Detailed pen drawing captioned 'Hill's Organ at Birmingham'. Signature of Sir Oliver Lodge on reverse.
On a piece of yellow paper, 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Dimensions of image 12.5 x 17.5 cm, neatly enclosed within a border. Good, on aged paper discoloured at extremities of margin. An accurate and detailed drawing of the organ in its setting on the balcony, with ceiling above and the surrounding steps, columns and alcoves. According to Bicknell ('History of the English Organ') this organ, completed in 1838, along the contemporary one in York Minster, 'represent the most ambitious attempts to build a large and powerful organ within the constraints of the insular tradition. The display of front pipes, the largest with a speaking length of 32' and speaking the note CCC (made of zinc), dominates the hall, and dwarfs the slightly half-hearted attempts at a surround of quasi-grecian casework'. On reverse good bold signature of 'Oliver Lodge', docketed 'Christ Church, Greyfriars. 22nd. March 1928'. Also signature of 'James P. Thierens Jan 19th. 1933.'