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Printed list of order of the procession of Eton scholars to the Bath Road, headed 'AD MONTEM. | JUNE THE 1ST, | 1841.'

Eton College Ad Montem procession, 1841 [Eton Montem; R. J. Hayne]
Publication details: 

Bifolium on laid paper watermarked 'T. EDMONDS | 1841'. Printed in double-column on four paginated pages. Dimensions of leaf roughly 335 x 205 mm. Two footnotes on first page indicate that the item was printed before the event: 'Pipe-Wolferstan will walk instead of Pennington.' and 'Blomfield will walk instead of Bowden, p. 3.' The order of the procession begins with 'Mareschal BLACKER, | Dimsdale Mr. Curzon, mi. | Heywood ma. Heywood mi. | Borrowes Todd | Meyrick Lord Garvagh | Lore Moreton Philips'.

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