South Wales, headed 'New South Wales £3 1/2 % Stock, 1918. | Notice to Holders.'

The Agent General for New South Wales, 1918 [ Australian First World War equity finance; New South Wales Government, Australia ]
Publication details: 
'2nd February, 1918. | (L.473) 1/18 - 25,000'. [i.e. 25,000 copies printed in January 1918]

1p., 4to. In good condtion, lightly aged and worn, folded twice horizontally. 26 lines of text, beginning: 'The Agent General of New South Wales hereby directs the attention of Holders of the New South Wales £3 1/2 % Loan, due to be repaid 1st September, 1918, to the following terms of Conversion which are offered by the New South Wales Government, viz: -'. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on Copac.

[ William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Boyd Carpenter') to 'Professor Lang' [ probably William Robert Lang ] regarding George Thomas Shettle and the lack of 'spiritual ideals' evidenced in the Great War.

William Boyd Carpenter (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon and court chaplain to Queen Victoria [ Professor William Robert Lang (1870-1925) of the University of Toronto; George Thomas Shettle (1861-1936) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 6 Little Cloisters, Westminster. 30 January 1918.

2pp., 12mo. He begins by apologising for being unable to give any information regarding Shettle, who 'only came into Ripon Diocese in 1911, theh year in which I resigned'. He is unacquainted with Shettle's books, none of which are credited to him in Crockford's. He agrees with Lang's 'letter & notes on Church & Education matters': 'the War is constantly disclosing how far astray our Education & Church method has been.

[ Tunisia Campaign, British North Africa Force, 1943. ] Duplicated 'SECRET' document by Major-General Charles Keightley, titled 'Main Lessons from the recent Campaign in North Africa as applicable to an Armd Div.'

General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley (1901-1974), 6th Armoured Divison, British North Africa Force [ BNAF ] [ British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North African Campaign, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
'In the Field | 7 Jun 43.' and 'HQ 6 Armd Div, | B.N.A.F. | 7 Jun 43.' [ British North Africa Force, 7 June 1943. ]

7pp., 8vo. On four leaves stapled together. In good condition, lightly-aged and with rusting staple. Stamped 'SECRET' at head of first page. Facsimile of Keightley's signature at end ('Maj Gen | Comd | 6 Armd Div.').

[ British Army, Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ] Two duplicated documents: 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign' and 'Notes on Observations made in SICILY' by Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson.

Major General Vyvyan Evelegh (1898-1958), General Officer Commanding, 78th Battleaxe Infantry Division, British Army; Lieut-Col. D. E. P. Hodgson of the Welsh Guards [ Sicilian Campaign, 1943. ]
Publication details: 
Evelegh's 'Lecture' without place or date, but contemporary. Hodgson's 'Notes' dated 'IN THE FIELD | 9 Oct 43 [ 9 October 1943 ] | DEPH/LCH'.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Both scarce: no copy of either traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC, and no copies in the Imperial War Museum collection. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt, author of 'Crucible of War'. ONE: ' 'Lecture by Maj-Gen V. Evelegh, C.B., O.B.E. on 78 Div's Part in the Sicilian Campaign'. Two pages each on a separate leaf, the first 8vo and the second half an 8vo page. Stapled together.

[ 9th Corps, BNAF, 1943.] Thirteen Tunisia Campaign documents, including secret typed report: 'R.A. Experiences and Lessons from the three Battles fought by 9 Corps between 6 Apr and 12 May 1943'. Also a questionnaire with replies from five officers.

Eric Harrison [ Major-General E. G. W. W. Harrison (1893-1987) ], soldier and Olympic athlete; General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley [ 9th Corps, British North Africa Force; Tunisia Campaign ]
Publication details: 
In the field with 9th Corps, British North Africa Force [ BNAF ], Tunisia. May and June 1943

The thirteen items are in good condition, with moderate signs of age and wear. In buff folder, with '265/G(SD) | LESSONS DERIVED FROM TUNISIAN CAMPAIGN' in red pencil on cover. The material, including a report by Harrison, a questionnaire and two responses to it, was produced shortly after the campaign, following an order from the Army Commander that a printed report of the lessons learned be produced as quickly as possible.

[ Barrie Pitt, military historian. ] Collection of material apparently assembled during the writing of his book 'Churchill and the Generals', including typescript of a piece on Montgomery of Alamein, titled 'The Making of a Field Marshall'.

[ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian and editor, 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'
Publication details: 
None of the items with place or date. [ 'Churchill and the Generals' published in 1981. ]

The collection is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. ONE: Photocopied typescript of the beginning of a piece titled 'The Making of a Field Marshall', on the early career of Montgomery of Alamein. 10pp., 8vo. With a few autograph emendations. Ends abruptly. Apparently unpublished. TWO: Two black and white press photographs, each 13.5 x 19cm.

[ 'Purnell's History of the Second World War.' ] Folder of material gathered by editor Barrie Pitt, mainly consisting of typescripts of signed translations from Italian by H. Fields, but also containing a typewritten paper on the Special Boat Service

[ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian and editor, 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'; General Giuseppe Mancinelli (1895-1976); H. Fields, translator ]
Publication details: 
Fields' translations all date from 1968. The other items without date or place.

Despite the name, the series was published by was published by Phoebus Publishing Ltd, in co-operation with the Imperial War Museum, from 1966. Sir Basil Liddell-Hart was first editor-in-chief, followed after his death by A. J. P. Taylor. The items in this collection are loosely inserted in a buff folder, with 'Sub-editing, Production | Illustrations, Art-work etc' in red ink on cover, under which, in black ink, the name 'Peter Dunbar'. Nine articles, together with nine notes and 'integrating notes' on various articles, all translated by H.

[ British North Africa Force, Tunisia Campaign, 1943. ] 24 original BNAF documents (many secret), sent from the field during the Battle of Tunisia by 6th Armoured Divison and 9th Corps, including operation orders, march tables, Eisenhower message.

[ 6th Armoured Divison and 9th Corps, British North Africa Force, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North African Campaign, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
[ British North Africa Force, 6 Armoured Division and 9 Corps. ] Tunisia, North African Campaign, 1943.

The collection was acquired by military historian Barrie Pitt, while writing his 'Crucible of War' series on the Desert War, from Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, BNAF. It is in good overall condition, with rusted staples and other minor age and wear. All items duplicated typescripts unless otherwise indicated.

[ Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell. ] Papers relating to 9th Corps, BNAF, compiled immediately after the Tunisia Campaign, including a 'General History of Ninth Corps' by Campbell, original manuscript tracings, duplicated maps, order by Crocker.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, IX Corps, BNAF [ British North Africa Force ]; General Sir John Tredinnick Crocker (1896-1963), Officer Commanding [ Tunisia Campaign ]
Publication details: 
On folder: 'Field B.N.A.F. [ British North Africa Force ] 29th May, 1943.' Campbell's 'General History' dated from 'FIELD, | 18 May 43.'

Twenty-seven items in paper folder with printed (not duplicated) cover: '"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle" | General History of Ninth Corps | Field B.N.A.F. 29th May, 1943.' The collection is in fair condition, with rust staples from paper clips and other signs of age and wear. The presence of matter including the manuscript originals of maps makes it clear that the collection derives from Campbell himself. The following description divided into six items. ONE: Duplicated typescript: 'GENERAL HISTORY OF 9 CORPS'. 10pp., 8vo. Anonymous.

[ 6 Armoured Divison and 9 Corps of the British Army, Tunisian Campaign, North Africa, 1943. ] Two duplicated documents, the first marked 'SECRET' and titled '6 Armd Div. | Log of R/T Messages on Rear Link and Sitreps to 9 Corps 9-12 Apr 43.'

[ 6 Armoured Divison and 9 Corps of the British Army, Tunisian Campaign, North Africa, 1943 ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but relating to the 6 Armoured Divison and 9 Corps of the British Army, North Africa, 9-12 and 22-27 April 1943.

22pp., 8vo. Each page on a separate leaf. The first document is 9pp. long and the second of 13pp. Both documents with the leaves pinned together. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with strip of paper at the head of the first page of the second document torn away, with all of title except for words '<...> and Sitreps t<...>'. Loosely inserted in buff card folder. The bread and butter of military history: a straight transcription of the messages. The first entry in the first document is typical: '9 Apr 43. | 0730 hrs : To 9 Corps | 0.361 Sitrep 0700 hrs. 26 Armd Bde.

[ British North Africa Force, Tunisia Campaign, 1943. ] Corrected draft of typescript: 'A Summary of Events and Movements of our own Tps during the Kournine Battle, 22-30 April 43', with seven original manuscript tracings of battlefield positions

[ British North Africa Force [ BNAF ], Tunisia Campaign; Battle of Kournine, 1943; Second World War ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ British North Africa Force, Tunisia and Algeria, 1943. ]

ONE: Corrected draft of typescript: 'A Summary of Events and Movements of our own Tps during the Kournine Battle, 22-30 April 43'. 9pp., 8vo. On nine leaves attached in one corner to remains of buff card folder, with 'KOURNINE BATTLE' in orange pencil on front cover. Original top copy typescript, with a few pencil emendations. The summary is divided into 24 sections, beginning with 'Regrouping of 9 Corps' and 'Special Preliminary Tasks'. The first page is a table of contents, listing the seven maps in item two as Traces A to G.

[ Keith Douglas Young, United States intelligence officer. ] Three Typed Letters Signed (all 'Keith') to military historian Barrie Pitt, discussing topics including his military career, assassination attempts on his life, military intelligence.

Keith Douglas Young (b.1916), Australian-born United States intelligence officer, with the 15th Air Force, author of memoir 'Born to Adventure' (1945) [ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian ]
Publication details: 
All three on his letterhead, Coronado, California. The first two dating from 1977, and the last from 1989.

Three long letters, closely typed. Each 3pp., 4to. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Topics include: his military career; unreliability of field intelligence; the impossibility of 'training future POWs'; his career at the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs. ONE: 20 September 1977. On the subject of 'intelligence garnered in the field.

[ Henry Chappell ] Autograph Note Signed "H Chappell" WITH Typed Poem Signed, entitled "Prisoners of War".

Henry Chappell, the "Bath Railway Poet".
Publication details: 
Both items dated 16 March 1917, from 4 Magdalen Road, Wellsway, Bath.

One page each, note and poem, creased, chipped, small closed tears, texts clear and complete. Letter: "Many thanks for your favour of the 12th inst. I have pleasure in enclosing the lines I undertook to send you & hope you will like them. If you will kindly let me know approximate date of sale I will try to get them published with an explanatory note as to their object." Typed poem, 4 verses, commencing "O, let us not, while many voices plead, | And nearer claims confront us day by day [...]". Apparently unpublished.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, North African, Second World War. ] Duplicated typescript: 'C.S.O. 9 Corps | Signal Report on the Tunisian Campaign, 1943.' With coloured maps and diagrams.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North Africa, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
[ Tunisian Campaign, 1943. ]

29pp., 8vo. On white and pink paper. Followed by three fold-out plates and two diagrams, all in colour ('Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Wireless Communications | H.Q. 9 Corps - Apr/May 1943 | Standard Layout', 'Wireless Communications | Corps H.Q. | Suggested requirements'). Stapled, with grey front cover bearing title. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the last few plates detached.

[ Royal Armoured Corps, British Army, North African Campaign, Second World War. ] Duplicated document: 'R.A.C. North Africa | Information Bulletin | No. 6'.

[ Royal Armoured Corps, British Army, North African Campaign, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
'MOST SECRET'. Without date or place. [ British Army, North Africa, circa 1942. ]

15pp., folio. Stapled into pink printed wraps. Title on front cover, with 'MOST SECRET'. Copy number 53 in blue pencil. In fair condition, on browned high-acidity paper. Front cover coming away from rusted staples. At head of first page: 'NOTE: SECURITY | Attention is drawn to the fact that this document is graded "MOST SECRET". It will not be distributed below Lieutenant Colonels' commands.' Contents page divides the document into two parts: 'Equipment' and 'Organisation'.

[ British Army in Algeria, 1943. ] Duplicated document, describing forthcoming 'Div Lo's Exercise "Juggins" | 10 Nov 43'.

Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army [ Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War North Africa Campaign ] [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
Dated 10 November 1943.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Under the headings: 'Object'; 'D.S.'; 'Narrative'; 'Episode I'; 'Episode II'; 'Episode III'; 'Maps'; 'Organisation' and 'Transport'. The exercise is to be undertaken by Captains 'V. S. Duncan-Jones, D. V. Bendall and D. Laidlaw. The object is 'To exercise Div LOs in route finding and locating HQs by night, and in message carrying.' The three episodes are described (the last beginning: 'You will take up posn on high ground G.5222.

[ Val Gielgud and Nicholas Vane. ] Unpublished Typescript 'Death Comes to the Hibiscus. A New Play by Val Gielgud and Nicholas Vane'.

Val Gielgud (1900-1981), actor, director and author; and 'Nicholas Vane' [ Francis Durbridge (1912-1998), playwright and author ] [ BBC Radio; British Broadcasting Corporation ]
Publication details: 
'Val Gielgud | Broadcasting House [ BBC ], London, W.1.' and 'Nicholas Vane | (Francis Durbridge) | c/o Christopher Mann Ltd, 45, Fountain House, Park Lane, London, W.1.' Undated [ circa 1941 ].

149pp., 4to. Carbon copy. On rectos of leaves only, and bound in a buff card folder with metal clasps. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. The play centres around 'the "Hibiscus" night-club, one of those London resorts which are alike the despair of Social Reformers and the delight of the Forces when on Leave. It is situated somewhere between Berkeley Square and Dover Street.' The typescript is clearly an actual play and not a radio play, but there is no record of it having been performed on stage.

[ W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre manager and historian. ] Typescript of an unpublished account of the work of British millers and bakers during the war: 'No Medals for This (The Story of Bread in the Blitz)'. With two related Typed Letters Signed

W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [ Sydney Walton, publicist ]
Publication details: 
[ London, 1941. ]

148pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon into grey card wraps with typed label on cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged binding. Pencil note on title page states '40000 words'. An interesting piece of social history during wartime. In a foreword Macqueen-Pope thanks a number of individuals for their assistance, adding that 'the leading characters in this real life story must perforce remain anonymous'.

[ Unity Theatre, London, 1944. ] Unpublished typescript of the first Soviet thriller performed in London, under the title 'Comrade Detective': '"Face to Face" | A Soviet Thriller | by | Bros. Tour and L. Sheynin | Translated by Herbert Marshall'.

Herbert Marshall [ Herbert P. J. Marshall ] (1906-91), English Russophile author, filmmaker, theatre designer and husband of Fredda Brilliant (1903-99) [ Bros. Tour and L. Sheynin [ Herbert Marshall ]
Publication details: 
'All enquiries to: | HERBERT MARSHALL | 5, Kensington Palace Gardens, | W.8. | Tel. BAYswater 3214.' [ London, 1944. ]

114pp., 4to. Typescript by May Hemery Ltd in black and red ink, with pages on rectos only. In black card covers, with label on front. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear, in worn covers. See Steve Nicholson, 'British theatre and the Red Peril: the Portrayal of Communism 1917-1945': 'Originally called 'Face to Face', 'Comrade Detective' was translated, designed and produced by Herbert Marshall on the suggestion of the wife of the Soviet Ambassador.

[ Sir A. D. Campbell, Chief Engineer, 9 Corps. ] Copy of 'SECRET' report titled 'C.E.'s Notes on 9 Corps Operations in TUNISIA April-May 1943'. With maps.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, 9 Corps [ British First Army, Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War; North Africa ]
Publication details: 
'COPY No. 8'. 'FIELD. | 18 May 43'. [ 1943 ]

[2] + 28pp., 8vo. In buff card folder. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear, and slight rust staining from the metal tips of the ties used to attach the pages to the covers. Both the folder and title-page number the copy '8' in blue pencil. With five fold-out maps, the first three picked out in colours, titled: 'Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Trace showing principal German Minefields Bou Arada - Medjez el Bab - Tunis' and 'Trace showing typical German Minefield encountered'.

[ Major General Douglas Wimberley. ] Author's copy, with bookplate and autograph additions, of typed volume: '"Scottish Soldier". An Autobiography by Douglas Wimberley. (A private account for my wife and family) Volume II Part IV - World War II'.

Douglas Wimberley [ Major-General Douglas Neil Wimberley (1896-1983), commander of the 51st (Highland) Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in the Second World War; North African Campaign]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1974.

[3] + 280pp., 8vo, on the rectos only of the leaves. Bookplate of Douglas Neil Wimberley on flyleaf. Around half a dozen additional duplicated maps inserted. With copious autograph additions on upwards of 70pp. of the blank reverses of the leaves, several taking up the whole page, and a number initialled 'DW'. Internally in good condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn green fake-cloth binding, with 'SCOTTISH SOLDIER | VOLUME II | BY | DOUGLAS WIMBERLEY' in faded gilt on cover.

[ George Jellicoe, 2nd Earl Jellicoe. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'George Jellicoe') to military historian Barrie Pitt, regarding his 'escape from Leros' in the aftermath of the Dodecanese Campaign during the Second World War.

George Patrick John Rushworth Jellicoe (1918-2007), 2nd Earl Jellicoe [ Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian ]
Publication details: 
Both on his letterhead, 30 Gresham Street, London. 21 July and 24 November 1983.

Both items 1p., 4to. Both in good condition, with light signs of age. ONE: 21 July 1983. A previous letter appears to have been lost, and he is 'dictating this in the country'. He begins his account: 'As far as the surrender at Leros is concerned my memory of the early events that evening is rather vague. It is very probable that I worked my way through to Brigade Headquarters with a small party consisting of Sgt. Workman, Cpl. Dryden and L/Cpl. Allen. However it would have been quite impossible to have got there by jeep as the trip involved more or less crossing the German positions.

[ The Battle of Tunisia, 1942-1943. ] Autograph War Diary of Captain V. Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army, covering the entire period of the Tunisia Campaign. With two Autograph Letters Signed to military historian Barrie Pitt.

Captain Vincent Duncan Jones, 6th Armoured Division, British Army [ Tunisia Campaign [ Battle of Tunisia; Run for Tunis ] 1942-1943, in the Second World War North Africa Campaign ] [ Barrie Pitt ]
Publication details: 
War Diary ('Army Form C.2118.') from 14 November 1942 to 31 May 1943. The two letters 22 April and 7 July 1976. The first letter on Jones's letterhead, and from 89 Defoe House, Barbican, EC2 [ London]. The second letter with no place stated.

The present diary is of some significance, presenting a first-hand account by a British officer of the Anglo-American 'Run for Tunis' that followed Operation Torch - the invasion of French North Africa in November 1942. It marks Eisenhower's first campaign following his appointment as Commanding General, European Theater of Operations. Four years before the writing of the two letters present here Jones and Pitt had collaborated in the publication of Jones's book 'Operation Torch' (1972), which Pitt (1918-2006) edited for a series first published by the American firm Bannatine.

[ Major General Douglas Wimberley. ] Signed Duplicated typed volume: '"Scottish Soldier." by Douglas Wimberley. (a private account for my wife and family). Volume VII Final Miscellany Volume.' [including '"Montgomery", a personal Memoir']

Douglas Wimberley [ Major-General Douglas Neil Wimberley (1896-1983), commander of the 51st (Highland) Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in the Second World War ]
Publication details: 
Foreword dated from 'Foxhall, Coupar Angus. [ Scotland ] 1981.'

[5] + 145pp., 8vo. On the rectos only of 149 leaves, perfect bound into buff card covers, with white typed label on front, reading 'SCOTTISH SOLDIER VOL. VII | BY DOUGLAS WIMBERLEY.' In ten sections, lettered A to J, three of them signed 'D W' in red ink (pp.55, 78, 128), with index of names and appendix. Title-page in autograph, otherwise a duplicated typescript, but with autograph notes to pp.21, 46 (subsequently inserted), 61, 62, 63, 75. Sections include '"Montgomery", a personal Memoir', 'Broadcast on the B.B.C.

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