Printed list of order of the procession of Eton scholars to the Bath Road, headed 'AD MONTEM. | JUNE THE 1ST, | 1841.'
Bifolium on laid paper watermarked 'T. EDMONDS | 1841'. Printed in double-column on four paginated pages. Dimensions of leaf roughly 335 x 205 mm. Two footnotes on first page indicate that the item was printed before the event: 'Pipe-Wolferstan will walk instead of Pennington.' and 'Blomfield will walk instead of Bowden, p. 3.' The order of the procession begins with 'Mareschal BLACKER, | Dimsdale Mr. Curzon, mi. | Heywood ma. Heywood mi. | Borrowes Todd | Meyrick Lord Garvagh | Lore Moreton Philips'. Then a list of 'Musicians', beginning with 'Captain | THRING' and alternating 'Polemen' and 'Corporals'. Ends with 'Salt-Bearers', 'Servitors', 'Steward' and a list of those 'ABSENT'. One nineteenth-century source describes the practice as follows: 'the ancient custom of the procession of the scholars ad montem may be thought not undeserving of notice. This procession is made every third year on Whit-Tuesday, to a tumulus near the Bath road, which has acquired the name of Salt-hill, by which also the neighbouring inns have been long known. The chief object of the celebrity is to collect money for salt, as the phrase is, from all persons present, and it is exacted even from passengers travelling the road. The scholars who collect the money are called salt-bearers, and are dressed in rich silk habits'. This was the penultimate Montem, the last occurring in 1844. Ownership signature of R. J. Hayne at head of first page.